편집 파일: thread.cpython-37.opt-1.pyc
B � fA � @ s� d Z dZddlZddlmZ ddlZddlZddlZddlZddl Z e� � Zdadd� Z e�e � G dd � d e�Zd d� ZG dd � d ej�ZG dd� dej�ZdS )zImplements ThreadPoolExecutor.z"Brian Quinlan (brian@sweetapp.com)� N)�_baseFc C sJ da tt�� �} x| D ]\}}|�d � qW x| D ]\}}|�� q2W d S )NT)� _shutdown�list�_threads_queues�items�put�join)r �t�q� r �>/opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/concurrent/futures/thread.py�_python_exit! s r c @ s e Zd Zdd� Zdd� ZdS )� _WorkItemc C s || _ || _|| _|| _d S )N)�future�fn�args�kwargs)�selfr r r r r r r �__init__. s z_WorkItem.__init__c C sf | j �� sd S y| j| j| j�}W n2 tk rT } z| j �|� d } W d d }~X Y nX | j �|� d S )N)r Zset_running_or_notify_cancelr r r � BaseException� set_exceptionZ set_result)r �result�excr r r �run4 s z _WorkItem.runN)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__r r r r r r r - s r c C s� |d k rPy||� W n: t k rN tjjddd� | � }|d k rJ|�� d S X y`xZ|jdd�}|d k rt|�� ~qT| � }ts�|d ks�|jr�|d k r�d|_|�d � d S ~qTW W n$ t k r� tjjddd� Y nX d S )NzException in initializer:T)�exc_info)�blockzException in worker) r r ZLOGGERZcritical�_initializer_failed�getr r r )Zexecutor_referenceZ work_queue�initializer�initargsZexecutor� work_itemr r r �_workerB s2 r$ c @ s e Zd ZdZdS )�BrokenThreadPoolzR Raised when a worker thread in a ThreadPoolExecutor failed initializing. N)r r r �__doc__r r r r r% f s r% c @ sZ e Zd Ze�� jZddd�Zdd� Ze j jje_dd � Zd d� Z dd d�Ze j jje_dS )�ThreadPoolExecutorN� r c C s� |dkrt �� pdd }|dkr(td��|dk r@t|�s@td��|| _t�� | _t � | _ d| _d| _t �� | _|p|d| �� | _|| _|| _dS ) a� Initializes a new ThreadPoolExecutor instance. Args: max_workers: The maximum number of threads that can be used to execute the given calls. thread_name_prefix: An optional name prefix to give our threads. initializer: A callable used to initialize worker threads. initargs: A tuple of arguments to pass to the initializer. N� � r z"max_workers must be greater than 0zinitializer must be a callableFzThreadPoolExecutor-%d)�os� cpu_count� ValueError�callable� TypeError�_max_workers�queueZSimpleQueue�_work_queue�set�_threads�_brokenr � threadingZLock�_shutdown_lock�_counter�_thread_name_prefix�_initializer� _initargs)r Zmax_workersZthread_name_prefixr! r"