편집 파일: frontend_checks.php
<?php // phpcs:ignoreFile use AdvancedAds\Utilities\WordPress; /** * Class Advanced_Ads_Frontend_Checks * * Handle Ad Health and other notifications and checks in the frontend. */ class Advanced_Ads_Frontend_Checks { /** * True if 'the_content' was invoked, false otherwise. * * @var bool */ private $did_the_content = false; private $has_many_the_content = false; /** * Constructor. */ public function __construct() { // Wait until other plugins (for example Elementor) have disabled admin bar using `show_admin_bar` filter. add_action( 'template_redirect', [ $this, 'init' ], 11 ); if ( wp_doing_ajax() ) { add_filter( 'advanced-ads-ad-output', [ $this, 'after_ad_output' ], 10, 2 ); } } /** * Ad Health init. */ public function init() { if ( ! is_admin() && is_admin_bar_showing() && WordPress::user_can( 'advanced_ads_edit_ads' ) && Advanced_Ads_Ad_Health_Notices::notices_enabled() ) { add_action( 'admin_bar_menu', [ $this, 'add_admin_bar_menu' ], 1000 ); add_filter( 'the_content', [ $this, 'set_did_the_content' ] ); add_action( 'wp_footer', [ $this, 'footer_checks' ], -101 ); add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueue_scripts' ] ); add_filter( 'advanced-ads-ad-select-args', [ $this, 'ad_select_args_callback' ] ); add_filter( 'advanced-ads-ad-output', [ $this, 'after_ad_output' ], 10, 2 ); } if ( Advanced_Ads_Ad_Health_Notices::notices_enabled() ) { add_action( 'body_class', [ $this, 'body_class' ] ); } if( $this->has_adblocker_placements() ) { if ( ! wp_advads()->registry->is_script('find-adblocker', 'enqueued') ) { wp_advads()->registry->enqueue_script('find-adblocker'); } } } /** * Notify ads loaded with AJAX. * * @param array $args ad arguments. * @return array $args */ public function ad_select_args_callback( $args ) { $args['frontend-check'] = true; return $args; } /** * Enqueue scripts * needs to add ajaxurl in case no other plugin is doing that */ public function enqueue_scripts() { if ( advads_is_amp() ) { return; } // we don’t have our own script, so we attach this information to jquery. wp_localize_script( 'jquery', 'advads_frontend_checks', [ 'ajax_url' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) ] ); } /** * List current ad situation on the page in the admin-bar. * * @param object $wp_admin_bar WP_Admin_Bar. */ public function add_admin_bar_menu( $wp_admin_bar ) { global $wp_the_query, $post, $wp_scripts; $options = Advanced_Ads_Plugin::get_instance()->options(); // load AdSense related options. $adsense_options = Advanced_Ads_AdSense_Data::get_instance()->get_options(); // check if jQuery is loaded in the header // Hidden, will be shown using js. // message removed after we fixed all issues we know of. /* $wp_admin_bar->add_node( array( 'parent' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health', 'id' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_jquery', 'title' => __( 'jQuery not in header', 'advanced-ads' ), 'href' => ADVADS_URL . 'manual/common-issues#frontend-issues-javascript', 'meta' => array( 'class' => 'hidden advanced_ads_ad_health_warning', 'target' => '_blank' ) ) ); */ // check if AdSense loads Auto Ads ads // Hidden, will be shown using js. if ( ! isset( $adsense_options['violation-warnings-disable'] ) ) { $nodes[] = [ 'type' => 2, 'data' => [ 'parent' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health', 'id' => 'advanced_ads_autoads_displayed', 'title' => __( 'Random AdSense ads', 'advanced-ads' ), 'href' => ADVADS_URL . 'adsense-in-random-positions-auto-ads/?utm_source=advanced-ads&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=frontend-autoads-ads', 'meta' => [ 'class' => 'hidden', 'target' => '_blank', ], ], ]; } // check if current user was identified as a bot. if ( Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->is_bot() ) { $nodes[] = [ 'type' => 1, 'data' => [ 'parent' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health', 'id' => 'advanced_ads_user_is_bot', 'title' => __( 'You look like a bot', 'advanced-ads' ), 'href' => ADVADS_URL . 