편집 파일: ad.php
<?php /** * Advanced Ads Ad. * * @package Advanced_Ads_Ad * @author Thomas Maier <support@wpadvancedads.com> * @license GPL-2.0+ * @link https://wpadvancedads.com * @copyright 2013-2020 Thomas Maier, Advanced Ads GmbH */ use AdvancedAds\Entities; use AdvancedAds\Utilities\WordPress; /** * An ad object * * @package Advanced_Ads_Ad * @author Thomas Maier <support@wpadvancedads.com> * @deprecated since version 1.5.3 (May 6th 2015) * might still be needed if some old add-ons are running somewhere */ if ( ! class_exists( 'Advads_Ad', false ) ) { class Advads_Ad extends Advanced_Ads_Ad { } } /** * An ad object * * @package Advanced_Ads_Ad * @author Thomas Maier <support@wpadvancedads.com> */ class Advanced_Ads_Ad { /** * Id of the post type for this ad * * @var int $id */ public $id = 0; /** * True, if this is an Advanced Ads Ad post type * * @var bool $is_ad */ public $is_ad = false; /** * Ad type * * @var string $type ad type. */ public $type = 'content'; /** * Notes about the ad usage * * @var string $description */ public $description = ''; /** * Ad width * * @var int $width width of the ad. */ public $width = 0; /** * Target url * * @var string $url ad URL parameter. */ public $url = ''; /** * Ad height * * @var int $height height of the ad. */ public $height = 0; /** * Object of current ad type * * @var Advanced_Ads_Ad_Type_Abstract $type_obj object of the current ad type. */ protected $type_obj; /** * Content of the ad * * Only needed for ad types using the post content field * * @var string $content content of the ad. */ public $content = ''; /** * Conditions of the ad display * * @var array $conditions display and visitor conditions. */ public $conditions = []; /** * Status of the ad (e.g. publish, pending) * * @var string $status status of the ad. */ public $status = ''; /** * Array with meta field options aka parameters * * @var array $options ad options. */ protected $options; /** * Name of the meta field to save options to * * @var string $options_meta_field under which post meta key the ad options are stored. */ public static $options_meta_field = 'advanced_ads_ad_options'; /** * Additional arguments set when ad is loaded, overwrites or extends options * * @var array $args */ public $args = []; /** * Multidimensional array contains information about the wrapper * Each possible html attribute is an array with possible multiple elements * * @var array $wrapper options of the ad wrapper. */ public $wrapper = []; /** * Will the ad be tracked? * * @var mixed $global_output */ public $global_output; /** * Title of the ad * * @var string $title */ public $title = ''; /** * Displayed above the ad. * * @var string $label ad label. */ protected $label = ''; /** * Inline CSS object, one instance per ad. * * @var Advanced_Ads_Inline_Css */ private $inline_css; /** * Timestamp if ad has an expiration date. * * @var int */ public $expiry_date = 0; /** * The ad expiration object. * * @var Advanced_Ads_Ad_Expiration */ private $ad_expiration; /** * The saved output options. * * @var array */ public $output; /** * Whether the current ad is in a head placement. * * @var bool */ public $is_head_placement; /** * Advanced_Ads_Ad constructor. * * @param int $id Ad ID. * @param iterable $args Additional arguments. */ public function __construct( int $id, iterable $args = [] ) { if ( empty( $id ) ) { return; } $this->id = $id; $this->args = is_array( $args ) ? $args : []; $post_data = get_post( $id ); if ( $post_data === null || $post_data->post_type !