편집 파일: cmdline_parser.cpython-37.pyc
B � d� � @ sP d Z ddlZddlZddlmZ dd�dd�Zdd�dd �Zdd d�dd �ZdS )zl This module contains an argparse command line parser for cloudlinux-ssa-manager and cloudlinux-autotracing � N)�is_cl_solo_editionzargparse.ArgumentParser)�returnc C s: t jddd�} | jdddd�}|jdd t jd �}tdd�s�|jdd dd� |jdddd� |jdddd� |jdddd� |jdddd� |jdddd� |jdd d!d� |jd"d#d$d� |jd%d&d'd� |jd(d)t jd � |jd*d+t jd � |jd,d-t jd � |jd.d/t jd � |jd0d1t jd � |jd2d3t jd � | S )4zh Command line parser for SSA manager utility using built-in argparse module :return: parser zcloudlinux-ssa-managerzUtility to manage SSA)�prog�description�Commands�commandT)�title�dest�requiredz set-configzSet SSA configuration)�helpZargument_default)Zskip_jwt_checkz--domains-numberZDOMAINS_NUMBERz!Size of TOP list for slow domains)Zmetavarr z--request-numberZREQUEST_NUMBERz[The threshold value of slow requests number in the period of time to mark URL as a slow onez--timeZTIMEz:Period of time in hours required to analyze these requestsz --correlationZCORRELATIONz%Flag to enable or disable correlationz--correlation-coefficientZCORRELATION_COEFFICIENTz.The threshold value of correlation coefficientz --urls-numberZURLS_NUMBERzSize of TOP list for slow urlsz--requests-durationZREQUESTS_DURATIONz2The threshold value of request duration in secondsz --ignore-listZIGNORE_LISTzGList of URLs or domains that should not be included in the daily reportz--summary-notification-enabledZSUMMARY_NOTIFICATIONz.Turn on|off sending the daily report by e-mailz get-configzGet SSA configurationzget-ssa-statuszGet current status of SSAz enable-ssaz Enable SSAzdisable-ssazDisable SSAz get-reportzGet the latest reportzget-statzGet the SSA statistics)�argparse�ArgumentParser�add_subparsers� add_parserZSUPPRESSr �add_argument)�parser� subparsersZset_config_parser� r �M/opt/alt/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ssa/cli_utils/cmdline_parser.py�cmd_parser_manager sN r c C s� t jddd�} | jdddd�}|jdd d �}|jddd dd� |jddddd� |jddd �}|jddd dd� |jddddd� |jddd �}|jddd dd� |jddddd� | S )z` Command line parser for Autotracing using built-in argparse module :return: parser zcloudlinux-autotracingzUtility to manage Auto Tracing)r r r r T)r r r ZenablezEnable Auto Tracing feature)r z--allZ store_trueFzenable for all users)Zaction�defaultr �user�?Nzenable for a particular user)Znargsr r ZdisablezDisable Auto Tracing featurezdisable for all userszdisable for a particular userZstatusz"Get status of Auto Tracing featurez--list-disabledzlist disabled userszstatus of a particular user)r r r r r )r r Ze_parserZd_parserZs_parserr r r �cmd_parser_autotracing_utilB s. r zargparse.Namespace)r r c C sL y| � � }|S tk rF } ztjddt|�id� � W dd}~X Y nX dS )z} Parse arguments with given parser :param parser: an instance of ArgumentParser :return: arguments Namespace zInvalid utility invocation�err)ZextraN)Z parse_args� SystemExit�logging�error�str)r �args�er r r �parse_cmd_argumentsd s r! )�__doc__r r Zclcommon.lib.cleditionr r r r! r r r r �<module> s 0#