편집 파일: Content.php
<?php namespace AIOSEO\Plugin\Common\EmailReports\Summary; // Exit if accessed directly. if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } use AIOSEO\Plugin\Common\Models; /** * Summary content class. * * @since 4.7.2 */ class Content { /** * The date range data. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @var array */ public $dateRange; /** * The SEO Statistics data. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @var array */ private $seoStatistics = []; /** * The Keywords data. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @var array */ private $keywords = []; /** * The Search Statistics page URL. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @var string */ public $searchStatisticsUrl; /** * The featured image placeholder URL. * * @since 4.7.3 * * @var string */ public $featuredImagePlaceholder = 'https://static.aioseo.io/report/ste/featured-image-placeholder.png'; /** * Class constructor. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @param array $dateRange The date range data. * @return void */ public function __construct( $dateRange ) { $this->dateRange = $dateRange; $this->searchStatisticsUrl = admin_url( 'admin.php?page=aioseo-search-statistics' ); $this->setSeoStatistics(); $this->setKeywords(); } /** * Sets the SEO Statistics data. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @return void */ private function setSeoStatistics() { try { $seoStatistics = aioseo()->searchStatistics->getSeoStatisticsData( [ 'startDate' => gmdate( 'Y-m-d', $this->dateRange['startDateRaw'] ), 'endDate' => gmdate( 'Y-m-d', $this->dateRange['endDateRaw'] ), 'orderBy' => 'clicks', 'orderDir' => 'desc', 'limit' => '5', 'offset' => '0', 'filter' => 'all', ] ); if ( empty( $seoStatistics['data'] ) ) { return; } $this->seoStatistics = $seoStatistics['data']; } catch ( \Exception $e ) { // Do nothing. } } /** * Sets the Keywords data. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @return void */ private function setKeywords() { try { $keywords = aioseo()->searchStatistics->getKeywordsData( [ 'startDate' => gmdate( 'Y-m-d', $this->dateRange['startDateRaw'] ), 'endDate' => gmdate( 'Y-m-d', $this->dateRange['endDateRaw'] ), 'orderBy' => 'clicks', 'orderDir' => 'desc', 'limit' => '5', 'offset' => '0', 'filter' => 'all', ] ); if ( empty( $keywords['data'] ) ) { return; } $this->keywords = $keywords['data']; } catch ( \Exception $e ) { // Do nothing. } } /** * Retrieves the content performance data. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @return array The content performance data or an empty array. */ public function getPostsStatistics() { if ( ! $this->seoStatistics ) { return []; } $result = [ 'winning' => [ 'url' => add_query_arg( [ 'aioseo-scroll' => 'aioseo-search-statistics-post-table', 'aioseo-tab' => 'seo-statistics', 'table-filter' => 'TopWinningPages' ], $this->searchStatisticsUrl ), 'items' => [] ], 'losing' => [ 'url' => add_query_arg( [ 'aioseo-scroll' => 'aioseo-search-statistics-post-table', 'aioseo-tab' => 'seo-statistics', 'table-filter' => 'TopLosingPages' ], $this->searchStatisticsUrl ), 'items' => [] ] ]; foreach ( array_slice( $this->seoStatistics['pages']['topWinning']['rows'], 0, 3 ) as $row ) { $postId = $row['objectId'] ?? 0; $result['winning']['items'][] = [ 'title' => $row['objectTitle'], 'url' => get_permalink( $postId ), 'tru_seo' => aioseo()->helpers->isTruSeoEligible( $postId ) ? $this->parseSeoScore( $row['seoScore'] ?? 0 ) : [], 'clicks' => $this->parseClicks( $row['clicks'] ), 'difference' => [ 'clicks' => $this->parseDifference( $row['difference']['clicks'] ?? '' ), ] ]; } $result['winning']['show_tru_seo'] = ! empty( array_filter( array_column( $result['winning']['items'], 'tru_seo' ) ) ); foreach ( array_slice( $this->seoStatistics['pages']['topLosing']['rows'], 0, 3 ) as $row ) { $postId = $row['objectId'] ?? 