== Entities::POST_TYPE_AD ) { return; } $this->is_ad = true; $this->type = $this->options( 'type' ); $this->title = $post_data->post_title; $this->type_obj = Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->ad_types[ $this->type ] ?? new Advanced_Ads_Ad_Type_Abstract(); // filter the positioning options. new Advanced_Ads_Ad_Positioning( $this ); $this->url = $this->get_url(); $this->width = absint( $this->options( 'width' ) ); $this->height = absint( $this->options( 'height' ) ); $this->conditions = $this->options( 'conditions' ); $this->description = $this->options( 'description' ); $this->output = $this->options( 'output' ); $this->status = $post_data->post_status; $this->expiry_date = (int) $this->options( 'expiry_date' ); $this->is_head_placement = isset( $this->args['placement_type'] ) && 'header' === $this->args['placement_type']; $this->args['is_top_level'] = ! isset( $this->args['is_top_level'] ); // load content based on ad type. $this->content = $this->type_obj->load_content( $post_data ); if ( ! $this->is_head_placement ) { $this->maybe_create_label(); $this->wrapper = $this->load_wrapper_options(); // set wrapper conditions. $this->wrapper = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-set-wrapper', $this->wrapper, $this ); // add unique wrapper id. if ( is_array( $this->wrapper ) && [] !== $this->wrapper && ! isset( $this->wrapper['id'] ) ) { // create unique id if not yet given. $this->wrapper['id'] = $this->create_wrapper_id(); } } $this->ad_expiration = new Advanced_Ads_Ad_Expiration( $this ); // dynamically add sanitize filters for condition types. $condition_types = array_unique( array_column( Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->get_model()->get_ad_conditions(), 'type' ) ); foreach ( $condition_types as $condition_type ) { $method_name = 'sanitize_condition_' . $condition_type; if ( method_exists( $this, $method_name ) ) { add_filter( 'advanced-ads-sanitize-condition-' . $condition_type, [ $this, $method_name ], 10, 1 ); } elseif ( function_exists( 'advads_sanitize_condition_' . $condition_type ) ) { // check for public function to sanitize this. add_filter( 'advanced-ads-sanitize-condition-' . $condition_type, 'advads_sanitize_condition_' . $condition_type, 10, 1 ); } } // whether the ad will be tracked. $this->global_output = ! isset( $this->args['global_output'] ) || (bool) $this->args['global_output']; // Run constructor to check early if ajax cache busting already created inline css. $this->inline_css = new Advanced_Ads_Inline_Css(); } /** * Get options from meta field and return specific field * * @param string $field post meta key to be returned. Can be passed as array keys separated with `.`, i.e. 'parent.child' to retrieve multidimensional array values. * @param array $default default options. * * @return mixed meta field content */ public function options( $field = '', $default = null ) { // retrieve options, if not given yet if ( is_null( $this->options ) ) { // may return false. $meta = get_post_meta( $this->id, self::$options_meta_field, true ); if ( $meta && is_array( $meta ) ) { // merge meta with arguments given on ad load. $this->options = Advanced_Ads_Utils::merge_deep_array( [ $meta, $this->args ] ); } else { // load arguments given on ad load. $this->options = $this->args; } if ( isset( $this->options['change-ad'] ) ) { // some options was provided by the user. $this->options = Advanced_Ads_Utils::merge_deep_array( [ $this->options, $this->options['change-ad'], ] ); } } // return all options if no field given. if ( empty( $field ) ) { return $this->options; } $field = preg_replace( '/\s/', '', $field ); $value = $this->options; foreach ( explode( '.', $field ) as $key ) { if ( ! isset( $value[ $key ] ) ) { $value = $default; break; } $value = $value[ $key ]; } if ( is_null( $value ) ) { $value = $default; } /** * Filter the option value retrieved for $field. * `$field` parameter makes dynamic hook portion. * * @var mixed $value The option value (may be set to default). * @var Advanced_Ads_Ad $this The current Advanced_Ads_Ad instance. */ return apply_filters( "advanced-ads-ad-option-{$field}", $value, $this ); } /** * Set an option of the ad * * @param string $option name of the option. * @param mixed $value value of the option. * * @since 1.1.0 */ public function set_option( $option = '', $value = '' ) { if ( '' === $option ) { return; } // get current options. $options = $this->options(); // set options. $options[ $option ] = $value; // save