편집 파일: scope.cpython-311.pyc
� �܋f � �@ � d dl mZ d dlmZmZmZmZ ddlmZ ddl m Z ddlmZ ddl mZ ddlmZmZ erdd lmZ d ddd d d �dddee dededee dee ddfd�Zedk r2d dlmZ e� � dededd fd�Z edd� � e� � d S d S )� )�Mapping)� TYPE_CHECKING�Any�Optional�Tuple� )�ReprHighlighter)�Panel)�Pretty)�Table)�Text�TextType)�ConsoleRenderableNTF)�title� sort_keys� indent_guides� max_length� max_string�scopezMapping[str, Any]r r r r r �returnr c �@ � t � � }t j dd�� � }|� d�� � dt t t f dt t t f fd�}|r#t | � � � |� � � n| � � � } | D ][\ } }t j | | � d � � rdndfd � � }|� |t |||||�� � � � �\t j ||dd�� � S )a� Render python variables in a given scope. Args: scope (Mapping): A mapping containing variable names and values. title (str, optional): Optional title. Defaults to None. sort_keys (bool, optional): Enable sorting of items. Defaults to True. indent_guides (bool, optional): Enable indentation guides. Defaults to False. max_length (int, optional): Maximum length of containers before abbreviating, or None for no abbreviation. Defaults to None. max_string (int, optional): Maximum length of string before truncating, or None to disable. Defaults to None. Returns: ConsoleRenderable: A renderable object. )r r F)�padding�expand�right)�justify�itemr c �` � | \ }}|� d� � |� � � fS )z2Sort special variables first, then alphabetically.�__)� startswith�lower)r �key�_s �M/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/scope.py� sort_itemsz render_scope.<locals>.sort_items) s- � ����Q��N�N�4�(�(�(�#�)�)�+�+�6�6� )r! r zscope.key.specialz scope.key)z =zscope.equals)�highlighterr r r zscope.border)r �border_styler )r r �grid� add_columnr �strr �bool�sorted�itemsr �assembler �add_rowr r �fit) r r r r r r r&