편집 파일: gypd.pyo
� ��Rac @ s� d Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d g Z i Z e Z x e D] Z d e e e <q� Wd � Z d S( s� gypd output module This module produces gyp input as its output. Output files are given the .gypd extension to avoid overwriting the .gyp files that they are generated from. Internal references to .gyp files (such as those found in "dependencies" sections) are not adjusted to point to .gypd files instead; unlike other paths, which are relative to the .gyp or .gypd file, such paths are relative to the directory from which gyp was run to create the .gypd file. This generator module is intended to be a sample and a debugging aid, hence the "d" for "debug" in .gypd. It is useful to inspect the results of the various merges, expansions, and conditional evaluations performed by gyp and to see a representation of what would be fed to a generator module. It's not advisable to rename .gypd files produced by this module to .gyp, because they will have all merges, expansions, and evaluations already performed and the relevant constructs not present in the output; paths to dependencies may be wrong; and various sections that do not belong in .gyp files such as such as "included_files" and "*_excluded" will be present. Output will also be stripped of comments. This is not intended to be a general-purpose gyp pretty-printer; for that, you probably just want to run "pprint.pprint(eval(open('source.gyp').read()))", which will still strip comments but won't do all of the other things done to this module's output. The specific formatting of the output generated by this module is subject to change. i����Nt CONFIGURATION_NAMEt EXECUTABLE_PREFIXt EXECUTABLE_SUFFIXt INTERMEDIATE_DIRt LIB_DIRt PRODUCT_DIRt RULE_INPUT_ROOTt RULE_INPUT_DIRNAMEt RULE_INPUT_EXTt RULE_INPUT_NAMEt RULE_INPUT_PATHt SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIRt SHARED_LIB_DIRt SHARED_LIB_PREFIXt SHARED_LIB_SUFFIXt STATIC_LIB_PREFIXt STATIC_LIB_SUFFIXs <(%s)c C s� i } x{ | D]s } t j j | � d d !\ } } | d d k rH q n | d } | | d j d } | | k r | | | <q q WxG | j � D]9 \ } } t | d � } t j | | | � | j � q� Wd S( Ni i i����s .gypt optionss .gypdt w( t gypt commont ParseQualifiedTargett suffixt itemst opent pprintt close( t target_listt target_dictst datat paramst output_filest qualified_targett input_filet targett input_file_stemt output_filet output( ( sp /opt/alt/alt-nodejs8/root/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules.bundled/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/generator/gypd.pyt GenerateOutputM s ( t __doc__t gyp.commonR t errnot osR t _generator_identity_variablest generator_default_variablest Truet$ generator_supports_multiple_toolsetst vR&