편집 파일: visitor-conditions.php
<?php /** * Visitor conditions under which to (not) show an ad * * @since 1.5.4 */ class Advanced_Ads_Visitor_Conditions { /** * Instance of Advanced_Ads_Visitor_Conditions * * @var Advanced_Ads_Visitor_Conditions */ protected static $instance; /** * Registered visitor conditions * * @var array $conditions */ public $conditions; /** * Start of name in form elements */ const FORM_NAME = 'advanced_ad[visitors]'; /** * Advanced_Ads_Visitor_Conditions constructor */ public function __construct() { // register conditions. $this->conditions = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-visitor-conditions', [ 'mobile' => [ // type of the condition. 'label' => __( 'Device', 'advanced-ads' ), 'metabox' => [ 'Advanced_Ads_Visitor_Conditions', 'mobile_is_or_not' ], // callback to generate the metabox. 'check' => [ 'Advanced_Ads_Visitor_Conditions', 'check_device' ], // callback for frontend check. 'helplink' => 'https://wpadvancedads.com/manual/display-ads-either-on-mobile-or-desktop/?utm_source=advanced-ads&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=condition-device', 'device_types' => [ 'mobile' => [ 'id' => 'mobile', 'label' => _x( 'Mobile', 'Device condition', 'advanced-ads' ), ], 'tablet' => [ 'id' => 'tablet', 'label' => _x( 'Tablet', 'Device condition', 'advanced-ads' ), ], 'desktop' => [ 'id' => 'desktop', 'label' => _x( 'Desktop', 'Device condition', 'advanced-ads' ), ], ], ], 'loggedin' => [ 'label' => __( 'logged-in visitor', 'advanced-ads' ), 'description' => __( 'Whether the visitor has to be logged in or not in order to see the ad.', 'advanced-ads' ), 'metabox' => [ 'Advanced_Ads_Visitor_Conditions', 'metabox_is_or_not' ], // callback to generate the metabox. 'check' => [ 'Advanced_Ads_Visitor_Conditions', 'check_logged_in' ], // callback for frontend check. 'helplink' => 'https://wpadvancedads.com/manual/logged-in-visitors/?utm_source=advanced-ads&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=condition-logged-in-visitors', 'passive_info' => [ 'hash_fields' => null, 'remove' => 'login', 'function' => 'is_user_logged_in', ], ], ] ); } /** * Load instance of Advanced_Ads_Visitor_Conditions * * @return Advanced_Ads_Visitor_Conditions */ public static function get_instance() { // If the single instance hasn't been set, set it now. if ( null === self::$instance ) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } /** * Get the conditions array alphabetically by label * * @since 1.8.12 */ public function get_conditions() { uasort( $this->conditions, 'Advanced_Ads_Admin::sort_condition_array_by_label' ); return $this->conditions; } /** * Callback to render the mobile condition using the "is not" condition * * @param array $options options of the condition. * @param int $index index of the condition. * @param string $form_name name of the form, falls back to class constant. */ public static function mobile_is_or_not( $options, $index = 0, $form_name = '' ) { if ( ! isset( $options['type'] ) || '' === $options['type'] ) { return; } $type_options = self::get_instance()->conditions; if ( ! isset( $type_options[ $options['type'] ] ) ) { return; } // options. $operator = isset( $options['operator'] ) ? $options['operator'] : 'is'; // convert previous binary option to device selector. if ( ! array_key_exists( 'value', $options ) ) { $options['value'] = $operator === 'is' ? [ 'tablet', 'mobile' ] : [ 'desktop' ]; $operator = 'is'; } $type_options[ $options['type'] ]['device_types'] = array_map( function( $device_type ) use ( $options ) { $device_type['checked'] = in_array( $device_type['id'], $options['value'], true ); return $device_type; }, $type_options[ $options['type'] ]['device_types'] ); // form name basis. $name = self::get_form_name_with_index( $form_name, $index ); include ADVADS_ABSPATH . 'admin/views/conditions/condition-device.php'; } /** * Callback to display the "is not" condition * * @param array $options options of the condition. * @param int $index index of the condition. * @param string $form_name name of the form, falls back to class constant. */ public static function metabox_is_or_not( $options, $index = 0, $form_name = '' ) { if ( ! isset( $options['type'] ) || '' === $options['type'] ) { return; } $type_options = self::get_instance()->conditions; if ( ! isset( $type_options[ $options['type'] ] ) ) { return; } // form name basis. $name = self::get_form_name_with_index( $form_name, $index ); // options. $operator = isset( $options['operator'] ) ? $options['operator'] : 'is'; include ADVADS_ABSPATH . 