편집 파일: node.cpython-38.pyc
U /?�fw1 � @ s� d Z ddlZddlZddlmZmZmZ ddlZddl Zddl ZddlZddlZddl ZddlZejjhZejjejjejjhZdd� ZejG dd� dej��ZG dd � d �ZejjG d d� de��ZdS )z)DNS nodes. A node is a set of rdatasets.� N)�Any�Dict�Optionalc C s || kp|t jjko|| kS �N)�dns� rdatatypeZRRSIG)Zrdtypes�rdtype�covers� r �6/opt/hc_python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dns/node.py�_matches_type_or_its_signature, s r c @ sR e Zd ZdZdZdZdZeej j ej j d d�dd��Zeejj d d�d d ��ZdS )�NodeKindzRdatasets in nodesr � � )r r �returnc C s. t t||�rtjS t t||�r$tjS tjS d S r )r �_cname_typesr �CNAME�_neutral_types�NEUTRAL�REGULAR)�clsr r r r r �classify8 s zNodeKind.classify)�rdatasetr c C s | � |j|j�S r )r r r )r r r r r �classify_rdatasetC s zNodeKind.classify_rdatasetN)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__r r r �classmethodr r � RdataTyper r �Rdatasetr r r r r r 0 s � r c @ s( e Zd ZdZdgZdd� Zejje e ef e d�dd�Zdd � Z d d� Zdd � Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zejjdfejjejjejjeejjd�dd�Zejjdfejjejjejjeeejj d�dd�Zejjfejjejjejjdd�dd�Zejjdd�dd �Ze d!�d"d#�Z!ed!�d$d%�Z"dS )&�Nodea� A Node is a set of rdatasets. A node is either a CNAME node or an "other data" node. A CNAME node contains only CNAME, KEY, NSEC, and NSEC3 rdatasets along with their covering RRSIG rdatasets. An "other data" node contains any rdataset other than a CNAME or RRSIG(CNAME) rdataset. When changes are made to a node, the CNAME or "other data" state is always consistent with the update, i.e. the most recent change wins. For example, if you have a node which contains a CNAME rdataset, and then add an MX rdataset to it, then the CNAME rdataset will be deleted. Likewise if you have a node containing an MX rdataset and add a CNAME rdataset, the MX rdataset will be deleted. � rdatasetsc C s g | _ d S r �r"