편집 파일: _extended_precision.py
"""A module with platform-specific extended precision `numpy.number` subclasses. The subclasses are defined here (instead of ``__init__.pyi``) such that they can be imported conditionally via the numpy's mypy plugin. """ import numpy as np from . import ( _80Bit, _96Bit, _128Bit, _256Bit, ) uint128 = np.unsignedinteger[_128Bit] uint256 = np.unsignedinteger[_256Bit] int128 = np.signedinteger[_128Bit] int256 = np.signedinteger[_256Bit] float80 = np.floating[_80Bit] float96 = np.floating[_96Bit] float128 = np.floating[_128Bit] float256 = np.floating[_256Bit] complex160 = np.complexfloating[_80Bit, _80Bit] complex192 = np.complexfloating[_96Bit, _96Bit] complex256 = np.complexfloating[_128Bit, _128Bit] complex512 = np.complexfloating[_256Bit, _256Bit]