편집 파일: class-advanced-ads.php
<?php // phpcs:ignoreFile /** * Advanced Ads. * * @package Advanced_Ads_Admin * @author Thomas Maier <support@wpadvancedads.com> * @license GPL-2.0+ * @link https://wpadvancedads.com * @copyright 2013-2018 Thomas Maier, Advanced Ads GmbH */ use AdvancedAds\Entities; use AdvancedAds\Utilities\WordPress; /** * Plugin class. This class should ideally be used to work with the * public-facing side of the WordPress site. * * @package Advanced_Ads * @author Thomas Maier <support@wpadvancedads.com> */ class Advanced_Ads { /** * Post type slug * * @deprecated 1.47.0 Use \AdvancedAds\Entities::POST_TYPE_AD * * @var string */ const POST_TYPE_SLUG = 'advanced_ads'; /** * Ad group slug * * @deprecated 1.47.0 Use \AdvancedAds\Entities::TAXONOMY_AD_GROUP * * @var string */ const AD_GROUP_TAXONOMY = 'advanced_ads_groups'; /** * Instance of this class. * * @var object */ private static $instance = null; /** * Array with ads currently delivered in the frontend * * @var array Ads already loaded in the frontend */ public $current_ads = []; /** * Ad types * * @var array Ad types */ public $ad_types = []; /** * Plugin options * * @var array (if loaded) */ protected $options = false; /** * Adsense options * * @var array (if loaded) */ protected $adsense_options = null; /** * Interal plugin options – set by the plugin * * @var array (if loaded) */ protected $internal_options = false; /** * Whether the loop started in an inner `the_content`. * * @var bool */ protected $was_in_the_loop = false; /** * Signifies Whether the loop has started and the caller is in the loop. * * We need it because Some the "Divi" theme calls the `loop_start/loop_end` hooks * instead of calling `the_post()` to signify that the caller is in the loop. * * @var bool */ protected $in_the_loop = false; /** * List of bots and crawlers to exclude from ad impressions * * @var array list of bots */ protected $bots = [ 'bot', 'spider', 'crawler', 'scraper', 'parser', '008', 'Accoona-AI-Agent', 'ADmantX', 'alexa', 'appie', 'Apple-PubSub', 'Arachmo', 'Ask Jeeves', 'avira\.com', 'B-l-i-t-z-B-O-T', 'boitho\.com-dc', 'BUbiNG', 'Cerberian Drtrs', 'Charlotte', 'cosmos', 'Covario IDS', 'curl', 'Datanyze', 'DataparkSearch', 'Dataprovider\.com', 'DDG-Android', 'Ecosia', 'expo9', 'facebookexternalhit', 'Feedfetcher-Google', 'FindLinks', 'Firefly', 'froogle', 'Genieo', 'heritrix', 'Holmes', 'htdig', 'https://developers\.google\.com', 'ia_archiver', 'ichiro', 'igdeSpyder', 'InfoSeek', 'inktomi', 'Kraken', 'L\.webis', 'Larbin', 'Linguee', 'LinkWalker', 'looksmart', 'lwp-trivial', 'mabontland', 'Mnogosearch', 'mogimogi', 'Morning Paper', 'MVAClient', 'NationalDirectory', 'NetResearchServer', 'NewsGator', 'NG-Search', 'Nusearch', 'NutchCVS', 'Nymesis', 'oegp', 'Orbiter', 'Peew', 'Pompos', 'PostPost', 'proximic', 'PycURL', 'Qseero', 'rabaz', 'Radian6', 'Reeder', 'savetheworldheritage', 'SBIder', 'Scooter', 'ScoutJet', 'Scrubby', 'SearchSight', 'semanticdiscovery', 'Sensis', 'ShopWiki', 'silk', 'Snappy', 'Spade', 'Sqworm', 'StackRambler', 'TechnoratiSnoop', 'TECNOSEEK', 'Teoma', 'Thumbnail\.CZ', 'TinEye', 'truwoGPS', 'updated', 'Vagabondo', 'voltron', 'Vortex', 'voyager', 'VYU2', 'WebBug', 'webcollage', 'WebIndex', 'Websquash\.com', 'WeSEE:Ads', 'wf84', 'Wget', 'WomlpeFactory', 'WordPress', 'yacy', 'Yahoo! Slurp', 'Yahoo! Slurp China', 'YahooSeeker', 'YahooSeeker-Testing', 'YandexBot', 'YandexMedia', 'YandexBlogs', 'YandexNews', 'YandexCalendar', 'YandexImages', 'Yeti', 'yoogliFetchAgent', 'Zao', 'ZyBorg', 'okhttp', 'ips-agent', 'ltx71', 'Optimizer', 'Daum', 'Qwantify' ]; /** * Loaded instance of Advanced_Ads_Model * * @var Advanced_Ads_Model */ protected $model; /** * Loaded instance of Advanced_Ads_Plugin * * @var Advanced_Ads_Plugin */ protected $plugin; /** * Loaded instance of Advanced_Ads_Select * * @var Advanced_Ads_Select */ protected $ad_selector; /** * Is the query the main query?, when WP_Query is used * * @var bool */ private $is_main_query; /** * Save number of ads * * @var array */ private $number_of_ads = []; /** * Reason why are disabled. * * @var string */ public $disabled_reason = null; /** * Identifier that supplement the disabled reason. * * @var int|string */ public $disabled_id = null; /** * Initialize frontend features */ private function __construct() { $this->plugin = Advanced_Ads_Plugin::get_instance(); $this->plugin->set_model( $this->get_model() ); $this->ad_selector = Advanced_Ads_Select::get_instance(); // initialize plugin specific functions. add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'wp_init' ] ); // only when not doing ajax. if ( wp_doing_ajax() ) { Advanced_Ads_Ajax::get_instance(); } add_action( 'plugins_loaded', [ $this, 'wp_plugins_loaded' ] ); // allow add-ons to interact. add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'advanced_ads_loaded' ], 9 ); add_filter( 'the_content', [ $this, 'set_was_in_the_loop' ], ~PHP_INT_MAX ); } /** * Return an instance of this class. * * @return Advanced_Ads A single instance of this class. */ public static function get_instance() { // if the single instance hasn't been set, set it now. if ( null === self::$instance ) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } /** * Return the Advanced_Ads_Model responsible for loading ads, groups and placements into the frontend * * @return Advanced_Ads_Model */ public function get_model() { global $wpdb; if ( ! isset( $this->model ) ) { $this->model = new Advanced_Ads_Model( $wpdb ); } return $this->model; } /** * Initialize the plugin by setting localization and loading public scripts * and styles. */ public function wp_plugins_loaded() { // register hook for global constants. // Wait until BuddyPress assigns `WP_Query->is_404` back to `false`. add_action( 'template_redirect', [ $this, 'set_disabled_constant' ], 11 ); add_action( 'rest_api_init', [ $this, 'set_disabled_constant' ] ); // setup default ad types. add_filter( 'advanced-ads-ad-types', [ $this, 'setup_default_ad_types' ], 5 ); // register hooks and filters for auto ad injection. $this->init_injection(); // add meta robots noindex, nofollow to images, which are part of 'Image ad' ad type. add_action( 'wp_head', [ $this, 'noindex_attachment_images' ] ); // use custom CSS or other custom header code. add_action( 'wp_head', [ $this, 'custom_header_code' ] ); // check if ads are disabled in secondary queries. add_action( 'the_post', [ $this, 'set_query_type' ], 10, 2 ); add_action( 'loop_start', [ $this, 'set_loop_start' ], 10, 0 ); add_action( 'loop_end', [ $this, 'set_loop_end' ], 10, 0 ); // register debug parameter $this->debug_parameter(); } /** * Allow add-ons to hook */ public function advanced_ads_loaded() { do_action( 'advanced-ads-plugin-loaded' ); } /** * Init / load plugin specific functions and settings */ public function wp_init() { $this->set_ad_types(); } /** * Define ad types with their options * name => publically readable name * description => publically readable description * editor => kind of editor: text (normal text field), content (WP content field), none (no content field) * will display text field, if left empty */ public function set_ad_types() { /** * Load default ad type files * custom ad types can also be loaded in your own plugin or functions.php */ $types = []; /** * Developers can add new ad types using this filter * see classes/ad-type-content.php for an example for an ad type and usage of this filter */ $this->ad_types = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-ad-types', $types ); } /** * Load filters to inject ads into various sections of our site */ public function init_injection() { // -TODO abstract add_action( 'wp_head', [ $this, 'inject_header' ], 20 ); add_action( 'wp_footer', [ $this, 'inject_footer' ], 20 ); add_filter( 'the_content', [ $this, 'inject_content' ], $this->plugin->get_content_injection_priority() ); } /** * Set global constant that prevents ads from being displayed on the current page view */ public function set_disabled_constant() { global $post, $wp_the_query; // don't set the constant if already defined. if ( defined( 'ADVADS_ADS_DISABLED' ) ) { return; } $options = $this->plugin->options(); // check if ads are disabled