편집 파일: error_reporting.cpython-312.pyc
� t��e, � � � d dl Z d dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlmZ d dlmZm Z d dl mZmZm Z mZmZmZmZmZ ddlmZ ej* e� Zddd d d�ZdZh d �Z ej6 d� Z ej6 dej: � Zddddd�Z G d� de� Z ed� � Z! G d� d� Z" G d� d� Z#de$dee$ fd�Z%y)� N)�contextmanager)�indent�wrap)�Any�Dict�Iterator�List�Optional�Sequence�Union�cast� )�JsonSchemaValueExceptionzkeys must be named byzat least one item that matches� z"only items matching the definition)z(must be named by propertyName definitionzone of contains definitionz same as const definition:zonly specified items)zmust not be emptyzis always invalidzmust not be there> �not�anyOf�items�oneOf�contains� propertyNamesz\W+|([A-Z][^A-Z\W]*)z^[\w_]+$�table�key�keys)�object�property� properties�property namesc �2 � e Zd ZdZdZdZdZedefd�� Z y)�ValidationErrora� Report violations of a given JSON schema. This class extends :exc:`~fastjsonschema.JsonSchemaValueException` by adding the following properties: - ``summary``: an improved version of the ``JsonSchemaValueException`` error message with only the necessary information) - ``details``: more contextual information about the error like the failing schema itself and the value that violates the schema. Depending on the level of the verbosity of the ``logging`` configuration the exception message will be only ``summary`` (default) or a combination of ``summary`` and ``details`` (when the logging level is set to :obj:`logging.DEBUG`). r �exc � � t |� } | t |� |j |j |j |j � }t j dd� j � }|dk7 r#|j |j c|_ |_ |j |_ |j |_ |j |_ |S )N� JSONSCHEMA_DEBUG_CODE_GENERATION�false)�_ErrorFormatting�str�value�name� definition�rule�os�getenv�lower� __cause__� __traceback__�message�_original_message�summary�details)�clsr � formatter�obj� debug_codes ��/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/alt-python312-setuptools-69.0.2-1.el8.x86_64/opt/alt/python312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/error_reporting.py�_from_jsonschemaz ValidationError._from_jsonschema= s� � �$�R�(� ��#�i�.�"�(�(�I�N�N�B�M�M�2�7�7�S���Y�Y�A�7�K�Q�Q�S� ��� �/1�|�|�R�=M�=M�,�C�M�3�,� "� � ����'�'����'�'���� � N) �__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__r1 r2 r0 �classmethodr r8 � r9 r7 r r ( s3 � �� �G��G���� �":� � � r9 r c # �d K � d �� y # t $ r} t j | � d �d } ~ ww xY w�w�N)r r r8 )r s r7 �detailed_errorsrB J s0 � �� �=� ��#� =��.�.�r�2��<��=�s �0� �0� -�(�-�0c �h � e Zd Zdefd�Zdefd�Zedefd�� Zedefd�� Z d� Z d� Zdefd �Zy )r$ r c �� � || _ d| j |j � � d�| _ | j j j |j | j � | _ d| _ d| _ y )N�`r )r �_simplify_namer'