편집 파일: __init__.cpython-311.pyc
� �܋f� � �6 � d Z ddlZddlZddlmZ ddlmZ ej e� � Ze� ej � � � � dZ ed� e� d� � D � � � � Zej ej d�Zd Zdefd edee ded dfd�ZdS )z�Top-level module for Flake8. This module - initializes logging for the command-line tool - tracks the version of the package - provides a way to configure logging for the command-line tool .. autofunction:: flake8.configure_logging � N)�Optional)�Typez5.0.4c # �\ K � | ]'}|� � � �t |� � V � �(d S )N)�isdigit�int)�.0�is �`/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.6/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/flake8/__init__.py� <genexpr>r s5 � � � �O�O�A�1�9�9�;�;�O��Q���O�O�O�O�O�O� �.)� � zO%(name)-25s %(processName)-11s %(relativeCreated)6d %(levelname)-8s %(message)s� verbosity�filename� logformat�returnc �� � | dk rdS t | t t � � � � } t | }|r|dv r$t t |pd� � }t j }n|}t j } ||� � }|� t j |� � � � t � |� � t � |� � t � d|t � � dS )aI Configure logging for flake8. :param verbosity: How verbose to be in logging information. :param filename: Name of the file to append log information to. If ``None`` this will log to ``sys.stderr``. If the name is "stdout" or "stderr" this will log to the appropriate stream. r N)�stderr�stdoutr z/Added a %s logging handler to logger root at %s)�min�max�_VERBOSITY_TO_LOG_LEVEL�getattr�sys�logging� StreamHandler�FileHandler�setFormatter� Formatter�LOG� addHandler�setLevel�debug�__name__)r r r � log_level�fileobj�handler_cls�handlers r �configure_loggingr* $ s� � � �A�~�~����I�s�#:�;�;�<�<�I�'� �2�I�� *�x�#7�7�7��#�x�3�8�4�4��-4�-B������)���k�'�"�"�G�����*�9�5�5�6�6�6��N�N�7�����L�L������I�I�9�8�X�� � � � r )�__doc__r r �typingr r � getLoggerr% r! r"