'manual/ad-health/#look-like-bot', 'meta' => [ 'class' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_warning', 'target' => '_blank' ] ] ]; } // check if an ad blocker is enabled // Hidden, will be shown using js. $nodes[] = [ 'type' => 2, 'data' => [ 'parent' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health', 'id' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_adblocker_enabled', 'title' => __( 'Ad blocker enabled', 'advanced-ads' ), 'meta' => [ 'class' => 'hidden advanced_ads_ad_health_warning', 'target' => '_blank' ] ] ]; if ( $wp_the_query->is_singular() ) { if ( $this->has_the_content_placements() ) { $nodes[] = [ 'type' => 2, 'data' => [ 'parent' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health', 'id' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_the_content_not_invoked', 'title' => sprintf( __( '<em>%s</em> filter does not exist', 'advanced-ads' ), 'the_content' ), 'href' => ADVADS_URL . 'manual/ads-not-showing-up/?utm_source=advanced-ads&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=adhealth-content-filter-missing#the_content-filter-missing', 'meta' => [ 'class' => 'hidden advanced_ads_ad_health_warning', 'target' => '_blank' ] ] ]; } if ( ! empty( $post->ID ) ) { $ad_settings = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_advads_ad_settings', true ); if ( ! empty( $ad_settings['disable_the_content'] ) ) { $nodes[] = [ 'type' => 1, 'data' => [ 'parent' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health', 'id' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_disabled_in_content', 'title' => __( 'Ads are disabled in the content of this page', 'advanced-ads' ), 'href' => get_edit_post_link( $post->ID ) . '#advads-ad-settings', 'meta' => [ 'class' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_warning', 'target' => '_blank' ] ] ]; } } else { $nodes[] = [ 'type' => 1, 'data' => [ 'parent' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health', 'id' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_post_zero', 'title' => __( 'the current post ID is 0 ', 'advanced-ads' ), 'href' => ADVADS_URL . 'manual/ad-health/#post-id-0', 'meta' => [ 'class' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_warning', 'target' => '_blank' ] ] ]; } } $disabled_reason = Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->disabled_reason; $disabled_id = Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->disabled_id; if ( 'page' === $disabled_reason && $disabled_id ) { $nodes[] = [ 'type' => 1, 'data' => [ 'parent' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health', 'id' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_disabled_on_page', 'title' => __( 'Ads are disabled on this page', 'advanced-ads' ), 'href' => get_edit_post_link( $disabled_id ) . '#advads-ad-settings', 'meta' => [ 'class' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_warning', 'target' => '_blank', ], ], ]; } if ( 'all' === $disabled_reason ) { $nodes[] = [ 'type' => 1, 'data' => [ 'parent' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health', 'id' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_no_all', 'title' => __( 'Ads are disabled on all pages', 'advanced-ads' ), 'href' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=advanced-ads-settings' ), 'meta' => [ 'class' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_warning', 'target' => '_blank' ] ] ]; } if ( '404' === $disabled_reason ) { $nodes[] = [ 'type' => 1, 'data' => [ 'parent' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health', 'id' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_no_404', 'title' => __( 'Ads are disabled on 404 pages', 'advanced-ads' ), 'href' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=advanced-ads-settings' ), 'meta' => [ 'class' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_warning', 'target' => '_blank', ], ], ]; } if ( 'archive' === $disabled_reason ) { $nodes[] = [ 'type' => 1, 'data' => [ 'parent' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health', 'id' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_no_archive', 'title' => __( 'Ads are disabled on non singular pages', 'advanced-ads' ), 'href' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=advanced-ads-settings' ), 'meta' => [ 'class' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_warning', 'target' => '_blank' ] ] ]; } $nodes[] = [ 'type' => 2, 'data' => [ 'parent' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health', 'id' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_has_http', 'title' => sprintf( '%s %s', __( 'Your website is using HTTPS, but the ad code contains HTTP and might not work.', 'advanced-ads' ), sprintf( __( 'Ad IDs: %s', 'advanced-ads' ), '<i></i>' ) ), 'href' => ADVADS_URL . 