편집 파일: status_codes.cpython-312.pyc
� G��e� � �� � d a ddlmZ i dd�dd�dd�d d �dd�d d�dd�dd�dd�dd�dd�dd�dd�dd�dd �d!d"�d#d$�i d%d&�d'd(�d)d*�d+d,�d-d.�d/d0�d1d2�d3d4�d5d6�d7d8�d9d:�d;d<�d=d>�d?d@�dAdB�dCdD�dEdF��i dGdH�dIdJ�dKdL�dMdN�dOdP�dQdR�dSdT�dUdV�dWdX�dYdZ�d[d\�d]d^�d_d`�dadb�dcdd�dedf�dgdh��i didj�dkdl�dmdn�dodp�dqdr�dsdt�dudv�dwdx�dydz�d{d|�d}d~�dd��d�d��d�d��d�d��d�d��d�d���Z ed���� Zd�� Z e� y�)�a The ``codes`` object defines a mapping from common names for HTTP statuses to their numerical codes, accessible either as attributes or as dictionary items. Example:: >>> import requests >>> requests.codes['temporary_redirect'] 307 >>> requests.codes.teapot 418 >>> requests.codes['\o/'] 200 Some codes have multiple names, and both upper- and lower-case versions of the names are allowed. For example, ``codes.ok``, ``codes.OK``, and ``codes.okay`` all correspond to the HTTP status code 200. � )� LookupDict�d )�continue�e )�switching_protocols�f )� processing�g )� checkpoint�z )�uri_too_long�request_uri_too_long�� )�ok�okay�all_ok�all_okay�all_goodz\o/u ✓�� )�created�� )�accepted�� )�non_authoritative_info�non_authoritative_information�� )� no_content�� )� reset_content�reset�� )�partial_content�partial�� )�multi_status�multiple_status�multi_stati�multiple_stati�� )�already_reported�� )�im_usedi, )�multiple_choicesi- )�moved_permanently�movedz\o-i. )�foundi/ )� see_other�otheri0 )�not_modifiedi1 )� use_proxyi2 )�switch_proxyi3 )�temporary_redirect�temporary_moved� temporaryi4 )�permanent_redirect�resume_incomplete�resumei� )�bad_request�badi� )�unauthorizedi� )�payment_required�paymenti� )� forbiddeni� )� not_foundz-o-i� )�method_not_allowed�not_allowedi� )�not_acceptablei� )�proxy_authentication_required� proxy_auth�proxy_authenticationi� )�request_timeout�timeouti� )�conflicti� )�gonei� )�length_requiredi� )�precondition_failed�preconditioni� )�request_entity_too_largei� )�request_uri_too_largei� )�unsupported_media_type�unsupported_media� media_typei� )�requested_range_not_satisfiable�requested_range�range_not_satisfiablei� )�expectation_failedi� )�im_a_teapot�teapot� i_am_a_teapoti� )�misdirected_requesti� )�unprocessable_entity� unprocessablei� )�lockedi� )�failed_dependency� dependencyi� )�unordered_collection� unorderedi� )�upgrade_required�upgradei� )�precondition_requiredrO i� )�too_many_requests�too_manyi� )�header_fields_too_large�fields_too_largei� )�no_response�nonei� )� retry_with�retryi� )�$blocked_by_windows_parental_controls�parental_controlsi� )�unavailable_for_legal_reasons� legal_reasonsi� )�client_closed_requesti� )�internal_server_error�server_errorz/o\u ✗i� )�not_implementedi� )�bad_gatewayi� )�service_unavailable�unavailablei� )�gateway_timeouti� )�http_version_not_supported�http_versioni� )�variant_also_negotiatesi� )�insufficient_storagei� )�bandwidth_limit_exceeded� bandwidthi� )�not_extendedi� )�network_authentication_required�network_auth�network_authentication�status_codes)�namec �J �� t j � D ]N \ } }|D ]D }t t || � |j d� r�&t t |j � | � �F �P d� �t �2t dz dj �fd�t t � D � � z ay d ay )N)�\�/c �N � dj d� t | D � � }d| |fz S )Nz, c 3 �( K � | ] }d |� d ��� � y�w)z``N� )�.0�ns ��/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/alt-python312-pip-23.3.1-1.el8.x86_64/opt/alt/python312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/status_codes.py� <genexpr>z%_init.<locals>.doc.<locals>.<genexpr>u s � �� �;��B�q�c��*�;�s �z* %d: %s)�join�_codes)�code�namess r� �docz_init.<locals>.doct s) � �� � �;�f�T�l�;�;���T�5�M�)�)� � c 3 �. �K � | ] } �|� �� � y �w)Nr� )r� r� r� s �r� r� z_init.<locals>.<genexpr>z s �� �� �"H��3�t�9�"H�s �) r� �items�setattr�codes� startswith�upper�__doc__r� �sorted)r� �titles�titler� s @r� �_initr� m s� �� ����� 4���f�� 4�E��E�5�$�'��#�#�K�0���u�{�{�}�d�3� 4�4�*� �� �$�����"H����"H�H�H� � � r� N)r� � structuresr r� r� r� r� r� r� �<module>r� s5 ���( #�Q ���Q � � !�Q � �� Q � ��Q � � 1� Q � � H�Q � ��Q � ��Q � � D�Q � ��Q � � #�Q � � '�Q � � M�Q � � �Q � ��!Q �$ � �%Q �&