completely. if ( ! empty( $options['disabled-ads']['all'] ) ) { $this->disable_ads( 'all' ); return; } // Check if ads are disabled in REST API. if ( defined( 'REST_REQUEST' ) && REST_REQUEST ) { if ( ! empty( $options['disabled-ads']['rest-api'] ) ) { $this->disable_ads(); } return; } // check if ads are disabled from 404 pages. if ( $wp_the_query->is_404() && ! empty( $options['disabled-ads']['404'] ) ) { $this->disable_ads( '404' ); return; } // check if ads are disabled from non singular pages (often = archives). if ( ! $wp_the_query->is_singular() && ! empty( $options['disabled-ads']['archives'] ) ) { $this->disable_ads( 'archive' ); return; } // check if ads are disabled in Feed. if ( $wp_the_query->is_feed() && ( ! isset( $options['disabled-ads']['feed'] ) || $options['disabled-ads']['feed'] ) ) { $this->disable_ads(); return; } // check if ads are disabled on the current page. if ( $wp_the_query->is_singular() && isset( $post->ID ) ) { $post_ad_options = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_advads_ad_settings', true ); if ( ! empty( $post_ad_options['disable_ads'] ) ) { $this->disable_ads( 'page', $post->ID ); return; } } // "Posts page" set on the WordPress Reading settings page. if ( $wp_the_query->is_posts_page ) { $post_ad_options = get_post_meta( $wp_the_query->queried_object_id, '_advads_ad_settings', true ); if ( ! empty( $post_ad_options['disable_ads'] ) ) { $this->disable_ads( 'page', $wp_the_query->queried_object_id ); return; } } /** * Check if ads are disabled on WooCommerce shop page (and currently on shop page). * since WooCommerce changes the post ID of the static page selected to be the product overview page, we need to get the original page id from the WC options. */ if ( function_exists( 'is_shop' ) && is_shop() ) { $shop_id = get_option( 'woocommerce_shop_page_id' ); $shop_ad_options = get_post_meta( absint( $shop_id ), '_advads_ad_settings', true ); if ( ! empty( $shop_ad_options['disable_ads'] ) ) { $this->disable_ads( 'page', $shop_id ); return; } } if ( isset( $options['hide-for-user-role'] ) ) { $hide_for_roles = Advanced_Ads_Utils::maybe_translate_cap_to_role( $options['hide-for-user-role'] ); } else { $hide_for_roles = []; } $user = wp_get_current_user(); if ( $hide_for_roles && is_user_logged_in() && is_array( $user->roles ) && array_intersect( $hide_for_roles, $user->roles ) ) { $this->disable_ads(); return; } // check bots if option is enabled. if ( isset( $options['block-bots'] ) && $options['block-bots'] && ! $this->is_cache_bot() && $this->is_bot() ) { $this->disable_ads(); return; } } /** * Disable ads. * * @param string $reason Reason why are disabled. * @param int|string $id Identifier that supplement the disabled reason. */ private function disable_ads( $reason = null, $id = null ) { define( 'ADVADS_ADS_DISABLED', true ); $this->disabled_reason = $reason; $this->disabled_id = $id; } /** * Return the plugin slug. * * @return string Plugin slug variable. */ public function get_plugin_slug() { return $this->plugin->get_plugin_slug(); } /** * Add plain and content ad types to the default ads of the plugin using a filter * * @param array $types array with ad types. * @return array */ public function setup_default_ad_types( $types ) { $types['plain'] = new Advanced_Ads_Ad_Type_Plain(); /* plain text and php code */ $types['dummy'] = new Advanced_Ads_Ad_Type_Dummy(); /* dummy ad */ $types['content'] = new Advanced_Ads_Ad_Type_Content(); /* rich content editor */ $types['image'] = new Advanced_Ads_Ad_Type_Image(); /* image ads */ $types['group'] = new Advanced_Ads_Ad_Type_Group(); /* group ad */ return $types; } /** * Log error messages when debug is enabled * * @param string $message error message. * @link http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2011/03/08/ten-things-every-wordpress-plugin-developer-should-know/ */ public static function log( $message ) { if ( true === WP_DEBUG ) { if ( is_array( $message ) || is_object( $message ) ) { error_log( __( 'Advanced Ads Error following:', 'advanced-ads' ) ); error_log( print_r( $message, true ) ); } else { // translators: %s is an error message generated by the plugin. $message = sprintf( __( 'Advanced Ads Error: %s', 'advanced-ads' ), $message ); error_log( $message ); } } } /** * Compat method * * @return array with plugin options */ public function options() { return $this->plugin->options(); } /** * Compat method * * @return array with adsense options */ public function get_adsense_options() { // we can’t store options if WPML String Translations is enabled, or it would not translate the "Ad Label" option. if ( ! isset( $this->adsense_options ) || class_exists( 'WPML_ST_String' ) ) { $this->adsense_options = get_option( 'advanced-ads-adsense', [] ); } return $this->adsense_options; } /** * Compat method * * @return array with internal plugin options */ public function internal_options() { return $this->plugin->internal_options(); } /** * Injected ad into header */ public function inject_header() { $placements = get_option( 'advads-ads-placements', [] ); if ( is_array( $placements ) ) { foreach ( $placements as $_placement_id => $_placement ) { if ( isset( $_placement['type'] ) && 'header' === $_placement['type'] ) { $_options = isset( $_placement['options'] ) ? $_placement['options'] : []; // injecting ad code so we don’t run escaping here. // phpcs:ignore echo Advanced_Ads_Select::get_instance()->get_ad_by_method( $_placement_id, Advanced_Ads_Select::PLACEMENT, $_options ); } } } } /** * Injected ads into footer * * @since 1.1.0 */ public function inject_footer() { $placements = get_option( 'advads-ads-placements', [] ); if ( is_array( $placements ) ) { foreach ( $placements as $_placement_id => $_placement ) { if ( isset( $_placement['type'] ) && 'footer' === $_placement['type'] ) { $_options = isset( $_placement['options'] ) ? $_placement['options'] : []; // injecting ad code so we don’t run escaping here. // phpcs:ignore echo Advanced_Ads_Select::get_instance()->get_ad_by_method( $_placement_id, Advanced_Ads_Select::PLACEMENT, $_options ); } } } } /** * Injected ad into content (before and after) * Displays ALL ads * * @param string $content post content. * * @return string */ public function inject_content( $content = '' ) { $options = $this->plugin->options(); // do not inject in content when on a BuddyPress profile upload page (avatar & cover image). if ( ( function_exists( 'bp_is_user_change_avatar' ) && bp_is_user_change_avatar() ) || ( function_exists( 'bp_is_user_change_cover_image' ) && bp_is_user_change_cover_image() ) ) { return $content; } // do not inject ads multiple times, e.g., when the_content is applied multiple times. if ( $this->has_many_the_content() ) { return $content; } // Check if ads are disabled in secondary queries. if ( ! empty( $options['disabled-ads']['secondary'] ) ) { // this function was called by ajax (in secondary query). if ( wp_doing_ajax() ) { return $content; } // get out of wp_router_page post type if ads are disabled in secondary queries. if ( 'wp_router_page' === get_post_type() ) { return $content; } } // No need to inject ads because all tags are stripped from excepts. if ( doing_filter( 'get_the_excerpt' ) ) { return $content; } // run only within the loop on single pages of public post types. $public_post_types = get_post_types( [ 'public' => true, 'publicly_queryable' => true, ], 'names', 'or' ); // make sure that no ad is injected into another ad. if ( get_post_type() === Entities::POST_TYPE_AD ) { return $content; } // Do not inject on admin pages. if ( is_admin() && ! wp_doing_ajax() ) { return $content; } // Do not inject in writing REST requests. if ( WordPress::is_gutenberg_writing_request() && WordPress::is_rest_request() ) { return $content; } // check if admin allows injection in all places. $enabled = $options['content-injection-enabled'] ?? 'off'; if ( $enabled === 'off' || ! isset( $options['content-injection-everywhere'] ) || 0 === $options['content-injection-everywhere'] ) { // check if this is a singular page within the loop or an AMP page. $is_amp = advads_is_amp(); if ( ( ! is_singular( $public_post_types ) && ! is_feed() ) || ( ! $is_amp && ! $this->in_the_loop() && ! $this->was_in_the_loop ) ) { return $content; } } else { global $wp_query; if ( is_main_query() && 'true' !