편집 파일: __init__.cpython-36.pyc
3 �Pf � @ sh d Z ddlmZmZmZ ddlmZmZmZ ddl m Z ddlmZ ddl mZ dd d ddd gZdZdS )aM HTML parsing library based on the WHATWG "HTML5" specification. The parser is designed to be compatible with existing HTML found in the wild and implements well-defined error recovery that is largely compatible with modern desktop web browsers. Example usage: import html5lib f = open("my_document.html") tree = html5lib.parse(f) � )�absolute_import�division�unicode_literals� )� HTMLParser�parse� parseFragment)�getTreeBuilder)� getTreeWalker)� serializer r r r r r z1.0b10N)�__doc__Z __future__r r r Zhtml5parserr r r Ztreebuildersr Ztreewalkersr Z serializerr �__all__�__version__� r r �/usr/lib/python3.6/__init__.py�<module> s