편집 파일: main.php
<?php //phpcs:disable PSR1.Files.SideEffects.FoundWithSymbols -- the sniff does not accept calling add_action and declaring the callback in the same file // Only load if not already existing (maybe included from another plugin). if ( defined( 'ADVADS_AB_BASE_PATH' ) ) { return; } // load basic path to the plugin define( 'ADVADS_AB_BASE_PATH', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ); // general and global slug, e.g. to store options in WP, textdomain define( 'ADVADS_AB_SLUG', 'advanced-ads-ab-module' ); add_action( 'advanced-ads-plugin-loaded', 'advanced_ads_load_adblocker' ); /** * Load ad blocker functionality. */ function advanced_ads_load_adblocker() { Advanced_Ads_Ad_Blocker::get_instance(); if ( is_admin() && ! wp_doing_ajax() ) { Advanced_Ads_Ad_Blocker_Admin::get_instance(); } }