편집 파일: config_compiler.cpython-37.pyc
B ��Fd � @ s\ d dl mZmZmZ d dlmZ d dlmZ g fdd�ZG dd� de�Z G dd � d e�Z d S )� )�division�absolute_import�print_function)�Command)�logc C s: | rd S | � d� ddlm} dd l}|jj}||� d S )N� r )�show_fcompilers)�append�numpy.distutils.fcompilerr �distutils.core�core�_setup_distribution)�_cacher � distutils�dist� r �Z/opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/distutils/command/config_compiler.py�show_fortran_compilers s r c @ s\ e Zd ZdZdZddddddd d ddg Zd ddefgZdddgZdd� Z dd� Z dd� ZdS )� config_fcz� Distutils command to hold user specified options to Fortran compilers. config_fc command is used by the FCompiler.customize() method. z2specify Fortran 77/Fortran 90 compiler information)z fcompiler=Nzspecify Fortran compiler type)zf77exec=Nzspecify F77 compiler command)zf90exec=Nzspecify F90 compiler command)z f77flags=Nzspecify F77 compiler flags)z f90flags=Nzspecify F90 compiler flags)zopt=Nzspecify optimization flags)zarch=Nz0specify architecture specific optimization flags)�debug�gz"compile with debugging information)�nooptNzcompile without optimization)�noarchNz+compile without arch-dependent optimizationzhelp-fcompilerNz list available Fortran compilersr r r c C s@ d | _ d | _d | _d | _d | _d | _d | _d | _d | _d | _ d S )N) � fcompiler�f77exec�f90exec�f77flags�f90flags�opt�archr r r )�selfr r r �initialize_options. s zconfig_fc.initialize_optionsc C s� t �d� | �d�}| �d�}| �d�}| �d�}| ||||g}x�dD ]�}g }x@|D ]8}t||�} | d k rTt| t�sz| j} | |krT|�| � qTW |s�d } n|d } t|�dkr�t � d ||f � | rFx&|D ]}t||�d kr�t ||| � q�W qFW d S ) NzTunifing config_fc, config, build_clib, build_ext, build commands --fcompiler options� build_clib� build_ext�config�build)r r r zJ commands have different --%s options: %s, using first in list as default)r �info�get_finalized_command�getattr� isinstance�str� compiler_typer �len�warn�setattr)r r"