== $options['content-injection-everywhere'] && isset( $wp_query->current_post ) && $wp_query->current_post >= ( $options['content-injection-everywhere'] ) ) { return $content; } } $placements = get_option( 'advads-ads-placements', [] ); if ( ! apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-can-inject-into-content', true, $content, $placements ) ) { return $content; } if ( is_array( $placements ) ) { foreach ( $placements as $_placement_id => $_placement ) { if ( empty( $_placement['item'] ) || ! isset( $_placement['type'] ) ) { continue; } $_options = isset( $_placement['options'] ) ? $_placement['options'] : []; // check if injection is ok for a specific placement ID. if ( ! apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-can-inject-into-content-' . $_placement_id, true, $content, $_placement_id ) ) { continue; } switch ( $_placement['type'] ) { case 'post_top': $content = Advanced_Ads_Select::get_instance()->get_ad_by_method( $_placement_id, Advanced_Ads_Select::PLACEMENT, $_options ) . $content; break; case 'post_bottom': $content .= Advanced_Ads_Select::get_instance()->get_ad_by_method( $_placement_id, Advanced_Ads_Select::PLACEMENT, $_options ); break; case 'post_content': $content = Advanced_Ads_Placements::inject_in_content( $_placement_id, $_options, $content ); break; } } } if ( ! empty( $_COOKIE['advads_frontend_picker'] ) ) { // Make possible to know where the content starts and ends. $content = '<ins style="display: none;" class="advads-frontend-picker-boundary-helper"></ins> ' . $content; } return $content; } /** * Load all ads based on WP_Query conditions * * @deprecated 1.4.8 use model class * @param array $args WP_Query arguments that are more specific that default. * @return array $ads array with post objects */ public static function get_ads( $args = [] ) { return self::get_instance()->get_model()->get_ads( $args ); } /** * Load all ad groups * * @deprecated 1.4.8 use model class * @param array $args array with options. * @return array $groups array with ad groups * @link http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_terms */ public static function get_ad_groups( $args = [] ) { return self::get_instance()->get_model()->get_ad_groups( $args ); } /** * Get the array with ad placements * * @deprecated 1.4.8 use model * @return array $ad_placements */ public static function get_ad_placements_array() { return self::get_instance()->get_model()->get_ad_placements_array(); } /** * Get ad conditions. * * @deprecated 1.4.8 use model * @return array */ public static function get_ad_conditions() { return self::get_instance()->get_model()->get_ad_conditions(); } /** * General check if ads can be displayed for the whole page impression * * @return bool true, if ads can be displayed. * @todo move this to set_disabled_constant(). */ public function can_display_ads() { // check global constant if ads are enabled or disabled. if ( defined( 'ADVADS_ADS_DISABLED' ) ) { return false; } $options = $this->options(); // check if ads are disabled in secondary queries. // and this is not main query and this is not ajax (because main query does not exist in ajax but ad needs to be shown). if ( ! empty( $options['disabled-ads']['secondary'] ) && ! $this->is_main_query() && ! wp_doing_ajax() ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Check if the current user agent is given or a bot * * @return bool true if the current user agent is empty or a bot. * @since 1.4.9 */ public function is_bot() { // show ads on AMP version also for bots in order to allow Google (and maybe others) to cache the page. if ( advads_is_amp() ) { return false; } if ( empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) ) { return true; } $bots = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-bots', $this->bots ); $bots = implode( '|', $bots ); // Make sure delimiters in regex are escaped. $bots = preg_replace( '/(.*?)(?<!\\\)' . preg_quote( '/', '/' ) . '(.*?)