편집 파일: in-content-injector.php
<?php // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Files.FileName.InvalidClassFileName use AdvancedAds\Utilities\WordPress; /** * Injects ads in the content based on an XPath expression. */ class Advanced_Ads_In_Content_Injector { /** * Gather placeholders which later are replaced by the ads * * @var array $ads_for_placeholders */ private static $ads_for_placeholders = []; /** * Inject ads directly into the content * * @param string $placement_id Id of the placement. * @param array $placement_opts Placement options. * @param string $content Content to inject placement into. * @param array $options { * Injection options. * * @type bool $allowEmpty Whether the tag can be empty to be counted. * @type bool $paragraph_select_from_bottom Whether to select ads from buttom. * @type string $position Position. Can be one of 'before', 'after', 'append', 'prepend' * @type number $alter_nodes Whether to alter nodes, for example to prevent injecting ads into `a` tags. * @type bool $repeat Whether to repeat the position. * @type number $paragraph_id Paragraph Id. * @type number $itemLimit If there are too few items at this level test nesting. Set to '-1` to prevent testing. * } * * @return string $content Content with injected placement. */ public static function &inject_in_content( $placement_id, $placement_opts, &$content, $options = [] ) { if ( ! extension_loaded( 'dom' ) ) { return $content; } // phpcs:disable WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase // phpcs:disable WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.VariableNotSnakeCase // parse arguments. $tag = isset( $placement_opts['tag'] ) ? $placement_opts['tag'] : 'p'; $tag = preg_replace( '/[^a-z0-9]/i', '', $tag ); // simplify tag. /** * Store the original tag value since $tag is changed on the fly and we might want to know the original selected * options for some checks later. */ $tag_option = $tag; // allow more complex xPath expression. $tag = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-placement-content-injection-xpath', $tag, $placement_opts ); // get plugin options. $plugin_options = Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->options(); $defaults = [ 'allowEmpty' => false, 'paragraph_select_from_bottom' => isset( $placement_opts['start_from_bottom'] ) && $placement_opts['start_from_bottom'], 'position' => isset( $placement_opts['position'] ) ? $placement_opts['position'] : 'after', // only has before and after. 'before' => isset( $placement_opts['position'] ) && 'before' === $placement_opts['position'], // Whether to alter nodes, for example to prevent injecting ads into `a` tags. 'alter_nodes' => true, 'repeat' => false, ]; $defaults['paragraph_id'] = isset( $placement_opts['index'] ) ? $placement_opts['index'] : 1; $defaults['paragraph_id'] = max( 1, (int) $defaults['paragraph_id'] ); // if there are too few items at this level test nesting. $defaults['itemLimit'] = 'p' === $tag_option ? 2 : 1; // trigger such a high item limit that all elements will be considered. if ( ! empty( $plugin_options['content-injection-level-disabled'] ) ) { $defaults['itemLimit'] = 1000; } // Handle tags that are empty by definition or could be empty ("custom" option). if ( in_array( $tag_option, [ 'img', 'iframe', 'custom' ], true ) ) { $defaults['allowEmpty'] = true; } // Merge the options if possible. If there are common keys, we don't merge them to prevent overriding and unexpected behavior. $common_keys = array_intersect_key( $options, $placement_opts ); if ( empty( $common_keys ) ) { $options = array_merge( $options, $placement_opts ); } // allow hooks to change some options. $options = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-placement-content-injection-options', wp_parse_args( $options, $defaults ), $tag_option ); $wp_charset = get_bloginfo( 'charset' ); // parse document as DOM (fragment - having only a part of an actual post given). $content_to_load = self::get_content_to_load( $content, $wp_charset ); if ( ! $content_to_load ) { return $content; } $dom = new DOMDocument( '1.0', $wp_charset ); // may loose some fragments or add autop-like code. $libxml_use_internal_errors = libxml_use_internal_errors( true ); // avoid notices and warnings - html is most likely malformed. $success = $dom->loadHtml( '<!DOCTYPE html><html><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' . $wp_charset . '" /><body>' . $content_to_load ); libxml_use_internal_errors( $libxml_use_internal_errors ); if ( true !