0; $result['losing']['items'][] = [ 'title' => $row['objectTitle'], 'url' => get_permalink( $postId ), 'tru_seo' => aioseo()->helpers->isTruSeoEligible( $postId ) ? $this->parseSeoScore( $row['seoScore'] ?? 0 ) : [], 'clicks' => $this->parseClicks( $row['clicks'] ), 'difference' => [ 'clicks' => $this->parseDifference( $row['difference']['clicks'] ?? '' ), ] ]; } $result['losing']['show_tru_seo'] = ! empty( array_filter( array_column( $result['losing']['items'], 'tru_seo' ) ) ); return $result; } /** * Retrieves the milestones data. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @return array The milestones data or an empty array. */ public function getMilestones() { // phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength.MaxExceeded $milestones = []; if ( ! $this->seoStatistics ) { return $milestones; } $currentData = [ 'impressions' => $this->seoStatistics['statistics']['impressions'] ?? null, 'clicks' => $this->seoStatistics['statistics']['clicks'] ?? null, 'ctr' => $this->seoStatistics['statistics']['ctr'] ?? null, 'keywords' => $this->seoStatistics['statistics']['keywords'] ?? null, ]; $difference = [ 'impressions' => $this->seoStatistics['statistics']['difference']['impressions'] ?? null, 'clicks' => $this->seoStatistics['statistics']['difference']['clicks'] ?? null, 'ctr' => $this->seoStatistics['statistics']['difference']['ctr'] ?? null, 'keywords' => $this->seoStatistics['statistics']['difference']['keywords'] ?? null, ]; if ( is_numeric( $currentData['impressions'] ) && is_numeric( $difference['impressions'] ) ) { $intDifference = intval( $difference['impressions'] ); $message = esc_html__( 'Your site has received the same number of impressions compared to the previous period.', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); if ( $intDifference > 0 ) { // Translators: 1 - The number of impressions, 2 - The percentage increase. $message = esc_html__( 'Your site has received %1$s more impressions compared to the previous period, which is a %2$s increase.', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); } if ( $intDifference < 0 ) { // Translators: 1 - The number of impressions, 2 - The percentage increase. $message = esc_html__( 'Your site has received %1$s fewer impressions compared to the previous period, which is a %2$s decrease.', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); } if ( false !== strpos( $message, '%1' ) ) { $percentageDiff = 0 === absint( $currentData['impressions'] ) ? 100 : round( ( absint( $intDifference ) / absint( $currentData['impressions'] ) ) * 100, 2 ); $percentageDiff = false !== strpos( $percentageDiff, '.' ) ? number_format_i18n( $percentageDiff, count( explode( '.', $percentageDiff ) ) ) : $percentageDiff; $message = sprintf( $message, '<strong>' . aioseo()->helpers->compactNumber( absint( $intDifference ) ) . '</strong>', '<strong>' . $percentageDiff . '%</strong>' ); } $milestones[] = [ 'message' => $message, 'background' => '#f0f6ff', 'color' => '#004F9D', 'icon' => 'icon-milestone-impressions' ]; } if ( is_numeric( $currentData['clicks'] ) && is_numeric( $difference['clicks'] ) ) { $intDifference = intval( $difference['clicks'] ); $message = esc_html__( 'Your site has received the same number of clicks compared to the previous period.', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); if ( $intDifference > 0 ) { // Translators: 1 - The number of clicks, 2 - The percentage increase. $message = esc_html__( 'Your site has received %1$s more clicks compared to the previous period, which is a %2$s increase.', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); } if ( $intDifference < 0 ) { // Translators: 1 - The number of clicks, 2 - The percentage increase. $message = esc_html__( 'Your site has received %1$s fewer clicks compared to the previous period, which is a %2$s decrease.', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); } if ( false !