편집 파일: elements.cpython-38.pyc
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Literal clauses are created automatically when non- :class:`_expression.ClauseElement` objects (such as strings, ints, dates, etc.) are used in a comparison operation with a :class:`_expression.ColumnElement` subclass, such as a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column` object. Use this function to force the generation of a literal clause, which will be created as a :class:`BindParameter` with a bound value. :param value: the value to be bound. Can be any Python object supported by the underlying DB-API, or is translatable via the given type argument. :param type\_: an optional :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.TypeEngine` which will provide bind-parameter translation for this literal. :param literal_execute: optional bool, when True, the SQL engine will attempt to render the bound value directly in the SQL statement at execution time rather than providing as a parameter value. .. versionadded:: 2.0 )rq rr )r �expectr ZLiteralValueRolerv ru ru rw rx � s ��str�!Optional[_TypeEngineArgument[_T]]zColumnClause[_T])�textrq rs c C s t | |dd�S )a� Produce a :class:`.ColumnClause` object that has the :paramref:`_expression.column.is_literal` flag set to True. :func:`_expression.literal_column` is similar to :func:`_expression.column`, except that it is more often used as a "standalone" column expression that renders exactly as stated; while :func:`_expression.column` stores a string name that will be assumed to be part of a table and may be quoted as such, :func:`_expression.literal_column` can be that, or any other arbitrary column-oriented expression. :param text: the text of the expression; can be any SQL expression. Quoting rules will not be applied. To specify a column-name expression which should be subject to quoting rules, use the :func:`column` function. :param type\_: an optional :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.TypeEngine` object which will provide result-set translation and additional expression semantics for this column. If left as ``None`` the type will be :class:`.NullType`. .. seealso:: :func:`_expression.column` :func:`_expression.text` :ref:`tutorial_select_arbitrary_text` T)rq � is_literal��ColumnClause)r rq ru ru rw �literal_column� s #r� c @ sj e Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZe� d�e� d�dd d ddd �dd���Z dddd�dd�Zdd�dd�ZdS )�CompilerElementznbase class for SQL elements that can be compiled to produce a SQL string. .. versionadded:: 2.0 ru Zcompiler_elementF�defaultzsqlalchemy.engine.defaultzsqlalchemy.engine.urlN�Optional[_HasDialect]�Optional[Dialect]r rK ��bind�dialect�kwrs c K sZ |dkrL|r|j }n8| jdkr0tjj}|�� }ntjj}|j�| j�� � � }| j |f|�S )a� Compile this SQL expression. The return value is a :class:`~.Compiled` object. Calling ``str()`` or ``unicode()`` on the returned value will yield a string representation of the result. The :class:`~.Compiled` object also can return a dictionary of bind parameter names and values using the ``params`` accessor. :param bind: An :class:`.Connection` or :class:`.Engine` which can provide a :class:`.Dialect` in order to generate a :class:`.Compiled` object. If the ``bind`` and ``dialect`` parameters are both omitted, a default SQL compiler is used. :param column_keys: Used for INSERT and UPDATE statements, a list of column names which should be present in the VALUES clause of the compiled statement. If ``None``, all columns from the target table object are rendered. :param dialect: A :class:`.Dialect` instance which can generate a :class:`.Compiled` object. This argument takes precedence over the ``bind`` argument. :param compile_kwargs: optional dictionary of additional parameters that will be passed through to the compiler within all "visit" methods. This allows any custom flag to be passed through to a custom compilation construct, for example. It is also used for the case of passing the ``literal_binds`` flag through:: from sqlalchemy.sql import table, column, select t = table('t', column('x')) s = select(t).where(t.c.x == 5) print(s.compile(compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True})) .. seealso:: :ref:`faq_sql_expression_string` Nr� )r� �stringify_dialectr<