편집 파일: CreateTagTests.php
<?php class CreateTagTests extends AbstractUnitTests { /** * @covers XML_Util::createTag() */ public function testCreateTagForTagWithAttributes() { $originalTag = "myNs:myTag"; $originalAttributes = array("foo" => "bar"); $expected = "<myNs:myTag foo=\"bar\" />"; $this->assertEquals($expected, XML_Util::createTag($originalTag, $originalAttributes)); } /** * @covers XML_Util::createTag() */ public function testCreateTagForTagWithAttributesAndContent() { $originalTag = "myNs:myTag"; $originalAttributes = array("foo" => "bar"); $originalContent = "This is inside the tag"; $expected = "<myNs:myTag foo=\"bar\">This is inside the tag</myNs:myTag>"; $this->assertEquals($expected, XML_Util::createTag($originalTag, $originalAttributes, $originalContent)); } /** * @covers XML_Util::createTag() */ public function testCreateTagForTagWithAttributesAndContentAndNamespace() { $originalTag = "myNs:myTag"; $originalAttributes = array("foo" => "bar"); $originalContent = "This is inside the tag"; $originalNamespace = "http://www.w3c.org/myNs#"; $expected = "<myNs:myTag foo=\"bar\" xmlns:myNs=\"http://www.w3c.org/myNs#\">This is inside the tag</myNs:myTag>"; $this->assertEquals($expected, XML_Util::createTag($originalTag, $originalAttributes, $originalContent, $originalNamespace)); } /** * @covers XML_Util::createTag() */ public function testCreateTagForTagWithAttributesAndContentAndNamespaceWithCDataSection() { $originalTag = "myNs:myTag"; $originalAttributes = array("foo" => "bar"); $originalContent = "This is inside the tag and has < & @ > in it"; $originalNamespace = "http://www.w3c.org/myNs#"; $expected = "<myNs:myTag foo=\"bar\" xmlns:myNs=\"http://www.w3c.org/myNs#\"><![CDATA[This is inside the tag and has < & @ > in it]]></myNs:myTag>"; $this->assertEquals($expected, XML_Util::createTag($originalTag, $originalAttributes, $originalContent, $originalNamespace, XML_UTIL_CDATA_SECTION)); } /** * @covers XML_Util::createTag() */ public function testCreateTagForTagWithAttributesAndContentAndNamespaceWithReplaceEntities() { $originalTag = "myNs:myTag"; $originalAttributes = array("foo" => "bar"); $originalContent = "This is inside the tag and has < & @ > in it"; $originalNamespace = "http://www.w3c.org/myNs#"; $expected = "<myNs:myTag foo=\"bar\" xmlns:myNs=\"http://www.w3c.org/myNs#\">This is inside the tag and has < & @ > in it</myNs:myTag>"; $this->assertEquals($expected, XML_Util::createTag($originalTag, $originalAttributes, $originalContent, $originalNamespace, XML_UTIL_REPLACE_ENTITIES)); } /** * @covers XML_Util::createTag() */ public function testCreateTagForTagWithAttributesAndContentAndNamespaceWithReplaceEntitiesAndMultilineFalse() { $originalTag = "myNs:myTag"; $originalAttributes = array("foo" => "bar"); $originalContent = "This is inside the tag and has < & @ > in it"; $originalNamespace = "http://www.w3c.org/myNs#"; $multiline = false; $expected = "<myNs:myTag foo=\"bar\" xmlns:myNs=\"http://www.w3c.org/myNs#\">This is inside the tag and has < & @ > in it</myNs:myTag>"; $this->assertEquals($expected, XML_Util::createTag($originalTag, $originalAttributes, $originalContent, $originalNamespace, XML_UTIL_REPLACE_ENTITIES, $multiline)); } /** * @covers XML_Util::createTag() */ public function testCreateTagForTagWithAttributesAndContentAndNamespaceWithReplaceEntitiesAndMultilineTrue() { $originalTag = "myNs:myTag"; $originalAttributes = array("foo" => "bar"); $originalContent = "This is inside the tag and has < & @ > in it"; $originalNamespace = "http://www.w3c.org/myNs#"; $multiline = true; $expected = <<< EOF <myNs:myTag foo="bar" xmlns:myNs="http://www.w3c.org/myNs#">This is inside the tag and has < & @ > in it</myNs:myTag> EOF; $this->assertEquals($expected, XML_Util::createTag($originalTag, $originalAttributes, $originalContent, $originalNamespace, XML_UTIL_REPLACE_ENTITIES, $multiline)); } /** * @covers XML_Util::createTag() */ public function testCreateTagForTagWithAttributesAndContentAndNamespaceWithReplaceEntitiesAndMultilineTrueAndIndent() { $originalTag = "myNs:myTag"; $originalAttributes = array("foo" => "bar"); $originalContent = "This is inside the tag and has < & @ > in it"; $originalNamespace = "http://www.w3c.org/myNs#"; $multiline = true; $indent = " "; $expected = <<< EOF <myNs:myTag foo="bar" xmlns:myNs="http://www.w3c.org/myNs#">This is inside the tag and has < & @ > in it</myNs:myTag> EOF; $this->assertEquals($expected, XML_Util::createTag($originalTag, $originalAttributes, $originalContent, $originalNamespace, XML_UTIL_REPLACE_ENTITIES, $multiline, $indent)); } /** * @covers XML_Util::createTag() */ public function testCreateTagForTagWithAttributesAndContentAndNamespaceWithReplaceEntitiesAndMultilineTrueAndIndentAndLinebreak() { $originalTag = "myNs:myTag"; $originalAttributes = array("foo" => "bar"); $originalContent = "This is inside the tag and has < & @ > in it"; $originalNamespace = "http://www.w3c.org/myNs#"; $multiline = true; $indent = " "; $linebreak = "^"; $expected = "<myNs:myTag foo=\"bar\"^ xmlns:myNs=\"http://www.w3c.org/myNs#\">This is inside the tag and has < & @ > in it</myNs:myTag>"; $this->assertEquals($expected, XML_Util::createTag($originalTag, $originalAttributes, $originalContent, $originalNamespace, XML_UTIL_REPLACE_ENTITIES, $multiline, $indent, $linebreak)); } /** * @covers XML_Util::createTag() */ public function testCreateTagForTagWithAttributesAndContentAndNamespaceWithReplaceEntitiesAndMultilineTrueAndIndentAndLinebreakAndSortAttributesTrue() { $originalTag = "myNs:myTag"; $originalAttributes = array("foo" => "bar", "boo" => "baz"); $originalContent = "This is inside the tag and has < & @ > in it"; $originalNamespace = "http://www.w3c.org/myNs#"; $multiline = true; $indent = " "; $linebreak = "^"; $sortAttributes = true; $expected = "<myNs:myTag boo=\"baz\"^ foo=\"bar\"^ xmlns:myNs=\"http://www.w3c.org/myNs#\">This is inside the tag and has < & @ > in it</myNs:myTag>"; $this->assertEquals($expected, XML_Util::createTag($originalTag, $originalAttributes, $originalContent, $originalNamespace, XML_UTIL_REPLACE_ENTITIES, $multiline, $indent, $linebreak, $sortAttributes)); } /** * @covers XML_Util::createTag() */ public function testCreateTagForTagWithAttributesAndContentAndNamespaceWithReplaceEntitiesAndMultilineTrueAndIndentAndLinebreakAndSortAttributesFalse() { $originalTag = "myNs:myTag"; $originalAttributes = array("foo" => "bar", "boo" => "baz"); $originalContent = "This is inside the tag and has < & @ > in it"; $originalNamespace = "http://www.w3c.org/myNs#"; $multiline = true; $indent = " "; $linebreak = "^"; $sortAttributes = false; $expected = "<myNs:myTag foo=\"bar\"^ boo=\"baz\"^ xmlns:myNs=\"http://www.w3c.org/myNs#\">This is inside the tag and has < & @ > in it</myNs:myTag>"; $this->assertEquals($expected, XML_Util::createTag($originalTag, $originalAttributes, $originalContent, $originalNamespace, XML_UTIL_REPLACE_ENTITIES, $multiline, $indent, $linebreak, $sortAttributes)); } }