== strpos( $message, '%1' ) ) { $percentageDiff = 0 === absint( $currentData['clicks'] ) ? 100 : round( ( absint( $intDifference ) / absint( $currentData['clicks'] ) ) * 100, 2 ); $percentageDiff = false !== strpos( $percentageDiff, '.' ) ? number_format_i18n( $percentageDiff, count( explode( '.', $percentageDiff ) ) ) : $percentageDiff; $message = sprintf( $message, '<strong>' . aioseo()->helpers->compactNumber( absint( $intDifference ) ) . '</strong>', '<strong>' . $percentageDiff . '%</strong>' ); } $milestones[] = [ 'message' => $message, 'background' => '#ecfdf5', 'color' => '#077647', 'icon' => 'icon-milestone-clicks' ]; } if ( is_numeric( $currentData['ctr'] ) && is_numeric( $difference['ctr'] ) ) { $intDifference = floatval( $difference['ctr'] ); $message = esc_html__( 'Your site has the same CTR compared to the previous period.', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); if ( $intDifference > 0 ) { // Translators: 1 - The CTR. $message = esc_html__( 'Your site has a %1$s higher CTR compared to the previous period.', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); } if ( $intDifference < 0 ) { // Translators: 1 - The CTR. $message = esc_html__( 'Your site has a %1$s lower CTR compared to the previous period.', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); } if ( false !== strpos( $message, '%1' ) ) { $message = sprintf( $message, '<strong>' . number_format_i18n( abs( $intDifference ), count( explode( '.', $intDifference ) ) ) . '%</strong>' ); } $milestones[] = [ 'message' => $message, 'background' => '#fffbeb', 'color' => '#be6903', 'icon' => 'icon-milestone-ctr' ]; } if ( is_numeric( $currentData['keywords'] ) && is_numeric( $difference['keywords'] ) ) { $intDifference = intval( $difference['keywords'] ); $message = esc_html__( 'Your site ranked for the same number of keywords compared to the previous period.', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); if ( $intDifference > 0 ) { // Translators: 1 - The number of keywords, 2 - The percentage increase. $message = esc_html__( 'Your site ranked for %1$s more keywords compared to the previous period, which is a %2$s increase.', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); } if ( $intDifference < 0 ) { // Translators: 1 - The number of keywords, 2 - The percentage increase. $message = esc_html__( 'Your site ranked for %1$s fewer keywords compared to the previous period, which is a %2$s decrease.', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); } if ( false !== strpos( $message, '%1' ) ) { $percentageDiff = 0 === absint( $currentData['keywords'] ) ? 100 : round( ( absint( $intDifference ) / absint( $currentData['keywords'] ) ) * 100, 2 ); $percentageDiff = false !== strpos( $percentageDiff, '.' ) ? number_format_i18n( $percentageDiff, count( explode( '.', $percentageDiff ) ) ) : $percentageDiff; $message = sprintf( $message, '<strong>' . aioseo()->helpers->compactNumber( absint( $intDifference ) ) . '</strong>', '<strong>' . $percentageDiff . '%</strong>' ); } $milestones[] = [ 'message' => $message, 'background' => '#fef2f2', 'color' => '#ab2039', 'icon' => 'icon-milestone-keywords' ]; } return $milestones; } /** * Retrieves the keyword performance data. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @return array The keyword performance data or an empty array. */ public function getKeywords() { if ( ! $this->keywords ) { return []; } $result = [ 'winning' => [ 'url' => add_query_arg( [ 'aioseo-scroll' => 'aioseo-search-statistics-keywords-table', 'aioseo-tab' => 'keyword-rank-tracker', 'tab' => 'AllKeywords', 'table-filter' => 'TopWinningKeywords' ], $this->searchStatisticsUrl ), 'items' => [] ], 'losing' => [ 'url' => add_query_arg( [ 'aioseo-scroll' => 'aioseo-search-statistics-keywords-table', 'aioseo-tab' => 'keyword-rank-tracker', 'tab' => 'AllKeywords', 'table-filter' => 