/', '$1\\/$2', $bots ); return preg_match( sprintf( '/%s/i', $bots ), wp_unslash( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) ); } /** * Get the array of known bots. * * @param bool $filter Whether to apply filters. * * @return array */ public function get_bots( $filter = true ) { return (array) ( $filter ? apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-bots', $this->bots ) : $this->bots ); } /** * Check if the current user is a bot prepopulating the cache * Ads should be loaded for the bot, because they should show up on the cached site * * @return bool */ public function is_cache_bot() { if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) && '' !== $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) { $current = sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) ); // WP Rocket. if ( false !== strpos( $current, 'wprocketbot' ) ) { return true; } // WP Super Cache. $wp_useragent = apply_filters( 'http_headers_useragent', 'WordPress/' . get_bloginfo( 'version' ) . '; ' . get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ); if ( $current === $wp_useragent ) { return true; } // LiteSpeed Cache: `lscache_runner` and `lscache_walker` user agents. if ( false !== strpos( $current, 'lscache_' ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Add meta robots noindex, nofollow to images, which are part of 'Image ad' ad type */ public function noindex_attachment_images() { global $post; if ( is_attachment() && is_object( $post ) && isset( $post->post_parent ) ) { $post_parent = get_post( $post->post_parent ); $parent_is_ad = $post_parent && Entities::POST_TYPE_AD === $post_parent->post_type; // if the image was not attached to any post and if at least one image ad contains the image. Needed for backward compatibility. $parent_is_image_ad = ( empty( $post->post_parent ) && 0 < get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_advanced-ads_parent_id', true ) ); if ( $parent_is_ad || $parent_is_image_ad ) { echo '<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" />'; } } } /** * Show custom CSS in the header */ public function custom_header_code(){ if ( ! defined( 'ADVANCED_ADS_DISABLE_EDIT_BAR' ) && WordPress::user_can( 'advanced_ads_edit_ads' ) ) { ?><style> div.advads-edit-bar{position:absolute;height:0;display:none;z-index:10000;animation:advads-edit-appear 2s linear 1;} @keyframes advads-edit-appear { 0% {opacity: 0.0;pointer-events: none;} 66% {opacity: 0.0;} 100% {opacity: 1.0;} } a.advads-edit-button{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;text-decoration:none !important;box-shadow:none;border-bottom:none;color:#0074a2;margin-top:-5px;} a.advads-edit-button span{top:10px;line-height:25px;margin-left:-5px;width:26px;height:26px;border-radius:13px;border:solid 1px #0074a2;background:#fff} <?php printf( 'div[class^="%s"]:hover > div.advads-edit-bar {display: inline-block; vertical-align: top;}', // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped Advanced_Ads_Plugin::get_instance()->get_frontend_prefix() ); ?> </style> <?php } } /** * Supports the "$this->is_main_query=true" while main query is being executed * * @param WP_Post $post The Post object (passed by reference). * @param WP_Query $query The current Query object (passed by reference). */ public function set_query_type( $post, $query = null ) { if ( $query instanceof WP_Query ) { $this->is_main_query = $query->is_main_query(); } } /** * Check if main query is being executed * * @return bool true while main query is being executed or not in the loop, false otherwise */ public function is_main_query() { if ( ! $this->in_the_loop() ) { // the secondary query check only designed for within post content. return true; } return true === $this->is_main_query; } /** * Sets whether the loop has started. */ public function set_loop_start() { $this->in_the_loop = true; } /** * Sets whether the loop has ended. */ public function set_loop_end() { $this->in_the_loop = false; } /** * Whether the loop has started and the caller is in the loop. * * @return bool */ public function in_the_loop() { if ( in_the_loop() ) { return true; } if ( $this->in_the_loop ) { return