편집 파일: compatibility.php
<?php // phpcs:ignoreFile use AdvancedAds\Entities; use AdvancedAds\Utilities\Conditional; /** * Compatibility fixes with other plugins. */ class Advanced_Ads_Compatibility { /** * Array that holds strings that should not be optimized by other plugins. * * @var array */ private $critical_inline_js; /** * Advanced_Ads_Compatibility constructor. */ public function __construct() { // Elementor plugin. if ( defined( 'ELEMENTOR_VERSION' ) ) { add_filter( 'advanced-ads-placement-content-injection-xpath', [ $this, 'content_injection_elementor', ], 10, 1 ); } // WP Rocket add_filter( 'rocket_excluded_inline_js_content', [ $this, 'rocket_exclude_inline_js' ] ); add_filter( 'rocket_delay_js_exclusions', [ $this, 'rocket_exclude_inline_js' ] ); // WPML. add_filter( 'wpml_admin_language_switcher_active_languages', [ $this, 'wpml_language_switcher' ] ); // WordPress SEO by Yoast. add_filter( 'wpseo_sitemap_entry', [ $this, 'wordpress_seo_noindex_ad_attachments' ], 10, 3 ); // Add shortcode for MailPoet. add_filter( 'mailpoet_newsletter_shortcode', [ 'Advanced_Ads_Compatibility', 'mailpoet_ad_shortcode' ], 10, 5 ); // Enable Advanced Custom Fields on ad edit pages. if ( class_exists( 'ACF', false ) ) { add_filter( 'advanced-ads-ad-edit-allowed-metaboxes', [ $this, 'advanced_custom_fields_box' ] ); } add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'admin_dequeue_scripts_and_styles' ], 100 ); if ( defined( 'BORLABS_COOKIE_VERSION' ) ) { // Check if Verification code & Auto ads ads can be displayed. add_filter( 'advanced-ads-can-display-ads-in-header', [ $this, 'borlabs_cookie_can_add_auto_ads_code' ], 10 ); } // Make sure inline JS in head is executed when Complianz is set to block JS. $complianz_version = get_option( 'cmplz-current-version', false ); // if complianz version equal or greater then 6.0.0 use cmplz_service_category if ( $complianz_version && version_compare( $complianz_version, '6.0.0', '>=' ) ) { add_filter( 'cmplz_service_category', [ $this, 'complianz_exclude_inline_js' ], 10, 2 ); } else { // if complianz version less then 6.0.0 use cmplz_script_class add_filter( 'cmplz_script_class', [ $this, 'complianz_exclude_inline_js' ], 10, 2 ); } $this->critical_inline_js = $this->critical_inline_js(); } /** * Modify xPath expression for Elementor plugin. * The plugin does not wrap newly created text in 'p' tags. * * @param string $tag xpath tag. * @return string xPath expression */ public function content_injection_elementor( $tag ) { if ( 'p' === $tag ) { // 'p' or 'div.elementor-widget-text-editor' without nested 'p' $tag = "*[self::p or self::div[@class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' elementor-widget-text-editor ') and not(descendant::p)]]"; } return $tag; } /** * Prevent the 'advanced_ads_ready' function declaration from being merged with other JS * and outputted into the footer. This is needed because WP Rocket does not output all * the code that depends on this function into the footer. * * @param array $exclusions Patterns to match in inline JS content. * * @return array */ public function rocket_exclude_inline_js( $exclusions ) { return array_merge( $exclusions, $this->critical_inline_js ); } /** * Prevent Complianz from suppressing our head inline script. * * @param string $class the class Complianz adds to the script, `cmplz-script` for prevented scripts, `cmplz-native` for allowed. * @param string $total_match the script string. * * @return string */ public function complianz_exclude_inline_js( $class, $total_match ) { if ( $class === 'cmplz-native' ) { return $class; } foreach ( $this->critical_inline_js as $critical_inline_js ) { if ( strpos( $total_match, $critical_inline_js ) !