'manual/ad-health/?utm_source=advanced-ads&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=adhealth-https-ads#https-ads', 'meta' => [ 'class' => 'hidden advanced_ads_ad_health_warning advanced_ads_ad_health_has_http', 'target' => '_blank' ] ] ]; $nodes[] = [ 'type' => 2, 'data' => [ 'parent' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health', 'id' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_incorrect_head', 'title' => sprintf( __( 'Visible ads should not use the Header placement: %s', 'advanced-ads' ), '<i></i>' ), 'href' => ADVADS_URL . 'manual/ad-health/?utm_source=advanced-ads&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=adhealth-visible-ad-in-header#header-ads', 'meta' => [ 'class' => 'hidden advanced_ads_ad_health_warning advanced_ads_ad_health_incorrect_head', 'target' => '_blank' ] ] ]; // warn if an AdSense ad seems to be hidden. if ( ! isset( $adsense_options['violation-warnings-disable'] ) ) { $nodes[] = [ 'type' => 2, 'data' => [ 'parent' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health', 'id' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_hidden_adsense', 'title' => sprintf( '%s: %s. %s', __( 'AdSense violation', 'advanced-ads' ), __( 'Ad is hidden', 'advanced-ads' ), sprintf( __( 'IDs: %s', 'advanced-ads' ), '<i></i>' ) ), 'href' => ADVADS_URL . 'manual/ad-health/?utm_source=advanced-ads&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=adhealth-frontend-adsense-hidden#adsense-hidden', 'meta' => [ 'class' => 'hidden advanced_ads_ad_health_warning advanced_ads_ad_health_hidden_adsense', 'target' => '_blank', ], ], ]; } $nodes[] = [ 'type' => 2, 'data' => [ 'parent' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health', 'id' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_floated_responsive_adsense', 'title' => sprintf( __( 'The following responsive AdSense ads are not showing up: %s', 'advanced-ads' ), '<i></i>' ), 'href' => ADVADS_URL . 'manual/ad-health/?utm_source=advanced-ads&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=adhealth-adsense-responsive-not-showing#The_following_responsive_AdSense_ads_arenot_showing_up', 'meta' => [ 'class' => 'hidden advanced_ads_ad_health_warning advanced_ads_ad_health_floated_responsive_adsense', 'target' => '_blank', ], ], ]; // warn if consent was not given. $privacy = Advanced_Ads_Privacy::get_instance(); if ( 'not_needed' !== $privacy->get_state() ) { $nodes[] = [ 'type' => 2, 'data' => [ 'parent' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health', 'id' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_consent_missing', 'title' => __( 'Consent not given', 'advanced-ads' ), 'href' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=advanced-ads-settings#top#privacy' ), 'meta' => [ 'class' => 'hidden advanced_ads_ad_health_warning advanced_ads_ad_health_consent_missing', 'target' => '_blank', ], ], ]; } $privacy_options = $privacy->options(); if ( ( empty( $privacy_options['enabled'] ) || $privacy_options['consent-method'] !== 'iab_tcf_20' ) ) { $nodes[] = [ 'type' => 2, 'data' => [ 'parent' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health', 'id' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_privacy_disabled', 'title' => __( 'Enable TCF integration', 'advanced-ads' ), 'href' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=advanced-ads-settings#top#privacy' ), 'meta' => [ 'class' => 'hidden advanced_ads_ad_health_warning advanced_ads_ad_health_privacy_disabled', 'target' => '_blank', ], ], ]; } $nodes[] = [ 'type' => 3, 'data' => [ 'parent' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health', 'id' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_gam_debug', 'title' => __( 'Debug Google Ad Manager', 'advanced-ads' ), 'href' => esc_url( add_query_arg( 'google_force_console', '1' ) ), 'meta' => [ 'class' => 'hidden advanced_ads_ad_health_gam_debug_link', ], ], ]; // link to highlight ads and jump from one ad to the next. $nodes[] = [ 'type' => 3, 'amp' => false, 'data' => [ 'parent' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health', 'id' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_highlight_ads', 'title' => sprintf( '<span class="link">%s</span> %s', __( 'highlight ads', 'advanced-ads' ), '<span class="arrows"> <i class = "dashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt previous"></i> <i class = "dashicons dashicons-arrow-down-alt next"></i> </span>' ), 'meta' => [ 'class' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_highlight_ads', ], ], ]; /** * Add new node. * * @param array $node An array that contains: * 'type' => 1 - warning, 2 - hidden warning that will be shown using JS, 3 - info