'TopLosingKeywords' ], $this->searchStatisticsUrl ), 'items' => [] ] ]; foreach ( array_slice( $this->keywords['topWinning'], 0, 3 ) as $row ) { $result['winning']['items'][] = [ 'title' => $row['keyword'], 'clicks' => $this->parseClicks( $row['clicks'] ), 'difference' => [ 'clicks' => $this->parseDifference( $row['difference']['clicks'] ?? '' ), ] ]; } foreach ( array_slice( $this->keywords['topLosing'], 0, 3 ) as $row ) { $result['losing']['items'][] = [ 'title' => $row['keyword'], 'clicks' => $this->parseClicks( $row['clicks'] ), 'difference' => [ 'clicks' => $this->parseDifference( $row['difference']['clicks'] ?? '' ), ] ]; } return $result; } /** * Retrieves the posts data. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @return array The posts' data. */ public function getAioPosts() { $result = [ 'publish' => [], 'optimize' => [], 'cta' => [ 'text' => esc_html__( 'Create New Post', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ), 'url' => admin_url( 'post-new.php' ) ], ]; // 1. Retrieve the published posts. $publishPosts = aioseo()->core->db ->start( 'posts as wp' ) ->select( 'wp.ID, wp.post_title, aio.seo_score' ) ->join( 'aioseo_posts as aio', 'aio.post_id = wp.ID', 'INNER' ) ->whereIn( 'wp.post_type', [ 'post' ] ) ->whereIn( 'wp.post_status', [ 'publish' ] ) ->orderBy( 'wp.post_date DESC' ) ->limit( 5 ) ->run() ->result(); if ( $publishPosts ) { $items = $this->parsePosts( $publishPosts ); $result['publish'] = [ 'url' => admin_url( 'edit.php?post_status=publish&post_type=post' ), 'items' => $items, 'show_stats' => ! empty( array_filter( array_column( $items, 'stats' ) ) ), 'show_tru_seo' => ! empty( array_filter( array_column( $items, 'tru_seo' ) ) ), ]; } // 2. Retrieve the posts to optimize. $optimizePosts = aioseo()->searchStatistics->getContentRankingsData( [ 'endDate' => gmdate( 'Y-m-d', $this->dateRange['endDateRaw'] ), 'orderBy' => 'decayPercent', 'orderDir' => 'asc', 'limit' => '3', 'offset' => '0', 'filter' => 'all', ] ); if ( is_array( $optimizePosts['data']['paginated']['rows'] ?? '' ) ) { $items = []; foreach ( array_slice( $optimizePosts['data']['paginated']['rows'], 0, 3 ) as $i => $row ) { $postId = $row['objectId'] ?? 0; $items[ $i ] = [ 'title' => $row['objectTitle'], 'url' => get_permalink( $postId ), 'image_url' => $this->getThumbnailUrl( $postId ), 'tru_seo' => aioseo()->helpers->isTruSeoEligible( $postId ) ? $this->parseSeoScore( $row['seoScore'] ?? 0 ) : [], 'decay_percent' => $this->parseDifference( $row['decayPercent'] ?? '', true ), 'issues' => [ 'url' => add_query_arg( [ 'aioseo-tab' => 'post-detail', 'post' => $postId ], $this->searchStatisticsUrl ), 'items' => [] ] ]; $aioPost = Models\Post::getPost( $postId ); if ( $aioPost ) { $items[ $i ]['issues']['items'] = aioseo()->searchStatistics->helpers->getSuggestedChanges( $aioPost ); } } $result['optimize'] = [ 'url' => add_query_arg( [ 'aioseo-tab' => 'content-rankings', ], $this->searchStatisticsUrl ), 'items' => $items, 'show_tru_seo' => ! empty( array_filter( array_column( $items, 'tru_seo' ) ) ), ]; } return $result; } /** * Retrieves the resources data. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @return array The resources' data. */ public function getResources() { $items = aioseo()->helpers->fetchAioseoArticles( true ); return array_slice( array_filter( $items ), 0, 3 ); } /** * Returns if Search Statistics content is allowed. * * @since 4.7.3 * * @return bool Whether Search Statistics content is allowed. */ public function allowSearchStatistics() { static $return = null; if ( isset( $return ) ) { return $return; } $return = aioseo()->searchStatistics->api->auth->isConnected() && aioseo()->license && aioseo()->license->hasCoreFeature( 'search-statistics', 'seo-statistics' ) && aioseo()->license->hasCoreFeature( 'search-statistics', 'keyword-rankings' ); return $return; } /** * Parses the SEO score. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @param int|string $score The SEO score. * @return array The parsed SEO score. */ private function parseSeoScore( $score ) { $score = intval( $score ); $parsed = [ 'value' => $score, 'color' => '#a1a1a1', 'text' => $score ? "$score/100" : esc_html__( 'N/A', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ), ]; if ( $parsed['value'] > 79 ) { $parsed['color'] = '#00aa63'; } elseif ( $parsed['value'] > 49 ) { $parsed['color'] = '#ff8c00'; } elseif ( $parsed['value'] > 0 ) { $parsed['color'] = '#df2a4a'; } return $parsed; } /** * Parses a difference. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @param int|string $number The number to parse. * @param bool $percentage Whether to return the text result as a percentage. * @return array The parsed result. */ private function parseDifference( $number, $percentage = false ) { $parsed = [ 'color' => '#a1a1a1', 'text' => esc_html__( 'N/A', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ), ]; if ( ! is_numeric( $number ) ) { return $parsed; } $number = intval( $number ); $parsed['text'] = aioseo()->helpers->compactNumber( absint( $number ) ); if ( $percentage ) { $parsed['text'] = $number . '%'; } if ( $number > 0 ) { $parsed['color'] = '#00aa63'; } elseif ( $number < 0 ) { $parsed['color'] = '#df2a4a'; } return $parsed; } /** * Parses the clicks number. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @param float|int|string $number The number of clicks. * @return string The parsed number of clicks. */ private function parseClicks( $number ) { return aioseo()->helpers->compactNumber( $number ); } /** * Parses the posts data. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @param array $posts The posts. * @return array The parsed posts' data. */ private function parsePosts( $posts ) { $parsed = []; foreach ( $posts as $k => $item ) { $parsed[ $k ] = [ 'title' => aioseo()->helpers->truncate( $item->post_title, 75 ), 'url' => get_permalink( $item->ID ), 'image_url' => $this->getThumbnailUrl( $item->ID ), 'tru_seo' => aioseo()->helpers->isTruSeoEligible( $item->ID ) ? $this->parseSeoScore( $item->seo_score ?? 0 ) : [], 'stats' => [] ]; try { $statistics = []; if ( $this->allowSearchStatistics() && method_exists( aioseo()->searchStatistics, 'getPostDetailSeoStatisticsData' ) ) { $statistics = aioseo()->searchStatistics->getPostDetailSeoStatisticsData( [ 'startDate' => gmdate( 'Y-m-d', $this->dateRange['startDateRaw'] ), 'endDate' => gmdate( 'Y-m-d', $this->dateRange['endDateRaw'] ), 'postId' => $item->ID, ], false ); } if ( isset( $statistics['data']['statistics']['position'] ) ) { $parsed[ $k ]['stats'][] = [ 'icon' => 'position', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Position', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ), 'value' => round( floatval( $statistics['data']['statistics']['position'] ) ), ]; } if ( isset( $statistics['data']['statistics']['ctr'] ) ) { $value = round( floatval( $statistics['data']['statistics']['ctr'] ), 2 ); $parsed[ $k ]['stats'][] = [ 'icon' => 'ctr', 'label' => 'CTR', 'value' => ( number_format_i18n( $value, count( explode( '.', $value ) ) ) ) . '%', ]; } if ( isset( $statistics['data']['statistics']['impressions'] ) ) { $parsed[ $k ]['stats'][] = [ 'icon' => 'impressions', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Impressions', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ), 'value' => aioseo()->helpers->compactNumber( $statistics['data']['statistics']['impressions'] ), ]; } } catch ( \Exception $e ) { // Do nothing. } } return $parsed; } /** * Retrieves the thumbnail URL. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @param int $postId The post ID. * @return string The post featured image URL (thumbnail size). */ private function getThumbnailUrl( $postId ) { $imageUrl = get_the_post_thumbnail_url( $postId ); return $imageUrl ?: $this->featuredImagePlaceholder; } }