편집 파일: sockshandler.cpython-37.pyc
B "�@Wa � @ s& d Z ddlZyddlZddlZW n, ek rL ddlmZ ddlmZ Y nX ddl Z dd� Z G dd� dej�ZG dd� dej �ZG d d � d ejej�Zedk�r"ddlZyeejd �ZW n eefk r� d ZY nX e�ee jde��Zede�d��� �� � ede�d��� �� � dS )z� SocksiPy + urllib2 handler version: 0.3 author: e<e@tr0ll.in> This module provides a Handler which you can use with urllib2 to allow it to tunnel your connection through a socks.sockssocket socket, with out monkey patching the original socket... � Nc C s | � � }|�|� |S )N)�copy�update)�a�b�d� r �=/opt/alt/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sockshandler.py� merge_dict s r c @ s e Zd Zddd�Zdd� ZdS )�SocksiPyConnectionNTc O s* ||||||f| _ tjj| f|�|� d S )N)� proxyargs�httplib�HTTPConnection�__init__) �self� proxytype� proxyaddr� proxyport�rdns�username�password�args�kwargsr r r r s zSocksiPyConnection.__init__c C sP t �� | _| jj| j� t| j�ttfkr8| j� | j� | j� | j| jf� d S )N) �socks� socksocket�sock�setproxyr �type�timeout�int�float� settimeout�connect�host�port)r r r r r! s zSocksiPyConnection.connect)NTNN)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__r r! r r r r r s r c @ s e Zd Zddd�Zdd� ZdS )�SocksiPyConnectionSNTc O s* ||||||f| _ tjj| f|�|� d S )N)r r �HTTPSConnectionr ) r r r r r r r r r r r r r '