message * 'data': @see WP_Admin_Bar->add_node * @param object $wp_admin_bar */ $nodes = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-ad-health-nodes', $nodes ); usort( $nodes, [ $this, 'sort_nodes' ] ); // load number of already detected notices. $notices = Advanced_Ads_Ad_Health_Notices::get_number_of_notices(); if ( ! advads_is_amp() ) { $warnings = 0; // Will be updated using JS. } else { $warnings = $this->count_visible_warnings( $nodes, [ 1 ] ); } $issues = $warnings; $this->add_header_nodes( $wp_admin_bar, $issues, $notices ); foreach ( $nodes as $node ) { if ( isset( $node['data'] ) ) { $wp_admin_bar->add_node( $node['data'] ); } } $this->add_footer_nodes( $wp_admin_bar, $issues ); } /** * Add classes to the `body` tag. * * @param string[] $classes Array of existing class names. * @return string[] $classes Array of existing and new class names. */ public function body_class( $classes ) { $aa_classes = [ 'aa-prefix-' . Advanced_Ads_Plugin::get_instance()->get_frontend_prefix(), ]; $disabled_reason = Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->disabled_reason; if ( $disabled_reason ) { $aa_classes[] = 'aa-disabled-' . esc_attr( $disabled_reason ); } global $post; if ( ! empty( $post->ID ) ) { $ad_settings = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_advads_ad_settings', true ); if ( ! empty( $ad_settings['disable_the_content'] ) ) { $aa_classes[] = 'aa-disabled-content'; } } // hide-ads-from-bots option is enabled. $options = Advanced_Ads_Plugin::get_instance()->options(); if ( ! empty( $options['block-bots'] ) ) { $aa_classes[] = 'aa-disabled-bots'; } $aa_classes = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-body-classes', $aa_classes ); if ( ! is_array( $classes ) ) { $classes = []; } if ( ! is_array( $aa_classes ) ) { $aa_classes = []; } return array_merge( $classes, $aa_classes ); } /** * Count visible notices and warnings. * * @param array $nodes Nodes to add. * @param array $types Warning types. */ private function count_visible_warnings( $nodes, $types = [] ) { $warnings = 0; foreach ( $nodes as $node ) { if ( ! isset( $node['type'] ) || ! isset( $node['data'] ) ) { continue; } if ( in_array( $node['type'], $types ) ) { $warnings++; } } return $warnings; } /** * Add header nodes. * * @param object $wp_admin_bar WP_Admin_Bar object. * @param int $issues Number of all issues. * @param int $notices Number of notices. */ private function add_header_nodes( $wp_admin_bar, $issues, $notices ) { $wp_admin_bar->add_node( [ 'id' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health', 'title' => __( 'Ad Health', 'advanced-ads' ) . ' <span class="advanced-ads-issue-counter">' . $issues . '</span>', 'parent' => false, 'href' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=advanced-ads' ), 'meta' => [ 'class' => $issues ? 'advads-adminbar-is-warnings' : '', ], ] ); // show that there are backend notices. if ( $notices ) { $wp_admin_bar->add_node( [ 'parent' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health', 'id' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_more', 'title' => sprintf( __( 'Show %d more notifications', 'advanced-ads' ), absint( $notices ) ), 'href' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=advanced-ads' ), ] ); } } /** * Add footer nodes. * * @param obj $wp_admin_bar WP_Admin_Bar object. * @param int $issues Number of all issues. */ private function add_footer_nodes( $wp_admin_bar, $issues ) { if ( ! $issues ) { $wp_admin_bar->add_node( [ 'parent' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health', 'id' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_fine', 'title' => __( 'Everything is fine', 'advanced-ads' ), 'href' => false, 'meta' => [ 'target' => '_blank', ], ] ); } $wp_admin_bar->add_node( [ 'parent' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health', 'id' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_support', 'title' => __( 'Get help', 'advanced-ads' ), 'href' => Advanced_Ads_Plugin::support_url( '?utm_source=advanced-ads&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=health-support' ), 'meta' => [ 'target' => '_blank', ], ] ); } /** * Filter out nodes intended to AMP pages only. * * @param array $nodes Nodes to add. * @return array $nodes Nodes to add. */ private function filter_nodes( $nodes ) { return $nodes; } /** * Sort nodes. */ function sort_nodes( $a, $b ) { if ( ! isset( $a['type'] ) || ! isset( $b['type'] ) ) { return 0; } if ( $a['type'] == $b['type'] ) { return 0; } return ( $a['type'] < $b['type'] ) ? -1 : 1; } /** * Set variable to 'true' when 'the_content' filter is invoked. * * @param string $content * @return string $content */ public function set_did_the_content( $content ) { if ( ! $this->did_the_content ) { $this->did_the_content = true; } if ( Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->has_many_the_content() ) { $this->has_many_the_content = true; } return $content; } /** * Check conditions and display warning. * Conditions: * AdBlocker enabled, * jQuery is included in header * AdSense Quick Start ads are running */ public function footer_checks() { ob_start(); ?