편집 파일: editable_wheel.cpython-311.pyc
� N�Dgރ � �� � d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ddl m Z ddlmZ ddl mZ ddlmZ ddlmZ dd lmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZ d dlmZm Z m!Z!m"Z"m#Z# d dl$m%Z% d d l&m'Z' d dl(m)Z)m*Z*m+Z+ ddl,m,Z- erddl.m/Z/ ej0 dk rddlm1Z1 nerddl2m1Z1 nddl3m4Z1 ee5ef Z6 ede6�� � Z7 ej8 e9� � Z: G d� de � � Z;dZ<dZ= G d� de� � Z> G d� de1� � Z? G d� d � � Z@ G d!� d"e@� � ZA G d#� d$� � ZBd%e5d&eCfd'�ZDd(ed&eEfd)�ZFd*ee5 d+ee5e5f d,ed&eEfd-�ZGd.� ZHd/e'd&ee5 fd0�ZId/e'd&ee5 fd1�ZJd*ee5 d+ee5e5f d2e6d&ee5e5f fd3�ZKd4e6d&e5fd5�ZLd6ee5e5f d&ee5 fd7�ZMd*ee5 d6ee5e5f d&eee5ee5 f fd8�ZNd6ee5e5f d&ee5e5f fd9�ZOd:e5d;e5d<e5d=e5d&eEf d>�ZPd?e7d&e7fd@�ZQ G dA� dBe#jR � � ZSdCZTdDe5dEee5e5f dFee5ee5 f d&e5fdG�ZU G dH� dIe"jV � � ZW G dJ� dKe+� � ZXdS )La� Create a wheel that, when installed, will make the source package 'editable' (add it to the interpreter's path, including metadata) per PEP 660. Replaces 'setup.py develop'. .. note:: One of the mechanisms briefly mentioned in PEP 660 to implement editable installs is to create a separated directory inside ``build`` and use a .pth file to point to that directory. In the context of this file such directory is referred as *auxiliary build directory* or ``auxiliary_dir``. � N)�suppress)�Enum)�cleandoc)�chain)�Path)�TemporaryDirectory) � TYPE_CHECKING�Dict�Iterable�Iterator�List�Mapping�Optional�Tuple�TypeVar�Union� )�Command�_normalization�_path�errors� namespaces��find_package_path)�Distribution)�InformationOnly�SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning�SetuptoolsWarning� )�build_py�� WheelFile)� � )�Protocol)�ABC�_P)�boundc �J � e Zd ZdZdZdZdZedee dd fd�� � Z dS ) � _EditableModea Possible editable installation modes: `lenient` (new files automatically added to the package - DEFAULT); `strict` (requires a new installation when files are added/removed); or `compat` (attempts to emulate `python setup.py develop` - DEPRECATED). �strict�lenient�compat�mode�returnc �� � |st j S |� � � }|t j vrt j d|�d�� � �|dk rt j ddd�� � t | S )NzInvalid editable mode: z. Try: 'strict'.�COMPATzCompat editable installsa The 'compat' editable mode is transitional and will be removed in future versions of `setuptools`. Please adapt your code accordingly to use either the 'strict' or the 'lenient' modes. �userguide/development_mode.html)�see_docs)r* �LENIENT�upper�__members__r �OptionErrorr �emit)�clsr. �_modes ��/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.4.0/opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/command/editable_wheel.py�convertz_EditableMode.convertQ s� � �� )� �(�(�� � ����� �1�1�1��$�%W�t�%W�%W�%W�X�X�X��H���(�-�*�� ;� � � � � �U�#�#� N)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__�STRICTr4 r1 �classmethodr �strr<