편집 파일: class-fontawesome-config-controller.php
<?php /** * This module is not considered part of the public API, only internal. * Any data or functionality that it produces should be exported by the * main FontAwesome class and the API documented and semantically versioned there. */ namespace FortAwesome; require_once trailingslashit( FONTAWESOME_DIR_PATH ) . 'includes/class-fontawesome-api-settings.php'; require_once trailingslashit( FONTAWESOME_DIR_PATH ) . 'includes/class-fontawesome-exception.php'; require_once trailingslashit( FONTAWESOME_DIR_PATH ) . 'includes/class-fontawesome-rest-response.php'; use \WP_REST_Controller, \WP_Error, \Exception; /** * Controller class for REST endpoint * * @internal * @ignore */ class FontAwesome_Config_Controller extends WP_REST_Controller { // phpcs:ignore Generic.Commenting.DocComment.MissingShort /** * @ignore */ private $plugin_slug = null; // phpcs:ignore Generic.Commenting.DocComment.MissingShort /** * @ignore */ protected $namespace = null; // phpcs:ignore Generic.Commenting.DocComment.MissingShort /** * @ignore */ public function __construct( $plugin_slug, $namespace ) { $this->plugin_slug = $plugin_slug; $this->namespace = $namespace; } // phpcs:ignore Generic.Commenting.DocComment.MissingShort /** * @ignore */ public function register_routes() { $route_base = 'config'; register_rest_route( $this->namespace, '/' . $route_base, array( array( 'methods' => 'POST', 'callback' => array( $this, 'update_item' ), 'permission_callback' => function() { return current_user_can( 'manage_options' ); }, 'args' => array(), ), ) ); } // phpcs:ignore Generic.Commenting.DocComment.MissingShort /** * @ignore */ protected function build_item( $fa ) { $preference_registration_error = null; try { fa()->gather_preferences(); } catch ( PreferenceRegistrationException $e ) { $preference_registration_error = wpe_fontawesome_server_exception( $e ); } $item = array( 'options' => $fa->options(), 'conflicts' => $fa->conflicts_by_option(), ); if ( ! is_null( $preference_registration_error ) ) { $item['error'] = $preference_registration_error; } return $item; } /** * Update the singleton resource. * * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full data about the request. * @return FontAwesome_REST_Response */ public function update_item( $request ) { try { $body = $request->get_json_params(); $given_options = isset( $body['options'] ) ? $body['options'] : null; if ( is_null( $given_options ) ) { return new FontAwesome_REST_Response( new WP_Error( 'fontawesome_client_exception' ), 400 ); } $api_token = isset( $given_options['apiToken'] ) ? $given_options['apiToken'] : null; if ( is_string( $api_token ) ) { // We're adding an api_token. $api_settings = FontAwesome_API_Settings::reset(); $api_settings->set_api_token( $api_token ); $api_settings->request_access_token(); } elseif ( boolval( fa_api_settings()->api_token() ) && ! boolval( $api_token ) ) { // We're removing an existing API Token. fa_api_settings()->remove(); /** * We also need to change the version to one that would be * valid for a CDN configuration. */ $given_options['version'] = fa()->latest_version(); } $db_item = $this->prepare_item_for_database( $given_options ); update_option( FontAwesome::OPTIONS_KEY, $db_item ); $return_data = $this->build_item( fa() ); return new FontAwesome_REST_Response( $return_data, 200 ); } catch ( FontAwesome_ServerException $e ) { return new FontAwesome_REST_Response( wpe_fontawesome_server_exception( $e ), 500 ); } catch ( FontAwesome_Exception $e ) { return new FontAwesome_REST_Response( wpe_fontawesome_client_exception( $e ), 400 ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { return new FontAwesome_REST_Response( wpe_fontawesome_unknown_error( $e ), 500 ); } catch ( Error $e ) { return new FontAwesome_REST_Response( wpe_fontawesome_unknown_error( $e ), 500 ); } } /** * Filters the incoming data, determines what should actually * be stored in the database, and ensures that it's valid. * * @internal * @ignore * @param array $given_options the options from the request body * @throws ConfigSchemaException * @return array The item to store on the options key */ protected function prepare_item_for_database( $given_options ) { // start with a copy of the defaults and just override them indivually. $item = array_merge( array(), FontAwesome::DEFAULT_USER_OPTIONS ); /** * The apiToken is handled specially. * We only store a boolean value indicating whether and apiToken * has been stored. It's the responsibility of the calling code * to store the actual API Token appropriately. */ $api_token = isset( $given_options['apiToken'] ) && boolval( $given_options['apiToken'] ); $item['apiToken'] = $api_token; /** * A kitToken is handled specially. * If one is provided, but there's no API token, then that is invalid. */ if ( isset( $given_options['kitToken'] ) && is_string( $given_options['kitToken'] ) ) { if ( $api_token ) { $item['kitToken'] = $given_options['kitToken']; } else { throw ConfigSchemaException::kit_token_no_api_token(); } } /** * For the following options, if they are provided at all, we just * use that to override the default. */ if ( isset( $given_options['usePro'] ) ) { $item['usePro'] = $given_options['usePro']; } /** * The new option key is "compat", overriding the old v4Compat key. */ if ( isset( $given_options['compat'] ) ) { $item['compat'] = $given_options['compat']; } elseif ( isset( $given_options['v4Compat'] ) ) { $item['compat'] = $given_options['v4Compat']; } if ( isset( $given_options['technology'] ) ) { $item['technology'] = $given_options['technology']; } if ( isset( $given_options['pseudoElements'] ) ) { $item['pseudoElements'] = $given_options['pseudoElements']; } $version_is_symbolic_latest = isset( $given_options['version'] ) && 'latest' === $given_options['version']; $version_is_concrete = isset( $given_options['version'] ) && 1 === preg_match( '/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/', $given_options['version'] ); /** * The pseudoElements option is handled specially. If technology * is webfont, pseudoElements must be true. */ if ( 'webfont' === $item['technology'] && ! $item['pseudoElements'] ) { throw ConfigSchemaException::webfont_always_enables_pseudo_elements(); } /** * The version is handled specially. * * If this is a non-kit config, then the version must be concrete, * a major.minor.patch version like 5.12.0. * * If this is a kit-based config, then the version must either be * concrete or one of the exact, case-sensitive, strings 'latest', * '5.x', or '6.x'. */ if ( isset( $given_options['kitToken'] ) && is_string( $given_options['kitToken'] ) && $version_is_symbolic_latest ) { $item['version'] = 'latest'; } elseif ( $version_is_concrete || '5.x' === $given_options['version'] || '6.x' === $given_options['version'] ) { $item['version'] = $given_options['version']; } else { throw ConfigSchemaException::concrete_version_expected(); } // V6 is not supported on Pro CDN. if ( 1 === preg_match( '/^6\./', $item['version'] ) && boolval( $item['usePro'] ) && ! is_string( $given_options['kitToken'] ) ) { throw ConfigSchemaException::v6_pro_cdn_not_supported(); } if ( $version_is_concrete && version_compare( '5.1.0', $item['version'], '>' ) && boolval( $item['v4Compat'] ) && 'webfont' === $item['technology'] ) { throw ConfigSchemaException::webfont_v4compat_introduced_later(); } return $item; } /** * Allows a test subclass to mock the release provider. * * @ignore */ protected function release_provider() { return fa_release_provider(); } }