><!-- Advanced Ads: <?php esc_html_e( 'the following code is used for automatic error detection and only visible to admins', 'advanced-ads' ); ?>--> <style>#wp-admin-bar-advanced_ads_ad_health .hidden { display: none; } #wp-admin-bar-advanced_ads_ad_health-default a:after { content: "\25BA"; margin-left: .5em; font-size: smaller; } #wp-admin-bar-advanced_ads_ad_health-default .advanced_ads_ad_health_highlight_ads div:before { content: "\f177"; margin-right: .2em; line-height: 1em; padding: 0.2em 0 0; color: inherit; } #wp-admin-bar-advanced_ads_ad_health-default .advanced_ads_ad_health_highlight_ads div:hover { color: #00b9eb; cursor: pointer; } #wpadminbar .advanced-ads-issue-counter { background-color: #d54e21; display: none; padding: 1px 7px 1px 6px!important; border-radius: 50%; color: #fff; } #wpadminbar .advads-adminbar-is-warnings .advanced-ads-issue-counter { display: inline; } .advanced-ads-highlight-ads { outline:4px solid #0474A2 !important; } #wp-admin-bar-advanced_ads_ad_health .advanced_ads_ad_health_highlight_ads .arrows {display: none;} #wp-admin-bar-advanced_ads_ad_health .arrows .dashicons {font-family: 'dashicons';} #wp-admin-bar-advanced_ads_ad_health.hover .advanced_ads_ad_health_highlight_ads.active .arrows {display: inline-block;} </style> <?php // phpcs:ignore echo ob_get_clean(); if ( advads_is_amp() ) { return; } $adsense_options = Advanced_Ads_AdSense_Data::get_instance()->get_options(); ob_start(); ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo ADVADS_BASE_URL . 'admin/assets/js/advertisement.js' ?>"></script> <script> var advanced_ads_frontend_checks = { showCount: function() { try { // Count only warnings that have the 'advanced_ads_ad_health_warning' class. var warning_count = document.querySelectorAll( '.advanced_ads_ad_health_warning:not(.hidden)' ).length; var fine_item = document.getElementById( 'wp-admin-bar-advanced_ads_ad_health_fine' ); } catch ( e ) { return; } var header = document.querySelector( '#wp-admin-bar-advanced_ads_ad_health > a' ); if ( warning_count ) { if ( fine_item ) { // Hide 'fine' item. fine_item.className += ' hidden'; } if ( header ) { header.innerHTML = header.innerHTML.replace(/<span class="advanced-ads-issue-counter">\d*<\/span>/, '') + '<span class="advanced-ads-issue-counter">' + warning_count + '</span>'; // add class header.className += ' advads-adminbar-is-warnings'; } } else { // Show 'fine' item. if ( fine_item ) { fine_item.classList.remove('hidden'); } // Remove counter. if ( header ) { header.innerHTML = header.innerHTML.replace(/<span class="advanced-ads-issue-counter">\d*<\/span>/, ''); header.classList.remove('advads-adminbar-is-warnings'); } } }, array_unique: function( array ) { var r= []; for ( var i = 0; i < array.length; i++ ) { if ( r.indexOf( array[ i ] ) === -1 ) { r.push( array[ i ] ); } } return r; }, /** * Add item to Ad Health node. * * @param string selector Selector of the node. * @param string/array item item(s) to add. */ add_item_to_node: function( selector, item ) { if ( typeof item === 'string' ) { item = item.split(); } var selector = document.querySelector( selector ); if ( selector ) { selector.className = selector.className.replace( 'hidden', '' ); selector.innerHTML = selector.innerHTML.replace( /(<i>)(.*?)(<\/i>)/, function( match, p1, p2, p3 ) { p2 = ( p2 ) ? p2.split( ', ' ) : []; p2 = p2.concat( item ); p2 = advanced_ads_frontend_checks.array_unique( p2 ); return p1 + p2.join( ', ' ) + p3; } ); advanced_ads_frontend_checks.showCount(); } }, /** * Add item to Ad Health notices in the backend * * @param key of the notice * @param attr * @returns {undefined} */ add_item_to_notices: function( key, attr = '' ) { var cookie = advads.get_cookie( 'advanced_ads_ad_health_notices' ); if ( cookie ){ advads_cookie_notices = JSON.parse( cookie ); } else { advads_cookie_notices = new Array(); } // stop if notice was added less than 1 hour ago if ( 0 <= advads_cookie_notices.indexOf( key ) ){ return; } var query = { action: 'advads-ad-health-notice-push', key: key, attr: attr, nonce: '<?php echo wp_create_nonce('advanced-ads-ad-health-ajax-nonce'); ?