options. $this->options = $options; } /** * Return ad content for frontend output * * @param array $output_options output options. * * @return string $output ad output * @since 1.0.0 */ public function output( $output_options = [] ) { if ( ! $this->is_ad ) { return ''; } $this->global_output = isset( $output_options['global_output'] ) ? $output_options['global_output'] : $this->global_output; $output_options['global_output'] = $this->global_output; // switch between normal and debug mode. // check if debug output should only be displayed to admins. $user_can_manage_ads = WordPress::user_can( 'advanced_ads_manage_options' ); if ( $this->options( 'output.debugmode' ) && ( $user_can_manage_ads || ( ! $user_can_manage_ads && ! defined( 'ADVANCED_ADS_AD_DEBUG_FOR_ADMIN_ONLY' ) ) ) ) { $debug = new Advanced_Ads_Ad_Debug(); return $debug->prepare_debug_output( $this ); } else { $output = $this->prepare_frontend_output(); } // add the ad to the global output array. $advads = Advanced_Ads::get_instance(); if ( $output_options['global_output'] ) { $new_ad = [ 'type' => 'ad', 'id' => $this->id, 'title' => $this->title, 'output' => $output, ]; // if ( method_exists( 'Advanced_Ads_Tracking_Plugin' , 'check_ad_tracking_enabled' ) ) { // if ( class_exists( 'Advanced_Ads_Tracking_Plugin', false ) ) { if ( defined( 'AAT_VERSION' ) && - 1 < version_compare( AAT_VERSION, '1.4.2' ) ) { $new_ad['tracking_enabled'] = Advanced_Ads_Tracking_Plugin::get_instance()->check_ad_tracking_enabled( $this ); $tracking_options = Advanced_Ads_Tracking_Plugin::get_instance()->options(); if ( isset( $tracking_options['method'] ) && 'frontend' === $tracking_options['method'] && isset( $this->output['placement_id'] ) ) { $new_ad['placement_id'] = $this->output['placement_id']; } } $advads->current_ads[] = $new_ad; } // action when output is created. do_action( 'advanced-ads-output', $this, $output, $output_options ); return apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-output-final', $output, $this, $output_options ); } /** * Check if the ad can be displayed in frontend due to its own conditions * * @param array $check_options check options. * * @return bool $can_display true if can be displayed in frontend * @since 1.0.0 */ public function can_display( $check_options = [] ) { $check_options = wp_parse_args( $check_options, [ 'passive_cache_busting' => false, 'ignore_debugmode' => false, ] ); // prevent ad to show up through wp_head, if this is not a header placement. if ( doing_action( 'wp_head' ) && isset( $this->options['placement_type'] ) && 'header' !== $this->options['placement_type'] && ! Advanced_Ads_Compatibility::can_inject_during_wp_head() ) { return false; } // Check If the current ad is requested using a shortcode placed in the content of the current ad. if ( isset( $this->options['shortcode_ad_id'] ) && (int) $this->options['shortcode_ad_id'] === $this->id ) { return false; } // force ad display if debug mode is enabled. if ( isset( $this->output['debugmode'] ) && ! $check_options['ignore_debugmode'] ) { return true; } if ( ! $check_options['passive_cache_busting'] ) { // don’t display ads that are not published or private for users not logged in. if ( 'publish' !== $this->status && ! ( 'private' === $this->status && is_user_logged_in() ) ) { return false; } if ( ! $this->can_display_by_visitor() ) { return false; } } elseif ( 'publish' !== $this->status ) { return false; } if ( $this->ad_expiration->is_ad_expired() ) { return false; } // add own conditions to flag output as possible or not. return apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-can-display', true, $this, $check_options ); } /** * Check visitor conditions * * @return bool $can_display true if can be displayed in frontend based on visitor settings * @since 1.1.0 */ public function can_display_by_visitor() { if ( ! empty( $this->options['wp_the_query']['is_feed'] ) ) { return true; } $visitor_conditions = $this->options( 'visitors', [] ); if ( empty( $visitor_conditions ) ) { return true; } $last_result = false; $length = count( $visitor_conditions ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $length; ++ $i ) { $_condition = current( $visitor_conditions ); // ignore OR if last result was true. if ( $last_result && isset( $_condition['connector'] ) && 'or' === $_condition['connector'] ) { next( $visitor_conditions ); continue; } $result = Advanced_Ads_Visitor_Conditions::frontend_check( $_condition, $this ); $last_result = $result; if ( ! $result ) { // return false only, if the next condition doesn’t have an OR operator. $next = next( $visitor_conditions ); if ( ! isset( $next['connector'] ) || 'or' !== $next['connector'] ) { return false; } } else { next( $visitor_conditions ); } } // check mobile condition. if ( isset( $visitor_conditions['mobile'] ) ) { switch ( $visitor_conditions['mobile'] ) { case 'only': if ( ! wp_is_mobile() ) { return false; } break; case 'no': if ( wp_is_mobile() ) { return false; } break; } } return true; } /** * Check expiry date * * @return bool $can_display true if can be displayed in frontend based on expiry date * @since 1.3.15 * @deprecated 1.31.0 This is an internal method and should not have been public. */ public function can_display_by_expiry_date() { return $this->ad_expiration->is_ad_expired(); } /** * Save an ad to the database * takes values from the current state */ public function save() { global $wpdb; // remove slashes from content. $this->content = $this->prepare_content_to_save(); $where = [ 'ID' => $this->id ]; $wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts, [ 'post_content' => $this->content ], $where ); // clean post from object cache. clean_post_cache( $this->id ); // sanitize conditions // see sanitize_conditions function for example on using this filter. $conditions = self::sanitize_conditions_on_save( $this->conditions ); // save other options to post meta field. $options = $this->options(); $options['type'] = $this->type; $options['url'] = $this->url; // Inform the tracking add-on about the new url. unset( $options['tracking']['link'] ); $options['width'] = $this->width; $options['height'] = $this->height; $options['conditions'] = $conditions; $options['expiry_date'] = $this->expiry_date; $options['description'] = $this->description; // save the plugin version, with every ad save. $options['last_save_version'] = ADVADS_VERSION; // sanitize container ID option. $options['output']['wrapper-id'] = isset( $options['output']['wrapper-id'] ) ? sanitize_key( $options['output']['wrapper-id'] ) : ''; // sanitize options before saving $options = $this->prepare_options_to_save( $options ); // filter to manipulate options or add more to be saved. $options = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-save-options', $options, $this ); update_post_meta( $this->id, self::$options_meta_field, $options ); } /** * Save ad options. * Meant to be used from the outside of an ad. * * @param int $ad_id post ID of the ad. * @param array $options ad options. */ public static function save_ad_options( $ad_id, array $options ) { // don’t allow to clear options by accident. if ( [] === $options ) { return; } update_post_meta( $ad_id, self::$options_meta_field, $options ); } /** * Native filter for content field before being saved * * @return string $content ad content */ public function prepare_content_to_save() { $content = $this->content; // load ad type specific parameter filter // @todo this is just a hotfix for type_obj not set, yet the cause is still unknown. Likely when the ad is first saved if ( is_object( $this->type_obj ) ) { $content = $this->type_obj->sanitize_content( $content ); } // apply a custom filter by ad type. $content = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-pre-ad-save-' . $this->type, $content ); return $content; } /** * Sanitize ad options before being saved * allows some ad types to sanitize certain values * * @param array $options ad options. * @return array sanitized options. */ public function