== $success ) { // -TODO handle cases were dom-parsing failed (at least inform user) return $content; } /** * Handle advanced tags. */ switch ( $tag_option ) { case 'p': // Exclude paragraphs within blockquote tags. $tag = 'p[not(parent::blockquote)]'; break; case 'pwithoutimg': // Convert option name into correct path, exclude paragraphs within blockquote tags. $tag = 'p[not(descendant::img) and not(parent::blockquote)]'; break; case 'img': /* * Handle: 1) "img" tags 2) "image" block 3) "gallery" block 4) "gallery shortcode" 5) "wp_caption" shortcode * Handle the gallery created by the block or the shortcode as one image. * Prevent injection of ads next to images in tables. */ // Default shortcodes, including non-HTML5 versions. $shortcodes = "@class and ( contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' gallery-size') or contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' wp-caption ') )"; $tag = "*[self::img or self::figure or self::div[$shortcodes]] [not(ancestor::table or ancestor::figure or ancestor::div[$shortcodes])]"; break; // Any headline. By default h2, h3, and h4. case 'headlines': $headlines = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-headlines-for-ad-injection', [ 'h2', 'h3', 'h4' ] ); foreach ( $headlines as &$headline ) { $headline = 'self::' . $headline; } $tag = '*[' . implode( ' or ', $headlines ) . ']'; // /html/body/*[self::h2 or self::h3 or self::h4] break; // Any HTML element that makes sense in the content. case 'anyelement': $exclude = [ 'html', 'body', 'script', 'style', 'tr', 'td', // Inline tags. 'a', 'abbr', 'b', 'bdo', 'br', 'button', 'cite', 'code', 'dfn', 'em', 'i', 'img', 'kbd', 'label', 'option', 'q', 'samp', 'select', 'small', 'span', 'strong', 'sub', 'sup', 'textarea', 'time', 'tt', 'var', ]; $tag = '*[not(self::' . implode( ' or self::', $exclude ) . ')]'; break; case 'custom': // Get the path for the "custom" tag choice, use p as a fallback to prevent it from showing any ads if users left it empty. $tag = ! empty( $placement_opts['xpath'] ) ? stripslashes( $placement_opts['xpath'] ) : 'p'; break; } // select positions. $xpath = new DOMXPath( $dom ); if ( -1 !== $options['itemLimit'] ) { $items = $xpath->query( '/html/body/' . $tag ); if ( $items->length < $options['itemLimit'] ) { $items = $xpath->query( '/html/body/*/' . $tag ); } // try third level. if ( $items->length < $options['itemLimit'] ) { $items = $xpath->query( '/html/body/*/*/' . $tag ); } // try all levels as last resort. if ( $items->length < $options['itemLimit'] ) { $items = $xpath->query( '//' . $tag ); } } else { $items = $xpath->query( $tag ); } // allow to select other elements. $items = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-placement-content-injection-items', $items, $xpath, $tag_option ); // filter empty tags from items. $whitespaces = json_decode( '"\t\n\r \u00A0"' ); $paragraphs = []; foreach ( $items as $item ) { if ( $options['allowEmpty'] || ( isset( $item->textContent ) && trim( $item->textContent, $whitespaces ) !== '' ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.NotSnakeCaseMemberVar $paragraphs[] = $item; } } $ancestors_to_limit = self::get_ancestors_to_limit( $xpath ); $paragraphs = self::filter_by_ancestors_to_limit( $paragraphs, $ancestors_to_limit ); $options['paragraph_count'] = count( $paragraphs ); if ( $options['paragraph_count'] >= $options['paragraph_id'] ) { $offset = $options['paragraph_select_from_bottom'] ? $options['paragraph_count'] - $options['paragraph_id'] : $options['paragraph_id'] - 1; $offsets = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-placement-content-offsets', [ $offset ], $options, $placement_opts, $xpath, $paragraphs, $dom ); $did_inject = false; foreach ( $offsets as $offset ) { // inject. $node = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-placement-content-injection-node', $paragraphs[ $offset ], $tag, $options['before'] ); if ( $options['alter_nodes'] ) { // Prevent injection into image caption and gallery. $parent = $node; for ( $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++ ) { $parent = $parent->parentNode; if ( ! $parent instanceof DOMElement ) { break; } if ( preg_match( '/\b(wp-caption|gallery-size)\b/', $parent->getAttribute( 'class' ) ) ) { $node = $parent; break; } } // Make sure that the