편집 파일: base.cpython-311.pyc
� �܋f� � � � d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddl m Z ddlmZ dd l mZ G d � d� � ZdS )z8The base class and interface for all formatting plugins.� N)�IO)�List)�Optional)�Tuple)�_windows_color)� Statistics)� Violationc � � e Zd ZdZdej ddfd�Zdd�Zdeddfd�Z deddfd �Z dd �Zdd �Zddde e fd�Zdd�Zdeeeef ddfd�Zddde e fd�Zdeddfd�Zde e de e ddfd�Zdd�ZdS )� BaseFormattera" Class defining the formatter interface. .. attribute:: options The options parsed from both configuration files and the command-line. .. attribute:: filename If specified by the user, the path to store the results of the run. .. attribute:: output_fd Initialized when the :meth:`start` is called. This will be a file object opened for writing. .. attribute:: newline The string to add to the end of a line. This is only used when the output filename has been specified. �options�returnNc � � || _ |j | _ d| _ d| _ |j dk p4|j dk o)t j � � � ot j | _ | � � � dS )aM Initialize with the options parsed from config and cli. This also calls a hook, :meth:`after_init`, so subclasses do not need to call super to call this method. :param options: User specified configuration parsed from both configuration files and the command-line interface. N� �always�auto)r �output_file�filename� output_fd�newline�color�sys�stdout�isattyr �terminal_supports_color� after_init)�selfr s �g/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.6/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/flake8/formatting/base.py�__init__zBaseFormatter.__init__% s| � � ����+�� �,0�������]�h�.� ��M�V�#� 7�� �!�!�#�#� 7��6� � � �������� c � � dS )z!Initialize the formatter further.N� �r s r r zBaseFormatter.after_init: � � � � r r c � � dS )z�Notify the formatter that we're starting to process a file. :param filename: The name of the file that Flake8 is beginning to report results from. Nr! �r r s r � beginningzBaseFormatter.beginning= r# r c � � dS )z�Notify the formatter that we've finished processing a file. :param filename: The name of the file that Flake8 has finished reporting results from. Nr! r% s r �finishedzBaseFormatter.finishedE r# r c � � | j rst j � t j � | j � � � � }t j |d�� � t | j d� � | _ dS dS )z}Prepare the formatter to receive input. This defaults to initializing :attr:`output_fd` if :attr:`filename` T)�exist_ok�aN)r �os�path�dirname�abspath�makedirs�openr )r r. s r �startzBaseFormatter.startM sg � � �=� 6��g�o�o�b�g�o�o�d�m�&D�&D�E�E�G��K��$�/�/�/�/�!�$�-��5�5�D�N�N�N� 6� 6r �errorr c � � | � |� � }| � |� � }| � ||� � dS )aD Handle an error reported by Flake8. This defaults to calling :meth:`format`, :meth:`show_source`, and then :meth:`write`. To extend how errors are handled, override this method. :param error: This will be an instance of :class:`~flake8.violation.Violation`. N)�format�show_source�write)r r3 �line�sources r �handlezBaseFormatter.handleW sB � � �{�{�5�!�!���!�!�%�(�(��� � �4�� � � � � r c � � t d� � �)a Format an error reported by Flake8. This method **must** be implemented by subclasses. :param error: This will be an instance of :class:`~flake8.violation.Violation`. :returns: The formatted error string. z3Subclass of BaseFormatter did not implement format.)�NotImplementedError)r r3 s r r5 zBaseFormatter.formatf s � � "�D� � � r � statisticsr c � � |� � � D ]l}|� |� � }t |� � }|j }|t d� |D � � � � z }| � |d�d|� d|j � �� � �mdS )z Format and print the statistics.c 3 �$ K � | ]}|j V � �d S )N)�count)�.0�stats r � <genexpr>z0BaseFormatter.show_statistics.<locals>.<genexpr>{ s$ � � � �E�E����E�E�E�E�E�Er z<5� N)�error_codes�statistics_for�nextr@ �sum�_write�message)r r= � error_code�stats_for_error_code� statisticr@ s r �show_statisticszBaseFormatter.show_statisticsu s� � �$�0�0�2�2� H� H�J�#-�#<�#<�Z�#H�#H� ��1�2�2�I��O�E��S�E�E�0D�E�E�E�E�E�E�E��K�K�5�F�F�F�j�F�F�9�3D�F�F�G�G�G�G� H� Hr � benchmarksc � � dj }dj }|D ]J\ }}t |t � � r |||�� � }n |||�� � }| � |� � �KdS )z Format and print the benchmarks.z{value:<10.3} {statistic}z{value:<10} {statistic})rM �valueN)r5 � isinstance�intrI )r rO �float_format� int_formatrM rQ � benchmarks r �show_benchmarkszBaseFormatter.show_benchmarks~ s� � � 3�9��.�5� � *� #� #��I�u��%��%�%� K�&�J��%�H�H�H� � �(�L�9�E�J�J�J� ��K�K� �"�"�"�"� #� #r c � � | j j r|j �dS d� d� |j d|j dz � D � � � � }|j � |� d�S )a� Show the physical line generating the error. This also adds an indicator for the particular part of the line that is reported as generating the problem. :param error: This will be an instance of :class:`~flake8.violation.Violation`. :returns: The formatted error string if the user wants to show the source. If the user does not want to show the source, this will return ``None``. N� c 3 �F K � | ]}|� � � r|nd V � �dS )rD N)�isspace)rA �cs r rC z,BaseFormatter.show_source.<locals>.<genexpr>� sG � � � � � �� �����%�A�A�#� � � � � � r � �^)r r6 � physical_line�join� column_number)r r3 �indents r r6 zBaseFormatter.show_source� s~ � � �|�'� �5�+>�+F��2� ��� � ��(�)B�5�+>��+B�)B�C� � � � � �� �%�0�v�0�0�0�0r �outputc �" � | j �"| j � || j z � � | j �| j j rRt j j � |� � � | j � � � z � � dS dS )z9Handle logic of whether to use an output file or print().N) r r7 r r �teer r �buffer�encode)r rc s r rI zBaseFormatter._write� s{ � ��>�%��N� � ��$�,�!6�7�7�7��>�!�T�\�%5�!��J��#�#�F�M�M�O�O�d�l�6I�6I�6K�6K�$K�L�L�L�L�L� "�!r r8 r9 c �f � |r| � |� � |r| � |� � dS dS )a� Write the line either to the output file or stdout. This handles deciding whether to write to a file or print to standard out for subclasses. Override this if you want behaviour that differs from the default. :param line: The formatted string to print or write. :param source: The source code that has been formatted and associated with the line of output. N)rI )r r8 r9 s r r7 zBaseFormatter.write� sH � � � ��K�K������ ��K�K������� � r c �X � | j �"| j � � � d| _ dS dS )z%Clean up after reporting is finished.N)r �closer"