prepare_options_to_save( $options ) { // load ad type specific sanitize function. // we need to load the ad type object if not set (e.g., when the ad is saved for the first time) if ( ! is_object( $this->type_obj ) || ! $this->type_obj->ID ) { $types = Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->ad_types; if ( isset( $types[ $this->type ] ) ) { $this->type_obj = $types[ $this->type ]; } } $options = $this->type_obj->sanitize_options( $options ); return $options; } /** * Prepare ads output * * @return string. */ public function prepare_frontend_output() { $options = $this->options(); if ( isset( $options['change-ad']['content'] ) ) { // output was provided by the user. $output = $options['change-ad']['content']; } else { // load ad type specific content filter. $output = $this->type_obj->prepare_output( $this ); } // don’t deliver anything, if main ad content is empty. if ( empty( $output ) ) { return ''; } if ( ! $this->is_head_placement ) { // filter to manipulate the output before the wrapper is added $output = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-output-inside-wrapper', $output, $this ); // build wrapper around the ad. $output = $this->add_wrapper( $output ); // add a clearfix, if set. if ( ( ! empty( $this->args['is_top_level'] ) && ! empty( $this->args['placement_clearfix'] ) ) || $this->options( 'output.clearfix' ) ) { $output .= '<br style="clear: both; display: block; float: none;"/>'; } } // apply a custom filter by ad type. $output = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-ad-output', $output, $this ); return $output; } /** * Sanitize ad display conditions when saving the ad * * @param array $conditions conditions array send via the dashboard form for an ad. * * @return array with sanitized conditions * @since 1.0.0 */ public function sanitize_conditions_on_save( $conditions = [] ) { global $advanced_ads_ad_conditions; if ( ! is_array( $conditions ) || [] === $conditions ) { return []; } foreach ( $conditions as $_key => $_condition ) { if ( 'postids' === $_key ) { // sanitize single post conditions if ( empty( $_condition['ids'] ) ) { // remove, if empty. $_condition['include'] = []; $_condition['exclude'] = []; } elseif ( isset( $_condition['method'] ) ) { switch ( $_condition['method'] ) { case 'include': $_condition['include'] = $_condition['ids']; $_condition['exclude'] = []; break; case 'exclude': $_condition['include'] = []; $_condition['exclude'] = $_condition['ids']; break; } } } else { if ( ! is_array( $_condition ) ) { $_condition = trim( $_condition ); } if ( $_condition == '' ) { $conditions[ $_key ] = $_condition; continue; } } $type = ! empty( $advanced_ads_ad_conditions[ $_key ]['type'] ) ? $advanced_ads_ad_conditions[ $_key ]['type'] : 0; if ( empty( $type ) ) { continue; } // dynamically apply filters for each condition used. $conditions[ $_key ] = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-sanitize-condition-' . $type, $_condition ); } return $conditions; } /** * Sanitize id input field(s) for pattern /1,2,3,4/ * * @param mixed $cond input string/array. * * @return array/string $cond sanitized string/array */ public static function sanitize_condition_idfield( $cond = '' ) { // strip anything that is not comma or number. if ( is_array( $cond ) ) { foreach ( $cond as $_key => $_cond ) { $cond[ $_key ] = preg_replace( '#[^0-9,]#', '', $_cond ); } } else { $cond = preg_replace( '#[^0-9,]#', '', $cond ); } return $cond; } /** * Sanitize radio input field * * @param string $string input string. * * @return string $string sanitized string. */ public static function sanitize_condition_radio( $string = '' ) { // only allow 0, 1 and empty. return preg_replace( '#[^01]#', '', $string ); } /** * Sanitize comma seperated text input field * * @param mixed $cond input string/array. * * @return array/string $cond sanitized string/array. */ public static function sanitize_condition_textvalues( $cond = '' ) { // strip anything that is not comma, alphanumeric, minus and