true; } } /** * Find the calls to `the_content` inside functions hooked to `the_content`. * * @return bool */ public function has_many_the_content() { global $wp_current_filter; if ( count( array_keys( $wp_current_filter, 'the_content', true ) ) > 1 ) { // More then one `the_content` in the stack. return true; } return false; } /** * Get an "Advertisement" label to use before single ad or before first ad in a group * * @param string $placement_state default/enabled/disabled. * @return string label, empty string if label should not be displayed. */ public function get_label( $placement_state = 'default' ) { if ( 'disabled' === $placement_state ) { return ''; } $advads_options = self::get_instance()->options(); if ( 'enabled' !== $placement_state && empty( $advads_options['custom-label']['enabled'] ) ) { return ''; } $label = ! empty( $advads_options['custom-label']['text'] ) ? esc_html( $advads_options['custom-label']['text'] ) : _x( 'Advertisements', 'label above ads', 'advanced-ads' ); $template = sprintf( '<div class="%s">%s</div>', Advanced_Ads_Plugin::get_instance()->get_frontend_prefix() . 'adlabel', $label ); return apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-custom-label', $template, $label ); } /** * Retrieve the number of ads in any status * excludes trash status by default * * @param string|array $post_status default post status. * * @return int number of ads. */ public static function get_number_of_ads( $post_status = 'any' ) { $key = md5( serialize( $post_status ) ); // query number of ads only, if not retrieved, yet. if ( ! isset( self::get_instance()->number_of_ads[ $key ] ) ) { $args = [ 'post_status' => $post_status ]; $recent_ads = self::get_instance()->get_model()->get_ads( $args ); self::get_instance()->number_of_ads[ $key ] = count( $recent_ads ); } return self::get_instance()->number_of_ads[ $key ]; } /** * Switch the current blog. * * @param int $blog_id ID of the blog in the WP network. */ public function switch_to_blog( $blog_id ) { if ( is_multisite() ) { switch_to_blog( $blog_id ); self::get_instance()->get_model()->reset_placement_array(); } } /** * Restore the current blog. */ public function restore_current_blog() { if ( is_multisite() ) { restore_current_blog(); self::get_instance()->get_model()->reset_placement_array(); } } /** * Store whether the loop started in an inner `the_content`. * * If so, let us assume that we are in the loop when we are in the outermost `the_content`. * Makes sense only when a hooked to `the_content` function that produces an inner `the_content` has * lesser priority then `$this->plugin->get_content_injection_priority()`. * * @param string $content Post content (unchanged). * * @return string */ public function set_was_in_the_loop( $content ) { if ( self::get_instance()->has_many_the_content() ) { $this->was_in_the_loop = $this->was_in_the_loop || $this->in_the_loop(); } else { // Next top level `the_content`, forget that the loop started. $this->was_in_the_loop = false; } return $content; } /** * Listen to URL parameters for debugging */ private function debug_parameter() { if ( wp_doing_ajax() && isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ) ) { $query_string = wp_parse_url( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], PHP_URL_QUERY ); if ( $query_string ) { parse_str( $query_string, $query ); } if ( empty( $query['aa-debug'] ) ) { return; } $debug_query = $query['aa-debug']; } else { if ( empty( $_GET['aa-debug'] ) ) { return; } $debug_query = $_GET['aa-debug']; } $parameters = explode( ',', sanitize_text_field( $debug_query ) ); foreach ( $parameters as $parameter ) { switch ( trim( $parameter ) ) { case 'dummy': // switch all ads to "dummy" add_filter( 'advanced-ads-ad-option-type', function() { return 'dummy'; } ); break; case 'vcoff': // disable ad visitor conditions add_filter( 'advanced-ads-ad-option-visitors', '__return_empty_array' ); break; case 'cboff': // disable cache-busting for all ads add_filter( 'advanced-ads-ad-select-args', function( $args ) { $args['cache-busting'] = 'ignore'; return $args; } ); break; } } } }