편집 파일: pipeline.inc
<?php include "server.inc"; function respond($client, $msg) { $r = new http\Env\Response; $r->setEnvRequest($msg) ->setHeader("X-Req", $msg->getRequestUrl()) ->send($client); } serve(function($client) { $R = array(STDIN); $W = $E = array(); if (!stream_select($R, $W, $E, 10, 0)) { logger("Client %d timed out", (int) $client); return; } $count = trim(fgets(STDIN)); logger("Expecting %d messages from client %d", $count, (int) $client); /* the peek message */ respond($client, new http\Message($client, false)); logger("Handled the peek request of client %d", (int) $client); /* pipelined messages */ $req = array(); for ($i=0; $i < $count; ++ $i) { $req[] = $m = new http\Message($client, false); logger("Read request no. %d from client %d (%s)", $i+1, (int) $client, $m->getRequestUrl()); } foreach ($req as $i => $msg) { respond($client, $msg); logger("Sent response no. %d to client %d", $i+1, (int) $client); } });