편집 파일: pyprojecttoml.cpython-311.pyc
� �܋f�D � � � d Z ddlmZ ddlZddlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddl m Z mZmZ ddl mZ dd lmZmZ dd lmZ ddlmZ dd lmZmZ ddlmZ e rddlmZ ddlmZ ej e!� � Z"d.d�Z#d/d�Z$ d0d1d�Z% d2d3d�Z& d4d5d#�Z' G d$� d%� � Z(d&� Z)ed6d'�� � Z* G d(� d)ej+ � � Z, G d*� d+e� � Z- G d,� d-e� � Z.dS )7ac Load setuptools configuration from ``pyproject.toml`` files. **PRIVATE MODULE**: API reserved for setuptools internal usage only. To read project metadata, consider using ``build.util.project_wheel_metadata`` (https://pypi.org/project/build/). For simple scenarios, you can also try parsing the file directly with the help of ``tomllib`` or ``tomli``. � )�annotationsN)�contextmanager)�partial)� TYPE_CHECKING�Callable�Mapping� )�StrPath)� FileError�InvalidConfigError)�SetuptoolsWarning� )�expand)�_PREVIOUSLY_DEFINED�_MissingDynamic)�apply��Distribution)�Self�filepathr �return�dictc � � ddl m} t | d� � 5 }|� |� � cd d d � � S # 1 swxY w Y d S )Nr )�tomllib�rb)�compat.py310r �open�load)r r �files �V/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/config/pyprojecttoml.py� load_filer! "