편집 파일: api.cpython-311.pyc
� �܋f�T � �� � d dl mZ d dlZd dlmZ d dlmZ d dlmZ d dlmZ d dlmZ d dlm Z d d lm Z d d lmZ d dlmZ d dl mZ d dlmZ d dlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ erZd dlmZ d dlmZ d dlmZ d dlmZ d dlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlm Z ddlm!Z! ddl"m#Z# ddl"m$Z$ ddl"m%Z% ddl&m'Z' dd l(m)Z) dd!l(m*Z* dGd(�Z+dHd*�Z, dIdJd>�Z-dKdB�Z. G dC� dD� � Z/ G dE� dF� � Z0dS )L� )�annotationsN)�Any)�Callable)�Dict)�Iterator)�Optional)�Sequence)�Set)� TYPE_CHECKING)�Union)�inspect� )�compare)�render� )�util)�ops)� Connection)�Dialect)� Inspector)�MetaData)� SchemaItem)�Config)�DowngradeOps)�MigrationScript)� UpgradeOps)�NameFilterParentNames)�NameFilterType)�RenderItemFn��MigrationContext)�Script)�ScriptDirectory�contextr! �metadatar �returnr c �T � t | |� � }|j � � � S )aB Compare a database schema to that given in a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` instance. The database connection is presented in the context of a :class:`.MigrationContext` object, which provides database connectivity as well as optional comparison functions to use for datatypes and server defaults - see the "autogenerate" arguments at :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.configure` for details on these. The return format is a list of "diff" directives, each representing individual differences:: from alembic.migration import MigrationContext from alembic.autogenerate import compare_metadata from sqlalchemy import ( create_engine, MetaData, Column, Integer, String, Table, text, ) import pprint engine = create_engine("sqlite://") with engine.begin() as conn: conn.execute( text( ''' create table foo ( id integer not null primary key, old_data varchar, x integer ) ''' ) ) conn.execute(text("create table bar (data varchar)")) metadata = MetaData() Table( "foo", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("data", Integer), Column("x", Integer, nullable=False), ) Table("bat", metadata, Column("info", String)) mc = MigrationContext.configure(engine.connect()) diff = compare_metadata(mc, metadata) pprint.pprint(diff, indent=2, width=20) Output:: [ ( "add_table", Table( "bat", MetaData(), Column("info", String(), table=<bat>), schema=None, ), ), ( "remove_table", Table( "bar", MetaData(), Column("data", VARCHAR(), table=<bar>), schema=None, ), ), ( "add_column", None, "foo", Column("data", Integer(), table=<foo>), ), [ ( "modify_nullable", None, "foo", "x", { "existing_comment": None, "existing_server_default": False, "existing_type": INTEGER(), }, True, False, ) ], ( "remove_column", None, "foo", Column("old_data", VARCHAR(), table=<foo>), ), ] :param context: a :class:`.MigrationContext` instance. :param metadata: a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` instance. .. seealso:: :func:`.produce_migrations` - produces a :class:`.MigrationScript` structure based on metadata comparison. )�produce_migrations�upgrade_ops�as_diffs)r$ r% �migration_scripts �O/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/alembic/autogenerate/api.py�compare_metadatar- + s* � �r *�'�8�<�<���'�0�0�2�2�2� r c �� � t | |�� � }t j dt j g � � t j g � � �� � }t j ||� � |S )a� Produce a :class:`.MigrationScript` structure based on schema comparison. This function does essentially what :func:`.compare_metadata` does, but then runs the resulting list of diffs to produce the full :class:`.MigrationScript` object. For an example of what this looks like, see the example in :ref:`customizing_revision`. .. seealso:: :func:`.compare_metadata` - returns more fundamental "diff" data from comparing a schema. )r% N��rev_idr) � downgrade_ops)�AutogenContextr r r r r �_populate_migration_script)r$ r% �autogen_contextr+ s r, r( r( � sh � �$ %�W�x�@�@�@�O��*���N�2�&�&��&�r�*�*�� � �� �&��8H�I�I�I��r. �sa.�op.F� � up_or_down_op�Union[UpgradeOps, DowngradeOps]�sqlalchemy_module_prefix�str�alembic_module_prefix�render_as_batch�bool�imports� Sequence[str]�render_item�Optional[RenderItemFn]�migration_context�Optional[MigrationContext]�user_module_prefix� Optional[str]c � � |||||d�}|�%ddl m} ddlm} | j | � � �� � }t ||�� � }t |� � |_ t j t j | |� � � � S ) a* Render Python code given an :class:`.UpgradeOps` or :class:`.DowngradeOps` object. This is a convenience function that can be used to test the autogenerate output of a user-defined :class:`.MigrationScript` structure. :param up_or_down_op: :class:`.UpgradeOps` or :class:`.DowngradeOps` object :param sqlalchemy_module_prefix: module prefix for SQLAlchemy objects :param alembic_module_prefix: module prefix for Alembic constructs :param render_as_batch: use "batch operations" style for rendering :param imports: sequence of import symbols to add :param render_item: callable to render items :param migration_context: optional :class:`.MigrationContext` :param user_module_prefix: optional string prefix for user-defined types .. versionadded:: 1.11.0 )r; r= rB r>