== false ) { return 'cmplz-native'; } } return $class; } /** * Compatibility with WPML * show only all languages in language switcher on Advanced Ads pages if ads and groups are translated * * @param array $active_languages languages that can be used in language switcher. * @return array */ public function wpml_language_switcher( $active_languages ) { global $sitepress; $screen = get_current_screen(); if ( ! isset( $screen->id ) ) { return $active_languages; } switch ( $screen->id ) { // check if we are on a group edit page and ad group translations are disabled. case 'advanced-ads_page_advanced-ads-groups': $translatable_taxonomies = $sitepress->get_translatable_taxonomies(); if ( ! is_array( $translatable_taxonomies ) || ! in_array( 'advanced_ads_groups', $translatable_taxonomies, true ) ) { return []; } break; // check if Advanced Ads ad post type is translatable. case 'edit-advanced_ads': // overview page. case 'advanced_ads': // edit page. $translatable_documents = $sitepress->get_translatable_documents(); if ( empty( $translatable_documents['advanced_ads'] ) ) { return []; } break; } return $active_languages; } /** * WordPress SEO: remove attachments attached to ads from `/attachment-sitemap.xml`. * * @param array $url Array of URL parts. * @param string $type URL type. * @param object $post WP_Post object of attachment. * @return array|bool Unmodified array of URL parts or false to remove URL. */ public function wordpress_seo_noindex_ad_attachments( $url, $type, $post ) { if ( 'post' !== $type ) { return $url; } static $ad_ids = null; if ( null === $ad_ids ) { $ad_ids = Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->get_model()->get_ads( [ 'post_status' => 'any', 'fields' => 'ids', ] ); } if ( isset( $post->post_parent ) && in_array( $post->post_parent, $ad_ids, true ) ) { return false; } return $url; } /** * Display an ad or ad group in a newsletter created by MailPoet. * e.g., [custom:ad:123] to display ad with the ID 123 * [custom:ad_group:345] to display ad group with the ID 345 * * @param string $shortcode shortcode that placed the ad. * @param mixed $newsletter unused. * @param mixed $subscriber unused. * @param mixed $queue unused. * @param string $newsletter_body unused. * * @return string */ public static function mailpoet_ad_shortcode( $shortcode, $newsletter, $subscriber, $queue, $newsletter_body ) { // display an ad group. if ( 0 === strpos( $shortcode, '[custom:ad_group:' ) ) { // get ad group ID. preg_match( '/\d+/', $shortcode, $matches ); $group_id = $matches[0]; // is returning an empty string when the ad group is not found good UI? if ( empty( $group_id ) ) { return ''; } // only display if the ad group type could work, i.e. default (random) and ordered. $ad_group = new Advanced_Ads_Group( $group_id ); if ( isset( $ad_group->type ) && in_array( $ad_group->type, [ 'default', 'ordered' ], true ) ) { return get_ad_group( $group_id ); } return ''; // display individual ad. } elseif ( 0 === strpos( $shortcode, '[custom:ad:' ) ) { // get ad ID. preg_match( '/\d+/', $shortcode, $matches ); $ad_id = $matches[0]; // is returning an empty string when the ad is not found good UI? if ( empty( $ad_id ) ) { return ''; } $ad = \Advanced_Ads\Ad_Repository::get( $ad_id ); // only display if the ad type could work, i.e. plain text and image ads. if ( isset( $ad->type ) && in_array( $ad->type, [ 'plain', 'image' ], true ) ) { return get_ad( $ad_id ); } return ''; } else { // always return the shortcode if it doesn't match your own! return $shortcode; } } /** * Check if placements of type other than `header` can be injected during `wp_head` action. */ public static function can_inject_during_wp_head() { // the "Thrive Theme Builder" theme. if ( did_action( 'before_theme_builder_template_render' ) && ! did_action( 'after_theme_builder_template_render' ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Dequeue scripts and styles to prevent layout issues. */ public function admin_dequeue_scripts_and_styles() { if ( ! Conditional::is_screen_advanced_ads() ) { return; } // Dequeue the css file enqueued by the JNews theme. if ( defined( 'JNEWS_THEME_URL' ) ) { wp_dequeue_style( 'jnews-admin' ); } } /** * Check if Adsense Auto ads code can be added to the header. * * @param bool $can_display if the ad can already be displayed. * @return bool */ public function borlabs_cookie_can_add_auto_ads_code( $can_display ) { if ( ! $can_display ) { return false; } return ! self::borlabs_cookie_adsense_auto_ads_code_exists(); } /** * Check if Adsense Auto ads code is added by the Borlabs Cookie plugin. * * This allows to prevent the "Only one 'enable_page_level_ads' allowed per page" error * that makes impossible to close the "Privacy Preference" window created by the "Borlabs Cookie" plugin. * * @return bool */ public static function borlabs_cookie_adsense_auto_ads_code_exists() { // Cache the result in order to perform the check only once. static $result = null; if ( null !== $result ) { return $result; } // Set the `autoload` param to `true` so that the class loads both in frontend and backend. if ( class_exists( '\BorlabsCookie\Cookie\Frontend\Cookies', true ) ) { try { $refl_cookies = new ReflectionClass( '\BorlabsCookie\Cookie\Frontend\Cookies' ); if ( $refl_cookies->hasMethod( 'getInstance' ) && $refl_cookies->hasMethod( 'getAllCookieGroups' ) ) { $instance = $refl_cookies->getMethod( 'getInstance' ); $cookie_groups = $refl_cookies->getMethod( 'getAllCookieGroups' ); if ( $instance->isPublic() && $instance->isStatic() && $cookie_groups->isPublic() ) { $all_cookies = BorlabsCookie\Cookie\Frontend\Cookies::getInstance()->getAllCookieGroups(); } } } catch ( Exception $e ) { $result = false; return $result; } } if ( empty( $all_cookies ) ) { $result = false; return $result; } foreach ( $all_cookies as $cookie_group_data ) { if ( ! empty( $cookie_group_data->group_id ) && 'marketing' === $cookie_group_data->group_id && ! empty( $cookie_group_data->cookies ) ) { foreach ( $cookie_group_data->cookies as $cookie_data ) { if ( ! empty( $cookie_data->cookie_id ) && 'google-adsense' === $cookie_data->cookie_id && ! empty( $cookie_data->opt_in_js ) ) { $opt_in_js = $cookie_data->opt_in_js; } } } } if ( empty( $opt_in_js ) ) { $result = false; return $result; } $result = preg_match( '/<script[^>]+data-ad-client/', $opt_in_js ) || false !== strpos( $opt_in_js, 'enable_page_level_ads:' ); return $result; } /** * Whitelist meta boxes created by the Advanced Custom Fields plugin on the ad edit pages * when they are dedicated for the "Ad" post type. * * @param array $meta_boxes already whitelisted meta boxes. * @return array */ public function advanced_custom_fields_box( $meta_boxes ) { // fixes an issue reported when ACF class exists, but this function does not if ( ! function_exists( 'acf_get_field_groups' ) ) { return $meta_boxes; } // load ACF field groups dedicated to the Advanced Ads post type $groups = acf_get_field_groups( [ 'post_type' => Entities::POST_TYPE_AD ] ); if ( is_array( $groups ) && $groups ) { foreach ( $groups as $_group ) { if ( isset( $_group['key'] ) ) { $meta_boxes[] = 'acf-' . $_group['key']; } } } return $meta_boxes; } /** * Get an array of strings to exclude when plugins "optimize" JS. * * @return array */ private function critical_inline_js() { $frontend_prefix = Advanced_Ads_Plugin::get_instance()->get_frontend_prefix(); $default = [ sprintf( 'id="%sready"', $frontend_prefix ), ]; /** * Filters an array of strings of (inline) JavaScript "identifiers" that should not be "optimized"/delayed etc. * * @param array $default Array of excluded patterns. */ $exclusions = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-compatibility-critical-inline-js', $default, $frontend_prefix ); if ( ! is_array( $exclusions ) ) { $exclusions = $default; } return $exclusions; } }