ad is injected outside the link. if ( 'img' === $tag_option && 'a' === $node->parentNode->tagName ) { if ( $options['before'] ) { $node->parentNode; } else { // Go one level deeper if inserted after to not insert the ad into the link; probably after the paragraph. $node->parentNode->parentNode; } } } $ad_content = (string) Advanced_Ads_Select::get_instance()->get_ad_by_method( $placement_id, 'placement', $placement_opts ); if ( trim( $ad_content, $whitespaces ) === '' ) { continue; } // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.NotSnakeCaseMemberVar $ad_content = self::filter_ad_content( $ad_content, $node->tagName, $options ); // Convert HTML to XML!. $ad_dom = new DOMDocument( '1.0', $wp_charset ); $libxml_use_internal_errors = libxml_use_internal_errors( true ); $ad_dom->loadHtml( '<!DOCTYPE html><html><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' . $wp_charset . '" /><body>' . $ad_content ); switch ( $options['position'] ) { case 'append': $ref_node = $node; foreach ( $ad_dom->getElementsByTagName( 'body' )->item( 0 )->childNodes as $importedNode ) { $importedNode = $dom->importNode( $importedNode, true ); $ref_node->appendChild( $importedNode ); } break; case 'prepend': $ref_node = $node; foreach ( $ad_dom->getElementsByTagName( 'body' )->item( 0 )->childNodes as $importedNode ) { $importedNode = $dom->importNode( $importedNode, true ); $ref_node->insertBefore( $importedNode, $ref_node->firstChild ); } break; case 'before': $ref_node = $node; foreach ( $ad_dom->getElementsByTagName( 'body' )->item( 0 )->childNodes as $importedNode ) { $importedNode = $dom->importNode( $importedNode, true ); $ref_node->parentNode->insertBefore( $importedNode, $ref_node ); } break; case 'after': default: // append before next node or as last child to body. $ref_node = $node->nextSibling; if ( isset( $ref_node ) ) { foreach ( $ad_dom->getElementsByTagName( 'body' )->item( 0 )->childNodes as $importedNode ) { $importedNode = $dom->importNode( $importedNode, true ); $ref_node->parentNode->insertBefore( $importedNode, $ref_node ); } } else { // Append to body; -TODO using here that we only select direct children of the body tag. foreach ( $ad_dom->getElementsByTagName( 'body' )->item( 0 )->childNodes as $importedNode ) { $importedNode = $dom->importNode( $importedNode, true ); $node->parentNode->appendChild( $importedNode ); } } } libxml_use_internal_errors( $libxml_use_internal_errors ); $did_inject = true; } if ( ! $did_inject ) { return $content; } $content_orig = $content; // convert to text-representation. $content = $dom->saveHTML(); $content = self::prepare_output( $content, $content_orig ); /** * Show a warning to ad admins in the Ad Health bar in the frontend, when * * * the level limitation was not disabled * * could not inject one ad (as by use of `elseif` here) * * but there are enough elements on the site, but just in sub-containers */ } elseif ( WordPress::user_can( 'advanced_ads_manage_options' ) && -1 !== $options['itemLimit'] && empty( $plugin_options['content-injection-level-disabled'] ) ) { // Check if there are more elements without limitation. $all_items = $xpath->query( '//' . $tag ); $paragraphs = []; foreach ( $all_items as $item ) { if ( $options['allowEmpty'] || ( isset( $item->textContent ) && trim( $item->textContent, $whitespaces ) !== '' ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.NotSnakeCaseMemberVar $paragraphs[] = $item; } } $paragraphs = self::filter_by_ancestors_to_limit( $paragraphs, $ancestors_to_limit ); if ( $options['paragraph_id'] <= count( $paragraphs ) ) { // Add a warning to ad health. add_filter( 'advanced-ads-ad-health-nodes', [ 'Advanced_Ads_In_Content_Injector', 'add_ad_health_node' ] ); } } // phpcs:enable return $content; } /** * Get content to load. * * @param string $content Original content. * @param string $wp_charset blog charset. * * @return string $content Content to load. */ private static function get_content_to_load( $content, $wp_charset ) { // Prevent removing closing tags in scripts. $content_to_load = preg_replace( '/<script.*?<\/script>/si', '<!