편집 파일: cmdline_parser.cpython-311.pyc
� b��f�^ � �l � d Z ddlZddlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddlm Z d� Z dd �Zdd �Zdd�Z dd�ZdS )zR This module contains an argparse command line parser for cloudlinux-xray-manager � N)�gettext)�read_sys_id)�advice_action_sourcesc � � t � � S # t $ r-} t j dt | � � � � Y d } ~ dS d } ~ ww xY w)Nz"Unable to get system_id, error: %s� )r � Exception�logging�error�str)�es �X/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/xray/console_utils/cmdline_parser.py� get_system_idr sV � ���}�}���� � � �� �:�C��F�F�C�C�C��r�r�r�r�r��������s � � A�"A�A�return�argparse.ArgumentParserc �p � t j dd�� � } | � ddd�� � }|� dt d � � t j � � � }|� dddt d � � �� � |� dddt d� � �� � |� dddt d� � �� � |� � � }|� ddt t d� � �� � |� ddt t d� � �� � |� dt d� � �� � }|� dddt d � � �� � |� d d!dt d"� � �� � |� d#t d$� � �� � }|� dddt d � � �� � |� d d!dt d"� � �� � |� d%t d&� � �� � }|� dddt d � � �� � |� d d!dt d"� � �� � |� d't d(� � �� � }|� dddt d � � �� � |� d d!dt d"� � �� � |� d)t d*� � �� � }|� dddt d � � �� � |� dddt d� � �� � |� d+d,dt d-� � �� � |� d.t d/� � �� � } | � dddt d � � �� � | � dddt d� � �� � |� d0t d1� � �� � } | � dddt d � � �� � | � dddt d� � �� � |� d2t d3� � �� � }|� dddt d � � �� � |� dddt d� � �� � |� d4t d5� � �� � }|� dddt d � � �� � |� d6t d7� � �� � } | � dddt d � � �� � |� d8t d9� � �� � }|� dddt d � � �� � |� d d!dt d"� � �� � |� d:t d;� � �� � }|� dddt d � � �� � |� d d!dt d"� � �� � |� d<d=dt t d>� � �?� � |� d@t dA� � �� � }|� ddt � � t d � � �� � |� dBt dC� � �� � }|� ddt � � t d � � �� � |� dDt dE� � �� � }|� dddt d � � �� � |� dFt dG� � �� � }|� ddt � � t d � � �� � |� dHt dI� � �� � }|� ddt � � t d � � �� � |� � � }|� dJdKdLt dM� � �N� � |� dOdKdLt dP� � �N� � |� dQdKdLt dR� � �N� � |� dS� � }|� ddt � � t d � � �� � |� dT� � }|� ddt � � t d � � �� � | S )Uzb Command line parser for X Ray Manager using built-in argparse module :return: parser zcloudlinux-xray-managerzUtility to manage X-Ray Client��prog�description�Commands�commandT��title�dest�required�start�>Start monitoring of URL by IP for COUNT of minutes or requests��help�argument_defaultz--system_id�SYS_IDzunique ID of CL+ system��metavarr r �--url�URL�monitoring URL�--client_ip�IP�*�"client IP to monitor requests from�r"