>' }; // send query // update notices and cookie jQuery.post( advads_frontend_checks.ajax_url, query, function (r) { advads_cookie_notices.push( key ); var notices_str = JSON.stringify( advads_cookie_notices ); advads.set_cookie_sec( 'advanced_ads_ad_health_notices', notices_str, 3600 ); // 1 hour }); }, /** * Search for hidden AdSense. * * @param string context Context for search. */ advads_highlight_hidden_adsense: function( context ) { if ( ! context ) { context = 'html' } if ( window.jQuery ) { var responsive_zero_width = []; jQuery( 'ins.adsbygoogle', context ).each( function() { // Zero width, perhaps because a parent container is floated if ( jQuery( this ).attr( 'data-ad-format' ) && 0 === jQuery( this ).width() ) { responsive_zero_width.push( this.dataset.adSlot ); } }); if ( responsive_zero_width.length ) { advanced_ads_frontend_checks.add_item_to_node( '.advanced_ads_ad_health_floated_responsive_adsense', responsive_zero_width ); } } } }; (function(d, w) { // highlight link as global var highlightLink = d.getElementById( 'wp-admin-bar-advanced_ads_ad_health_highlight_ads' ); var adWrappers; // update ad count in health tool admin bar updateAdsCount(d); var addEvent = function( obj, type, fn ) { if ( obj.addEventListener ) obj.addEventListener( type, fn, false ); else if ( obj.attachEvent ) obj.attachEvent( 'on' + type, function() { return fn.call( obj, window.event ); } ); }; function getAdWrappers() { return document.querySelectorAll(".<?php echo Advanced_Ads_Plugin::get_instance()->get_frontend_prefix(); ?>highlight-wrapper, .google-auto-placed"); } // highlight ads that use Advanced Ads placements or AdSense Auto ads function highlightAds() { /** * Selectors: * Placement container: ".<?php echo Advanced_Ads_Plugin::get_instance()->get_frontend_prefix(); ?>highlight-wrapper, .google-auto-placed" * AdSense Auto ads: 'google-auto-placed' */ try { <?php //phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped ?> adWrappers = getAdWrappers(); <?php //phpcs:enable ?> } catch ( e ) { return; } for ( i = 0; i < adWrappers.length; i++ ) { // Check highlighted ads active adWrappers[i].classList.toggle('advanced-ads-highlight-ads'); // show title only when highlight ads active. if ( adWrappers[i].classList.contains('advanced-ads-highlight-ads') ) { adWrappers[i].title = adWrappers[i].getAttribute('data-title'); } else { adWrappers[i].title = ''; } } // add or remove active class from highlight link highlightLink.classList.toggle('active'); } function scrollToHighlightedAd() { try { // If no ad wrappers are found, exit the function if (adWrappers.length === 0) return; // Initialize or update the index of the currently highlighted ad if (typeof window.current_highlighted_ad === "undefined") { window.current_highlighted_ad = 0; } else if (this.classList.contains('next') && adWrappers.length - 1 > window.current_highlighted_ad) { window.current_highlighted_ad++; } else if (this.classList.contains('previous') && window.current_highlighted_ad > 0) { window.current_highlighted_ad--; } // Get the offsetTop of the currently highlighted ad's wrapper const scrollDiv = document.getElementById(adWrappers[window.current_highlighted_ad]?.id)?.offsetTop; // If scrollDiv is defined, scroll to the ad wrapper's position if (scrollDiv !== undefined) { window.scrollTo({ top: scrollDiv, behavior: 'smooth' }); } } catch (e) { // Handle any errors that might occur } } advanced_ads_ready( function() { var adblock_item = d.getElementById( 'wp-admin-bar-advanced_ads_ad_health_adblocker_enabled' ); // handle click on the highlightAds link var link = highlightLink.querySelector('.link'); addEvent( link, 'click', highlightAds ); // arrows click handler var arrows = highlightLink.querySelector('.arrows').querySelectorAll('.dashicons'); for ( let i = 0; i < arrows.length; i++ ) { arrows[i].addEventListener("click", scrollToHighlightedAd); } if ( adblock_item && typeof advanced_ads_adblocker_test === 'undefined' ) { // show hidden item adblock_item.className = adblock_item.className.replace( /hidden/, '' ); } <?php if ( ! $this->did_the_content ) : ?> var the_content_item = d.getElementById( 'wp-admin-bar-advanced_ads_ad_health_the_content_not_invoked' ); if ( the_content_item ) { the_content_item.className = the_content_item.className.replace( /hidden/, '' ); } <?php endif; ?