--\0-->', $content ); // check which priority the wpautop filter has; might have been disabled on purpose. $wpautop_priority = has_filter( 'the_content', 'wpautop' ); if ( $wpautop_priority && Advanced_Ads_Plugin::get_instance()->get_content_injection_priority() < $wpautop_priority ) { $content_to_load = wpautop( $content_to_load ); } return $content_to_load; } /** * Filter ad content. * * @param string $ad_content Ad content. * @param string $tag_name tar before/after the content. * @param array $options Injection options. * * @return string ad content. */ private static function filter_ad_content( $ad_content, $tag_name, $options ) { // Replace `</` with `<\/` in ad content when placed within `document.write()` to prevent code from breaking. $ad_content = preg_replace( '#(document.write.+)</(.*)#', '$1<\/$2', $ad_content ); // Inject placeholder. $id = count( self::$ads_for_placeholders ); self::$ads_for_placeholders[] = [ 'id' => $id, 'tag' => $tag_name, 'position' => $options['position'], 'ad' => $ad_content, ]; return '%advads_placeholder_' . $id . '%'; } /** * Prepare output. * * @param string $content Modified content. * @param string $content_orig Original content. * * @return string $content Content to output. */ private static function prepare_output( $content, $content_orig ) { $content = self::inject_ads( $content, $content_orig, self::$ads_for_placeholders ); self::$ads_for_placeholders = []; return $content; } /** * Search for ad placeholders in the `$content` to determine positions at which to inject ads. * Given the positions, inject ads into `$content_orig. * * @param string $content Post content with injected ad placeholders. * @param string $content_orig Unmodified post content. * @param array $ads_for_placeholders Array of ads. * Each ad contains placeholder id, before or after which tag to inject the ad, the ad content. * * @return string $content */ private static function inject_ads( $content, $content_orig, $ads_for_placeholders ) { $self_closing_tags = [ 'area', 'base', 'basefont', 'bgsound', 'br', 'col', 'embed', 'frame', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'keygen', 'link', 'meta', 'param', 'source', 'track', 'wbr', ]; // It is not possible to append/prepend in self closing tags. foreach ( $ads_for_placeholders as &$ad_content ) { if ( ( 'prepend' === $ad_content['position'] || 'append' === $ad_content['position'] ) && in_array( $ad_content['tag'], $self_closing_tags, true ) ) { $ad_content['position'] = 'after'; } } unset( $ad_content ); usort( $ads_for_placeholders, [ 'Advanced_Ads_In_Content_Injector', 'sort_ads_for_placehoders' ] ); // Add tags before/after which ad placehoders were injected. $alts = []; foreach ( $ads_for_placeholders as $ad_content ) { $tag = $ad_content['tag']; switch ( $ad_content['position'] ) { case 'before': case 'prepend': $alts[] = "<{$tag}[^>]*>"; break; case 'after': if ( in_array( $tag, $self_closing_tags, true ) ) { $alts[] = "<{$tag}[^>]*>"; } else { $alts[] = "</{$tag}>"; } break; case 'append': $alts[] = "</{$tag}>"; break; } } $alts = array_unique( $alts ); $tag_regexp = implode( '|', $alts ); // Add ad placeholder. $alts[] = '%advads_placeholder_(?:\d+)%'; $tag_and_placeholder_regexp = implode( '|', $alts ); preg_match_all( "#{$tag_and_placeholder_regexp}#i", $content, $tag_matches ); $count = 0; // For each tag located before/after an ad placeholder, find its offset among the same tags. foreach ( $tag_matches[0] as $r ) { if ( preg_match( '/%advads_placeholder_(\d+)%/', $r, $result ) ) { $id = $result[1]; $found_ad = false; foreach ( $ads_for_placeholders as $n => $ad ) { if ( (int) $ad['id'] === (int) $id ) { $found_ad = $ad; break; } } if ( ! $found_ad ) { continue; } switch ( $found_ad['position'] ) { case 'before': case 'append': $ads_for_placeholders[ $n ]['offset'] = $count; break; case 'after': case 'prepend': $ads_for_placeholders[ $n ]['offset'] = $count - 1; break; } } else { ++$count; } } // Find tags before/after which we need to inject ads. preg_match_all( "#{$tag_regexp}#i", $content_orig, $orig_tag_matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ); $new_content = ''; $pos = 0; foreach ( $orig_tag_matches[0] as $n => $r ) { $to_inject = []; // Check if we need to inject an ad at this offset. foreach ( $ads_for_placeholders as $ad ) { if ( isset( $ad['offset'] ) && $ad['offset'] === $n ) { $to_inject[] = $ad; } } foreach ( $to_inject as $item ) { switch ( $item['position'] ) { case 'before': case 'append': $found_pos = $r[1]; break; case 'after': case 'prepend': $found_pos = $r[1] + strlen( $r[0] ); break; } $new_content .= substr( $content_orig, $pos, $found_pos - $pos ); $pos = $found_pos; $new_content .= $item['ad']; } } $new_content .