underscore. if ( is_array( $cond ) ) { foreach ( $cond as $_key => $_cond ) { $cond[ $_key ] = preg_replace( '#[^0-9,A-Za-z-_]#', '', $_cond ); } } else { $cond = preg_replace( '#[^0-9,A-Za-z-_]#', '', $cond ); } return $cond; } /** * Load wrapper options set with the ad * * @return array $wrapper options array ready to be use in add_wrapper() function. * @since 1.3 */ protected function load_wrapper_options() { $wrapper = []; $position = $this->options( 'output.position', '' ); $use_placement_pos = false; if ( $this->args['is_top_level'] ) { if ( isset( $this->output['class'] ) && is_array( $this->output['class'] ) ) { $wrapper['class'] = $this->output['class']; } if ( ! empty( $this->args['placement_position'] ) ) { // If not group, Set placement position instead of ad position. $use_placement_pos = true; $position = $this->args['placement_position']; } } switch ( $position ) { case 'left': case 'left_float': case 'left_nofloat': $wrapper['style']['float'] = 'left'; break; case 'right': case 'right_float': case 'right_nofloat': $wrapper['style']['float'] = 'right'; break; case 'center': case 'center_nofloat': case 'center_float': $wrapper['style']['margin-left'] = 'auto'; $wrapper['style']['margin-right'] = 'auto'; if ( ( ! $this->width || empty( $this->output['add_wrapper_sizes'] ) ) || $use_placement_pos ) { $wrapper['style']['text-align'] = 'center'; } // add css rule after wrapper to center the ad. break; case 'clearfix': $wrapper['style']['clear'] = 'both'; break; } // add manual classes. if ( isset( $this->output['wrapper-class'] ) && '' !== $this->output['wrapper-class'] ) { $classes = explode( ' ', $this->output['wrapper-class'] ); foreach ( $classes as $_class ) { $wrapper['class'][] = sanitize_text_field( $_class ); } } if ( ! empty( $this->output['margin']['top'] ) ) { $wrapper['style']['margin-top'] = (int) $this->output['margin']['top'] . 'px'; } if ( empty( $wrapper['style']['margin-right'] ) && ! empty( $this->output['margin']['right'] ) ) { $wrapper['style']['margin-right'] = (int) $this->output['margin']['right'] . 'px'; } if ( ! empty( $this->output['margin']['bottom'] ) ) { $wrapper['style']['margin-bottom'] = (int) $this->output['margin']['bottom'] . 'px'; } if ( empty( $wrapper['style']['margin-left'] ) && ! empty( $this->output['margin']['left'] ) ) { $wrapper['style']['margin-left'] = (int) $this->output['margin']['left'] . 'px'; } if ( ! empty( $this->output['add_wrapper_sizes'] ) ) { if ( ! empty( $this->width ) ) { $wrapper['style']['width'] = $this->width . 'px'; } if ( ! empty( $this->height ) ) { $wrapper['style']['height'] = $this->height . 'px'; } } if ( ! empty( $this->output['clearfix_before'] ) ) { $wrapper['style']['clear'] = 'both'; } return $wrapper; } /** * Add a wrapper arount the ad content if wrapper information are given * * @param string $ad_content content of the ad. * * @return string $wrapper ad within the wrapper * @since 1.1.4 */ protected function add_wrapper( $ad_content = '' ) { $wrapper_options = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-output-wrapper-options', $this->wrapper, $this ); if ( $this->label && ! empty( $wrapper_options['style']['height'] ) ) { // Create another wrapper so that the label does not reduce the height of the ad wrapper. $height = [ 'style' => [ 'height' => $wrapper_options['style']['height'] ] ]; unset( $wrapper_options['style']['height'] ); $ad_content = '<div' . Advanced_Ads_Utils::build_html_attributes( $height ) . '>' . $ad_content . '</div>'; } // Adds inline css to the wrapper. if ( ! empty( $this->options['inline-css'] ) && $this->args['is_top_level'] ) { $wrapper_options = $this->inline_css->add_css( $wrapper_options, $this->options['inline-css'], $this->global_output ); } if ( ! defined( 'ADVANCED_ADS_DISABLE_EDIT_BAR' ) // Add edit button for users with the appropriate rights. && WordPress::user_can( 'advanced_ads_edit_ads' ) // We need a wrapper. Check if at least the placement wrapper exists. && ! empty( $this->args['placement_type'] ) ) { ob_start(); include ADVADS_ABSPATH . 