편집 파일: test_grep.cpython-37.opt-1.pyc
B � f� � @ s� d Z ddlmZ ddlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddlZddl Z G dd� d�Z e � ZG dd � d �Ze� Z G d d� dej�ZG dd � d ej�ZG dd� dej�Zedkr�ejdd� dS )a !Changing this line will break Test_findfile.test_found! Non-gui unit tests for grep.GrepDialog methods. dummy_command calls grep_it calls findfiles. An exception raised in one method will fail callers. Otherwise, tests are mostly independent. Currently only test grep_it, coverage 51%. � )�grepN)�captured_stdout)�Varc @ s e Zd ZdZdd� ZdS )�Dummy_searchenginez�GrepDialog.__init__ calls parent SearchDiabolBase which attaches the passed in SearchEngine instance as attribute 'engine'. Only a few of the many possible self.engine.x attributes are needed here. c C s | j S )N)�_pat)�self� r �@/opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/idlelib/idle_test/test_grep.py�getpat s zDummy_searchengine.getpatN)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__r r r r r r s r c @ s( e Zd ZejjZed�ZeZ dd� Z dS )� Dummy_grepFc C s d S )Nr )r r r r �close"