= substr( $content_orig, $pos ); return $new_content; } /** * Callback function for usort() to sort ads for placeholders. * * @param array $first The first array to compare. * @param array $second The second array to compare. * * @return int 0 if both objects equal. -1 if second array should come first, 1 otherwise. */ public static function sort_ads_for_placehoders( $first, $second ) { if ( $first['position'] === $second['position'] ) { return 0; } $num = [ 'before' => 1, 'prepend' => 2, 'append' => 3, 'after' => 4, ]; return $num[ $first['position'] ] > $num[ $second['position'] ] ? 1 : - 1; } /** * Add a warning to 'Ad health'. * * @param array $nodes . * * @return array $nodes. */ public static function add_ad_health_node( $nodes ) { $nodes[] = [ 'type' => 1, 'data' => [ 'parent' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health', 'id' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_the_content_not_enough_elements', 'title' => sprintf( /* translators: %s stands for the name of the "Disable level limitation" option and automatically translated as well */ __( 'Set <em>%s</em> to show more ads', 'advanced-ads' ), __( 'Disable level limitation', 'advanced-ads' ) ), 'href' => admin_url( '/admin.php?page=advanced-ads-settings#top#general' ), 'meta' => [ 'class' => 'advanced_ads_ad_health_warning', 'target' => '_blank', ], ], ]; return $nodes; } /** * Get paths of ancestors that should not contain ads. * * @param object $xpath DOMXPath object. * * @return array Paths of ancestors. */ private static function get_ancestors_to_limit( $xpath ) { $query = self::get_ancestors_to_limit_query(); if ( ! $query ) { return []; } $node_list = $xpath->query( $query ); $ancestors_to_limit = []; foreach ( $node_list as $a ) { $ancestors_to_limit[] = $a->getNodePath(); } return $ancestors_to_limit; } /** * Remove paragraphs that has ancestors that should not contain ads. * * @param array $paragraphs An array of `DOMNode` objects to insert ads before or after. * @param array $ancestors_to_limit Paths of ancestor that should not contain ads. * * @return array $new_paragraphs An array of `DOMNode` objects to insert ads before or after. */ private static function filter_by_ancestors_to_limit( $paragraphs, $ancestors_to_limit ) { $new_paragraphs = []; foreach ( $paragraphs as $k => $paragraph ) { foreach ( $ancestors_to_limit as $a ) { if ( 0 === stripos( $paragraph->getNodePath(), $a ) ) { continue 2; } } $new_paragraphs[] = $paragraph; } return $new_paragraphs; } /** * Get query to select ancestors that should not contain ads. * * @return string/false DOMXPath query or false. */ private static function get_ancestors_to_limit_query() { /** * TODO: * - support `%` (rand) at the start * - support plain text that node should contain instead of CSS selectors * - support `prev` and `next` as `type` */ /** * Filter the nodes that limit injection. * * @param array An array of arrays, each of which contains: * * @type string $type Accept: `ancestor` - limit injection inside the ancestor. * @type string $node A "class selector" which targets one class (.) or "id selector" which targets one id (#), * optionally with `%` at the end. */ $items = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-content-injection-nodes-without-ads', [ [ // a class anyone can use to prevent automatic ad injection into a specific element. 'node' => '.advads-stop-injection', 'type' => 'ancestor', ], [ // Product Slider for Beaver Builder by WooPack. 'node' => '.woopack-product-carousel', 'type' => 'ancestor', ], [ // WP Author Box Lite. 'node' => '#wpautbox-%', 'type' => 'ancestor', ], [ // GeoDirectory Post Slider. 'node' => '.geodir-post-slider', 'type' => 'ancestor', ], ] ); $query = []; foreach ( $items as $p ) { $sel = $p['node']; $sel_type = substr( $sel, 0, 1 ); $sel = substr( $sel, 1 ); $rand_pos = strpos( $sel, '%' ); $sel = str_replace( '%', '', $sel ); $sel = sanitize_html_class( $sel ); if ( '.' === $sel_type ) { if ( false !== $rand_pos ) { $query[] = "@class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' $sel')"; } else { $query[] = "@class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' $sel ')"; } } if ( '#' === $sel_type ) { if ( false !== $rand_pos ) { $query[] = "@id and starts-with(@id, '$sel')"; } else { $query[] = "@id and @id = '$sel'"; } } } if ( ! $query ) { return false; } return '//*[' . implode( ' or ', $query ) . ']'; } }