편집 파일: __init__.cpython-311.pyc
� P�Dg+� � �� � d Z dZddlZddlZddlmZmZmZ ddl m Z ddlmZm Z G d� dej j � � Z G d � d ej j � � Z G d� dej j � � ZdS ) a/ Simple HyperText Markup Language document tree Writer. The output conforms to the XHTML version 1.0 Transitional DTD (*almost* strict). The output contains a minimum of formatting information. The cascading style sheet "html4css1.css" is required for proper viewing with a modern graphical browser. �reStructuredText� N)�frontend�nodes�writers)� _html_base)�PIL�url2pathnamec �h � e Zd ZdZ dgZdej � ej � e � � � � ej � ej � ej � ej � e � � � � d� � � � gZej � ej � ej � e � � � � d� � Z e j ej j j dez dgedd �fd d� e� � z dgd de j ed�fdd� e� � z dgde j ed�fddgd� � � ddd�fddgdde j d�f�� � Zed d!d"d#gd$de j d%�fd&d'gd$de j d%�fffz Zd(Zd)� Zd*S )+�Writer)�html�html4� html4css1�xhtml�xhtml10z html4css1.css�.�html5_polyglotztemplate.txtz-Template file. (UTF-8 encoded, default: "%s")z --templatez<file>)�default�metavarz�Comma separated list of stylesheet paths. Relative paths are expanded if a matching file is found in the --stylesheet-dirs. With --link-stylesheet, the path is rewritten relative to the output HTML file. (default: "%s")�,z--stylesheet-pathz<file[,file,...]>� stylesheet)r � overrides� validatorr z�Comma-separated list of directories where stylesheets are found. Used by --stylesheet-path when expanding relative path arguments. (default: "%s")z--stylesheet-dirsz<dir[,dir,...]>)r r r zySpecify the initial header level. Does not affect document title & subtitle (see --no-doc-title). (default: 1 for "<h1>")z--initial-header-levelz1 2 3 4 5 6�1z<level>)�choicesr r z&Prepend an XML declaration (default). z--xml-declarationT� store_true)r �actionr )�template�stylesheet_path�stylesheet_dirs�initial_header_level�xml_declarationzHTML4 Writer Options� z�Specify the maximum width (in characters) for one-column field names. Longer field names will span an entire row of the table used to render the field list. Default is 14 characters. Use 0 for "no limit".z--field-name-limit� )r r r z�Specify the maximum width (in characters) for options in option lists. Longer options will span an entire row of the table used to render the option list. Default is 14 characters. Use 0 for "no limit".z--option-limitzhtml4css1 writerc �, � i | _ t | _ d S �N)�parts�HTMLTranslator�translator_class��selfs ��/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.4.0/opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/docutils/writers/html4css1/__init__.py�__init__zWriter.__init__c s � ��� � .����� N)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__� supported�default_stylesheets�os�path�abspath�dirname�__file__�join�default_stylesheet_dirs�default_templater �filter_settings_specr r r � settings_spec�validate_comma_separated_list�split�validate_boolean�validate_nonnegative_int�config_sectionr, � r- r+ r r sk � � � � � �B�I�'�*�+��"�!�w���r�w���x�/H�/H�I�I�!�w���r�w�|�|�#%�7�?�?�2�7�?�?�8�3L�3L�#M�#M�#3�05� 05� 6� 6�!�� �w�|�|� ���������1�1�2�2�N�D� D�� 2�H�1���!�/�;�>N�N� �N�(�X�>�>�@� � !$���)<� =� =� >� !�!�+�,�"�@�+� -� -� .� )�+.�8�8�4K�+L�+L� M� !�!�)�"�@�/� 1� 1�2� M� %�&�%�+�+�-�-�#�!� #� #� $� 5� �!���"�3� 5� 5�6�=# � # � # �M�H "�� �"� � ��Y� �9�;� ;� <�"� � ��Y� �9�;� ;� <� �% � �M�( (�N�/� /� /� /� /r- r c � � e Zd ZdZdZdZdZej j � � � Z de d<