'admin/views/conditions/condition-is-or-not.php'; } /** * Callback to display the any condition based on a number * * @param array $options options of the condition. * @param int $index index of the condition. * @param string $form_name name of the form, falls back to class constant. */ public static function metabox_number( $options, $index = 0, $form_name = '' ) { if ( ! isset( $options['type'] ) || '' === $options['type'] ) { return; } $type_options = self::get_instance()->conditions; if ( ! isset( $type_options[ $options['type'] ] ) ) { return; } // form name basis. $name = self::get_form_name_with_index( $form_name, $index ); // options. $value = isset( $options['value'] ) ? $options['value'] : 0; $operator = isset( $options['operator'] ) ? $options['operator'] : 'is_equal'; include ADVADS_ABSPATH . 'admin/views/conditions/condition-number.php'; } /** * Callback to display the any condition based on a number * * @param array $options options of the condition. * @param int $index index of the condition. * @param string $form_name name of the form, falls back to class constant. */ public static function metabox_string( $options, $index = 0, $form_name = '' ) { if ( ! isset( $options['type'] ) || '' === $options['type'] ) { return; } $type_options = self::get_instance()->conditions; if ( ! isset( $type_options[ $options['type'] ] ) ) { return; } // form name basis. $name = self::get_form_name_with_index( $form_name, $index ); // options. $value = isset( $options['value'] ) ? $options['value'] : ''; $operator = isset( $options['operator'] ) ? $options['operator'] : 'contains'; include ADVADS_ABSPATH . 'admin/views/conditions/condition-string.php'; } /** * Controls frontend checks for conditions * * @param array $options options of the condition. * @param bool|object $ad false or Advanced_Ads_Ad. * * @return bool false, if ad can’t be delivered */ public static function frontend_check( $options = [], $ad = false ) { $visitor_conditions = self::get_instance()->conditions; if ( is_array( $options ) && isset( $visitor_conditions[ $options['type'] ]['check'] ) ) { $check = $visitor_conditions[ $options['type'] ]['check']; } else { return true; } // call frontend check callback. if ( method_exists( $check[0], $check[1] ) ) { return call_user_func( [ $check[0], $check[1] ], $options, $ad ); } return true; } /** * Render the list of set visisor conditions * * @param array $set_conditions array of existing conditions. * @param string $list_target ID of the list with the conditions. * @param string $form_name prefix of the form. */ public static function render_condition_list( array $set_conditions, $list_target = '', $form_name = '' ) { $conditions = self::get_instance()->get_conditions(); // use default form name if not given explicitly. // @todo create a random form name, in case we have more than one form per page and the parameter is not given. $form_name = ! $form_name ? self::FORM_NAME : $form_name; include ADVADS_ABSPATH . 'admin/views/conditions/visitor-conditions-list.php'; /** * Prepare condition form * * @todo if needed, allow to disable the form to add new conditions */ // add mockup conditions if add-ons are missing. $pro_conditions = []; if ( ! defined( 'AAP_VERSION' ) ) { $pro_conditions[] = __( 'browser language', 'advanced-ads' ); $pro_conditions[] = __( 'cookie', 'advanced-ads' ); $pro_conditions[] = __( 'max. ad clicks', 'advanced-ads' ); $pro_conditions[] = __( 'max. ad impressions', 'advanced-ads' ); $pro_conditions[] = __( 'new visitor', 'advanced-ads' ); $pro_conditions[] = __( 'page impressions', 'advanced-ads' ); $pro_conditions[] = __( 'geo location', 'advanced-ads' ); $pro_conditions[] = __( 'referrer url', 'advanced-ads' ); $pro_conditions[] = __( 'user agent', 'advanced-ads' ); $pro_conditions[] = __( 'user can (capabilities)', 'advanced-ads' ); $pro_conditions[] = __( 'user role', 'advanced-ads' ); $pro_conditions[] = __( 'browser width', 'advanced-ads' ); } asort( $pro_conditions ); // the action to call using AJAX. $action = 'load_visitor_conditions_metabox'; $connector_default = 'and'; $empty_options = ! is_array( $set_conditions ) || ! count( $set_conditions ); include ADVADS_ABSPATH . 