편집 파일: pymysql.cpython-311.pyc
� �܋f� � �N � d Z ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ G d� de� � ZeZdS ) a .. dialect:: mysql+pymysql :name: PyMySQL :dbapi: pymysql :connectstring: mysql+pymysql://<username>:<password>@<host>/<dbname>[?<options>] :url: https://pymysql.readthedocs.io/ Unicode ------- Please see :ref:`mysql_unicode` for current recommendations on unicode handling. MySQL-Python Compatibility -------------------------- The pymysql DBAPI is a pure Python port of the MySQL-python (MySQLdb) driver, and targets 100% compatibility. Most behavioral notes for MySQL-python apply to the pymysql driver as well. � )�MySQLDialect_mysqldb� )�langhelpers)�py3kc � � � e Zd ZdZdZdZdZd� fd� Zej d� � � Z ed� � � Zd� fd� Z � fd �Zerd � Z� xZS � xZS ) �MySQLDialect_pymysql�pymysqlNTFc �V �� t t | � � j di |�� || _ d S )N� )�superr �__init__�server_side_cursors)�selfr �kwargs� __class__s ��X/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/pymysql.pyr zMySQLDialect_pymysql.__init__/ s5 �� �2��"�D�)�)�2�<�<�V�<�<�<�#6�� � � � c �x � t d� � j }|j | _ dS # t t f$ r Y dS w xY w)Nzpymysql.cursorsTF)� __import__�cursors�SSCursor� _sscursor�ImportError�AttributeError)r r s r �supports_server_side_cursorsz1MySQLDialect_pymysql.supports_server_side_cursors3 sN � � � �!2�3�3�;�G�$�-�D�N��4���^�,� � � ��5�5� ���s � $ �9�9c � � t d� � S )Nr )r )�clss r �dbapizMySQLDialect_pymysql.dbapi<