편집 파일: overview-notices.php
<?php // phpcs:ignoreFile /** * Render box with problems and notifications on the Advanced Ads overview page * * @var int $has_problems number of problems. * @var int $has_notices number of notices. * @var int $ignored_count number of ignored notices. */ ?> <h3<?php echo ! $has_problems ? ' style="display:none;"' : ''; ?>> <?php esc_attr_e( 'Problems', 'advanceda-ads' ); ?> </h3> <?php Advanced_Ads_Ad_Health_Notices::get_instance()->display_problems(); ?> <h3<?php echo ! $has_notices ? ' style="display:none;"' : ''; ?>> <?php esc_attr_e( 'Notifications', 'advanceda-ads' ); ?> </h3> <?php Advanced_Ads_Ad_Health_Notices::get_instance()->display_notices(); ?> <p class="adsvads-ad-health-notices-show-hidden" <?php echo ! $ignored_count ? 'style="display: none;"' : ''; ?>> <?php printf( wp_kses( // translators: %s is the number of hidden notices. esc_html__( 'Show %s hidden notices', 'advanced-ads' ), [ 'span' => [ 'class', ], ] ), '<span class="count">' . absint( $ignored_count ) . '</span>' ); ?> <button type="button"><span class="dashicons dashicons-visibility"></span></button> </p> <?php if ( Advanced_Ads_Ad_Health_Notices::has_visible_problems() ) { include ADVADS_ABSPATH . 'admin/views/support-callout.php'; } ?> <div class="advads-loader" style="display: none;"></div>