'admin/views/conditions/conditions-form.php'; } /** * Render connector option * * @param int $index incremental index of the options. * @param string $value connector value. * @param string $form_name name of the form, falls back to class constant. * * @return string HTML of the connector option * @todo combine this with the same function used for Display Conditions * * @since */ public static function render_connector_option( $index, $value, $form_name ) { $label = ( 'or' === $value ) ? __( 'or', 'advanced-ads' ) : __( 'and', 'advanced-ads' ); $name = self::get_form_name_with_index( $form_name, $index ); // create random value to identify the form field. $rand = md5( $form_name ); return '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $name . '[connector]' . '" value="or" id="advads-conditions-' . $index . '-connector-' . $rand . '"' . checked( 'or', $value, false ) . '><label for="advads-conditions-' . $index . '-connector-' . $rand . '">' . $label . '</label>'; } /** * Helper function to the name of a form field. * falls back to default * * @param string $form_name form name if submitted. * @param int $index index of the condition. * * @return string */ public static function get_form_name_with_index( $form_name = '', $index = 0 ) { return ! empty( $form_name ) ? $form_name . '[' . $index . ']' : self::FORM_NAME . '[' . $index . ']'; } /** * Check whether device visitor condition in frontend is true. * * @param array $options options of the condition. * * @return bool */ public static function check_device( $options = [] ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( 'value', $options ) ) { return self::check_mobile( $options ); } $mobile_detect = new Mobile_Detect(); // register callbacks to decide whether device "is". $callbacks = array_intersect_key( [ 'mobile' => function() use ( $mobile_detect ) { return $mobile_detect->isMobile() && ! $mobile_detect->isTablet(); }, 'tablet' => function() use ( $mobile_detect ) { return $mobile_detect->isTablet(); }, 'desktop' => function() use ( $mobile_detect ) { return ! $mobile_detect->isTablet() && ! $mobile_detect->isMobile(); }, ], array_flip( $options['value'] ) ); // only call devices that are part of the condition. array_walk( $callbacks, static function( callable &$value ) { $value = $value(); } ); return array_filter( $callbacks ) !== []; } /** * Check mobile visitor condition in frontend * * @param array $options options of the condition. * @deprecated -- Only used if new options hasn't been saved * * @return bool */ private static function check_mobile( $options ) { if ( ! isset( $options['operator'] ) ) { return true; } switch ( $options['operator'] ) { case 'is': if ( ! wp_is_mobile() ) { return false; } break; case 'is_not': if ( wp_is_mobile() ) { return false; } break; } return true; } /** * Check mobile visitor condition in frontend * * @param array $options options of the condition. * * @return bool true if can be displayed * @since 1.6.3 */ public static function check_logged_in( $options = [] ) { if ( ! isset( $options['operator'] ) ) { return true; } switch ( $options['operator'] ) { case 'is': if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) { return false; } break; case 'is_not': if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { return false; } break; } return true; } /** * Helper for check with strings * * @param string $string string that is going to be checked. * @param array $options options of this condition. * * @return bool true if ad can be displayed * @since 1.6.3 */ public static function helper_check_string( $string = '', $options = [] ) { if ( ! isset( $options['operator'] ) || empty( $options['value'] ) ) { return true; } $operator = $options['operator']; $string = (string) maybe_serialize( $string ); $value = (string) maybe_serialize( $options['value'] ); // check the condition by mode and bool. $condition = true; switch ( $operator ) { // referrer contains string on any position. case 'contain': $condition = stripos( $string, $value ) !== false; break; // referrer does not contain string on any position. case 'contain_not': $condition = stripos( $string, $value ) === false; break; // referrer starts with the string. case 'start': $condition = stripos( $string, $value ) === 0; break; // referrer does not start with the string. case 'start_not': $condition = stripos( $string, $value ) !== 0; break; // referrer ends with the string. case 'end': $condition = substr( $string, - strlen( $value ) ) === $value; break; // referrer does not end with the string. case 'end_not': $condition = substr( $string, - strlen( $value ) ) !== $value; break; // referrer is equal to the string. case 'match': // strings do match, but should not or not match but should. $condition = strcasecmp( $value, $string ) === 0; break; // referrer is not equal to the string. case 'match_not': // strings do match, but should not or not match but should. $condition = strcasecmp( $value, $string ) !== 0; break; case 'regex': case 'regex_not': $condition = @preg_match( sprintf( '/%s/', $value ), $string ); // if the return value is `false`, the regex is incorrect. if ( $condition === false ) { Advanced_Ads::log( "Advanced Ads: regular expression '$value' in visitor condition is broken." ); break; } if ( $operator === 'regex_not' ) { $condition = ! $condition; } break; } return $condition; } }