'public/views/ad-edit-bar.php'; $ad_content = trim( ob_get_clean() ) . $ad_content; // Include the tooltip title from get_tooltip_title() in the 'title' attribute. $this->output['wrapper_attrs']['data-title'][] = $this->get_tooltip_title(); } // ad Health Tool add class and attribute in to ads and group if ( WordPress::user_can('advanced_ads_edit_ads') ) { $has_group_info = isset($this->args['group_info']); $frontend_prefix = Advanced_Ads_Plugin::get_instance()->get_frontend_prefix(); if ( ! $has_group_info ) { // Add the 'highlight-wrapper' class to the ad wrapper $wrapper_options['class'][] = $frontend_prefix . 'highlight-wrapper'; } } if ('' === ($this->output['wrapper-id'] ?? '') && ( [] === $wrapper_options || ! is_array($wrapper_options) )) { return $this->label . $ad_content; } // create unique id if not yet given. if ( empty( $wrapper_options['id'] ) ) { $wrapper_options['id'] = $this->create_wrapper_id(); $this->wrapper['id'] = $wrapper_options['id']; } $wrapper_element = ! empty( $this->args['inline_wrapper_element'] ) ? 'span' : 'div'; // build the box $wrapper = '<' . $wrapper_element . Advanced_Ads_Utils::build_html_attributes( array_merge( $wrapper_options, isset( $this->output['wrapper_attrs'] ) ? $this->output['wrapper_attrs'] : [] ) ) . '>'; $wrapper .= $this->label; $wrapper .= apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-output-wrapper-before-content', '', $this ); $wrapper .= $ad_content; $wrapper .= apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-output-wrapper-after-content', '', $this ); $wrapper .= '</' . $wrapper_element . '>'; return $wrapper; } /** * Create a random wrapper id * * @return string $id random id string * @since 1.1.4 */ private function create_wrapper_id() { if ( isset( $this->output['wrapper-id'] ) ) { $id = sanitize_key( $this->output['wrapper-id'] ); if ( '' !== $id ) { return $id; } } $prefix = Advanced_Ads_Plugin::get_instance()->get_frontend_prefix(); return $prefix . mt_rand(); } /** * Create an "Advertisement" label if conditions are met. */ public function maybe_create_label() { $placement_state = isset( $this->args['ad_label'] ) ? $this->args['ad_label'] : 'default'; $label = Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->get_label( $placement_state ); if ( $this->args['is_top_level'] && $label ) { $this->label = $label; } } /** * Get the ad url. * * @return string */ private function get_url() { $this->url = $this->options( 'url' ); // If the tracking add-on is not active. if ( ! defined( 'AAT_VERSION' ) ) { global $pagenow; // If this is not the ad edit page. if ( 'post.php' !== $pagenow && 'post-new.php' !== $pagenow && ! empty( $this->url ) ) { // Remove placeholders. $this->url = str_replace( [ '[POST_ID]', '[POST_SLUG]', '[CAT_SLUG]', '[AD_ID]', ], '', $this->url ); } } return $this->url; } /** * Generate the tooltip title for a placement with associated ads. * * @return string Tooltip title containing placement and ads name. */ private function get_tooltip_title() { $ads = []; // Check if a group ID is provided in the arguments. if ( isset( $this->args['group_info']['id'] ) ) { // Create an instance of Advanced_Ads_Group using the provided group ID. $group = new Advanced_Ads_Group( $this->args['group_info']['id'] ); // Get all ads within the group and extract their post titles. $ads = wp_list_pluck( $group->get_all_ads(), 'post_title' ); } else { // If no group ID is provided, get ads directly from the Advanced_Ads model. $ads = wp_list_pluck( Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->get_model()->get_ads( [ 'post__in' => [ $this->args['id'] ] ] ), 'post_title' ); } // Construct and format the tooltip title using the placement ID and ad titles. return sprintf( // translators: %1$s is a placement name, %2$s is the ads name. __( 'Placement name: %1$s; Ads: %2$s', 'advanced-ads' ), esc_attr( $this->args['output']['placement_id'] ?? '' ), esc_attr( $ads ? implode( ',', $ads ) : '' ) ); } }