편집 파일: common.cpython-37.pyc
B � d_ � @ s: d Z ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ G dd� d�ZdS ) zn This module contains a base class including methods, common for SSA Request Processor and SSA Decision Maker � )�Tuple)�date� )�load_configurationc @ sf e Zd ZdZdd� Zdd� Zeed�dd��Zee d�d d ��Z eed�dd �Z eed�dd��ZdS )�Commonz Base SSA module class c C s | � � | _d S )N)� load_conf�config)�self� r �C/opt/alt/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ssa/modules/common.py�__init__ s zCommon.__init__c C s t | d�}|�|d�S )a All undefined attributes, e.g. - domains_number - urls_number - correlation_coefficient - correlation - request_number - time are queried in config. Others would be empty r � )�getattr�get)r �itemZconfr r r �__getattr__ s zCommon.__getattr__)�returnc C s ddhS )N�domain_total_reqs�is_a_wordpress_domainr )r r r r �non_url_fields) s zCommon.non_url_fieldsc C s | j �d�}dd� |D �S )z/ Render configured ignore list �,c S s g | ]}|� � r|� � �qS r )�strip)�.0�ir r r � <listcomp>3 s z-Common.configured_ignores.<locals>.<listcomp>)Zignore_list�split)r �elementsr r r �configured_ignores- s zCommon.configured_ignores)�_urlr c s � fdd�| j D �}t|�S )z8 Check if given URL matches ignore list c 3 s | ]}|� kV qd S )Nr )r Zign)r r r � <genexpr>9 s z$Common.is_ignored.<locals>.<genexpr>)r �any)r r Z gen_checkr )r r � is_ignored5 s zCommon.is_ignoredc C s t � S )z$ Load configuration )r r r r r r <