편집 파일: multi-image.js
import { LabelControl } from './label'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { MediaUpload } from '@wordpress/block-editor'; import { useState, useRef, useEffect } from '@wordpress/element'; export const MultiImageControl = (props) => { const { prop, label, value, setAttributes, attributes, allow = ['image'] } = props; const { name } = prop['c']; const tmpAtts = attributes?.tmpAtts ? attributes.tmpAtts : {}; const [imageIds, setImageIds] = useState([]); const [imageUrls, setImageUrls] = useState({}); const onSelectImage = (images) => { var ids = []; var urls = {}; var img_urls = {}; var titles = {}; var links = {}; var captions = {}; for(var i in images){ const { id, url, title, link, caption, sizes} = images[i]; var _id = 'i'+id; ids.push(id); urls[_id] = url; //get title titles[_id] = title; links[_id] = link; captions[_id] = caption; // Create a URL img_urls[_id] = {} for(var x in sizes){ img_urls[_id][x] = sizes[x].url; } } setImageUrls(urls); setImageIds(ids); const tmp = { ...tmpAtts, [name+'-urls']: urls, [name+'-all-urls']: img_urls, [name+'-all-titles']: titles, [name+'-all-links']: links, [name+'-all-captions']: captions, }; setAttributes({ [name]: ids, tmpAtts: tmp }); } useEffect(() => { var ids = []; // Any IDs ? if(!pagelayer_empty(prop.c['val'])){ ids = prop.c['val'] if(pagelayer_is_string(ids)){ ids = prop.c['val'].split(','); } //console.log(ids); setImageIds(ids); } // Query the media library for media items with the specified post IDs. wp.media.query({ post__in: ids }).more().then(() => { var urls = {}; for(var x in ids){ var fetch_url = wp.media.attachment(ids[x]).get('url'); urls['i'+x] = fetch_url; }; setImageUrls(urls); }); }, []); const renderMediaUploader = (open) => { return ( <div className="pagelayer-elp-multi_image-div"> <center> <button className="pagelayer-elp-button" onClick={() => open() } > { __('Add Images') } </button> </center> <div className="pagelayer-elp-multi_image-thumbs" onClick={ () => open() } > { imageUrls && Object.keys(imageUrls).map((imageName) => ( <div className="pagelayer-elp-multi_image-thumb" style={{ backgroundImage: `url(${imageUrls[imageName]})` }} ></div> ))} </div> </div> ); } return ( <div className="components-base-control pagelayer-base-control"> <LabelControl {...props} /> <MediaUpload title="Select Image" onSelect={onSelectImage} allowedTypes={allow} value={imageIds} multiple={true} gallery={true} addToGallery={true} autoOpen={true} render={({ open }) => renderMediaUploader(open)} /> </div> ); }