편집 파일: Notes.txt
1) Select Database for saving session storage while installation on manual 2) Select Timezone America/NewYork 3) Just check that "USING BTREE" should be on the left i.e. not at the end 4) Always check the file permissions 5) take mysqldump from command line 6) Following three files are deleted in upgrade.php becuase SUPEE-8788 patch is applied since v1.9.3.0 package by magento. However the below mentioned guide says that these three files are not deleted and need to be deleted. /skin/adminhtml/default/default/media/flex.swf, uploader.swf, uploaderSingle.swf Guide is mentioned here : http://devdocs.magento.com/guides/m1x/ce19-ee114/ce1.9_release-notes.html#ce19-1930 https://support.hypernode.com/knowledgebase/magento-patch-supee-8788-release-1-9-3/ The installation can be checked if the patch was applied successfully here : https://www.magereport.com (This issue was reported by a user via ticket who found this vulnerability at http://magereport.com) 7) PHP REQUIREMENT LINK: http://docs.magento.com/m1/ce/user_guide/magento/system-requirements.html