> advanced_ads_frontend_checks.showCount(); }); <?php if ( ! isset( $adsense_options['violation-warnings-disable'] ) ) : ?> // show warning if AdSense ad is hidden // show hint if AdSense Auto ads are enabled setTimeout( function(){ advanced_ads_ready( advanced_ads_frontend_checks.advads_highlight_hidden_adsense ); }, 2000 ); // highlight AdSense Auto Ads ads 3 seconds after site loaded setTimeout( function(){ advanced_ads_ready( advads_highlight_adsense_autoads ); }, 3000 ); function advads_highlight_adsense_autoads(){ if ( ! window.jQuery ) { window.console && window.console.log( 'Advanced Ads: jQuery not found. Some Ad Health warnings will not be displayed.' ); return; } var autoads_ads = document.querySelectorAll('.google-auto-placed'); // show Auto Ads warning in Ad Health bar if relevant if ( autoads_ads.length ){ var advads_autoads_link = document.querySelector( '#wp-admin-bar-advanced_ads_autoads_displayed.hidden' ); if ( advads_autoads_link ) { advads_autoads_link.className = advads_autoads_link.className.replace( 'hidden', '' ); } advanced_ads_frontend_checks.showCount(); } } <?php endif; /** * Code to check if current user gave consent to show ads */ $privacy = Advanced_Ads_Privacy::get_instance(); if ( 'not_needed' !== $privacy->get_state() ) : ?> document.addEventListener('advanced_ads_privacy', function (event) { var advads_consent_link = document.querySelector('#wp-admin-bar-advanced_ads_ad_health_consent_missing'); if (!advads_consent_link) { return; } if (event.detail.state !== 'accepted' && event.detail.state !== 'not_needed') { advads_consent_link.classList.remove('hidden'); } else { advads_consent_link.classList.add('hidden'); } advanced_ads_frontend_checks.showCount(); }); <?php endif; $privacy_options = $privacy->options(); if ( ( empty( $privacy_options['enabled'] ) || 'iab_tcf_20' !== $privacy_options['consent-method'] ) && (bool) apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-ad-health-show-tcf-notice', true ) ) : ?> var count = 0, tcfapiInterval = setInterval(function () { if (++count === 600) { clearInterval(tcfapiInterval); } if (typeof window.__tcfapi === 'undefined') { return; } clearInterval(tcfapiInterval); var advadsPrivacyLink = document.querySelector('#wp-admin-bar-advanced_ads_ad_health_privacy_disabled'); if (!advadsPrivacyLink) { return; } advadsPrivacyLink.classList.remove('hidden'); advanced_ads_frontend_checks.showCount(); }, 100); <?php endif; ?> /** * show Google Ad Manager debug link in Ad Health * * look for container with ID starting with `div-gpt-ad-` * or `gpt-ad-` as used by our own Google Ad Manager integration * we don’t look for the gpt header script because that is also used by other services that are based on Google Publisher Tags */ function advadsGamShowDebugLink(){ var advadsGamDebugLink = document.querySelector( '.advanced_ads_ad_health_gam_debug_link.hidden' ); if ( ! advadsGamDebugLink ){ return; } // Check for the `googletag` variable created in the page header or directly in the body alongside the ad slot definition. if ( typeof window.googletag !== 'undefined' ) { advadsGamDebugLink.className = advadsGamDebugLink.className.replace( 'hidden', '' ); } } // look for Google Ad Manager tags with a delay of 2 seconds setTimeout( function(){ advanced_ads_ready( advadsGamShowDebugLink ); }, 2000 ); // Function to count visible ads with unique group IDs function getAdsCount(){ // Get all elements with the specified class name const adWrappers = getAdWrappers(); // Initialize a count for visible ads let ads_count = 0; // Loop through each ad wrapper element for ( let i = 0; i < adWrappers.length; i++ ) { // Check if the group ID is either null or not included in the array of seen group IDs. if ( adWrappers[i].offsetHeight > 0 ) { // Increment the ad count and add the group ID to the list. ads_count++; } } // Return the total count of eligible ads return ads_count; } function updateAdsCount(d){ var highlightLink = d.getElementById( 'wp-admin-bar-advanced_ads_ad_health_highlight_ads' ); // update ad count in health tool admin bar highlightLink.querySelector('.link').innerHTML += ' (<span class="highlighted_ads_count">' + getAdsCount() + '</span>) '; // If any ads load by ajax its update count after ajax load var origOpen = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open; XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function() { this.addEventListener('load', function() { if ( this.status === 200 ) { highlightLink.querySelector('.highlighted_ads_count').innerHTML = getAdsCount(); } }); origOpen.apply(this, arguments); }; } })(document, window); </script> <?php echo Advanced_Ads_Utils::get_inline_asset( ob_get_clean() ); } /** * Inject JS after ad content. * * @param str $content ad content. * @param obj $ad Advanced_Ads_Ad. * @return str $content ad content */ public function after_ad_output( $content, Advanced_Ads_Ad $ad ) { if ( ! isset( $ad->args['frontend-check'] ) ) { return $content; } if ( advads_is_amp() ) { return $content; } if ( Advanced_Ads_Ad_Debug::is_https_and_http( $ad ) ) { ob_start(); ?> <script>advanced_ads_ready( function() { var ad_id = '<?php echo $ad->id; ?>'; advanced_ads_frontend_checks.add_item_to_node( '.advanced_ads_ad_health_has_http', ad_id ); advanced_ads_frontend_checks.add_item_to_notices( 'ad_has_http', { append_key: ad_id, ad_id: ad_id } ); });</script> <?php $content .= Advanced_Ads_Utils::get_inline_asset( ob_get_clean() ); } if ( ! Advanced_Ads_Frontend_Checks::can_use_head_placement( $content, $ad ) ) { ob_start(); ?> <script>advanced_ads_ready( function() { var ad_id = '<?php echo $ad->id; ?>'; advanced_ads_frontend_checks.add_item_to_node( '.advanced_ads_ad_health_incorrect_head', ad_id ); advanced_ads_frontend_checks.add_item_to_notices( 'ad_with_output_in_head', { append_key: ad_id, ad_id: ad_id } ); });</script> <?php $content .= Advanced_Ads_Utils::get_inline_asset( ob_get_clean() ); } $adsense_options = Advanced_Ads_AdSense_Data::get_instance()->get_options(); if ( 'adsense' === $ad->type && ! empty( $ad->args['cache_busting_elementid'] ) && ! isset( $adsense_options['violation-warnings-disable'] ) ) { ob_start(); ?> <script>advanced_ads_ready( function() { var ad_id = '<?php echo $ad->id; ?>'; var wrapper = '#<?php echo $ad->args['cache_busting_elementid']; ?>'; advanced_ads_frontend_checks.advads_highlight_hidden_adsense( wrapper ); });</script> <?php $content .= Advanced_Ads_Utils::get_inline_asset( ob_get_clean() ); } return $content; } /** * Check if the 'Header Code' placement can be used to delived the ad. * * @param string $content Ad content. * @param Advanced_Ads_Ad $ad Advanced_Ads_Ad. * @return bool */ public static function can_use_head_placement( $content, Advanced_Ads_Ad $ad ) { if ( ! $ad->is_head_placement ) { return true; } // strip linebreaks, because, a line break after a comment is identified as a text node. $content = preg_replace( "/\r|\n/", "", $content ); if ( ! $dom = self::get_ad_dom( $content ) ) { return true; } $body = $dom->getElementsByTagName( 'body' )->item( 0 ); $count = $body->childNodes->length; for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) { $node = $body->childNodes->item( $i ); if ( XML_TEXT_NODE === $node->nodeType ) { return false; } if ( XML_ELEMENT_NODE === $node->nodeType && ! in_array( $node->nodeName, [ 'meta', 'link', 'title', 'style', 'script', 'noscript', 'base' ] ) ) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Convert ad content to a DOMDocument. * * @param string $content * @return DOMDocument|false */ private static function get_ad_dom( $content ) { if ( ! extension_loaded( 'dom' ) ) { return false; } $libxml_previous_state = libxml_use_internal_errors( true ); $dom = new DOMDocument(); $result = $dom->loadHTML( '<html><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head><body>' . $content . '</body></html>' ); libxml_clear_errors(); libxml_use_internal_errors( $libxml_previous_state ); if ( ! $result ) { return false; } return $dom; } /** * Check if at least one placement uses `the_content`. * * @return bool True/False. */ private function has_the_content_placements() { $placements = Advanced_Ads::get_ad_placements_array(); $placement_types = Advanced_Ads_Placements::get_placement_types(); // Find a placement that depends on 'the_content' filter. foreach ( $placements as $placement ) { if ( isset ( $placement['type'] ) && ! empty( $placement_types[ $placement['type'] ]['options']['uses_the_content'] ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Check if atleast one placement uses `adblocker item`. * * @return bool True/False. */ private function has_adblocker_placements() { $placements = Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->get_model()->get_ad_placements_array(); foreach ($placements as $placement) { if (!empty($placement['options']['item_adblocker'])) { return true; } } return false; } }