편집 파일: columns.cpython-312.pyc
� G��e� � �@ � d dl mZ d dlmZ d dlmZ d dlmZmZm Z m Z mZ ddlm Z mZ ddlmZmZmZmZ ddlmZ dd lmZ dd lmZmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ dd lm Z G d� de � Z!e"dk( r�d dl#Z# e� Z e$ e% e#jL � � � D � �cg c] \ } }| � d|� ��� c}} Z' e!e'ddd�� Z(ejS e(� ejU � de(_+ ejS e(� de(_, ejU � ejS e(� yyc c}} w )� )�defaultdict)�chain)� itemgetter)�Dict�Iterable�List�Optional�Tuple� )�Align�AlignMethod)�Console�ConsoleOptions�RenderableType�RenderResult)� Constrain)�Measurement)�Padding�PaddingDimensions)�Table)�TextType)�JupyterMixinc � � e Zd ZdZ ddddddddd�deee dedee de d e d e de dee d ee ddfd�Zdeddfd�Z dededefd�Zy)�Columnsa� Display renderables in neat columns. Args: renderables (Iterable[RenderableType]): Any number of Rich renderables (including str). width (int, optional): The desired width of the columns, or None to auto detect. Defaults to None. padding (PaddingDimensions, optional): Optional padding around cells. Defaults to (0, 1). expand (bool, optional): Expand columns to full width. Defaults to False. equal (bool, optional): Arrange in to equal sized columns. Defaults to False. column_first (bool, optional): Align items from top to bottom (rather than left to right). Defaults to False. right_to_left (bool, optional): Start column from right hand side. Defaults to False. align (str, optional): Align value ("left", "right", or "center") or None for default. Defaults to None. title (TextType, optional): Optional title for Columns. NF)�width�expand�equal�column_first� right_to_left�align�title�renderables�paddingr r r r r r r! �returnc � � t |xs g � | _ || _ || _ || _ || _ || _ || _ || _ | | _ y )N) �listr"