편집 파일: Summary.php
<?php namespace AIOSEO\Plugin\Common\EmailReports\Summary; // Exit if accessed directly. if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } /** * Summary class. * * @since 4.7.2 */ class Summary { /** * The action hook to execute when the event is run. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @var string */ private $actionHook = 'aioseo_report_summary'; /** * Recipient for the email. Multiple recipients can be separated by a comma. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @var string */ private $recipient; /** * Email chosen frequency. Can be either 'weekly' or 'monthly'. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @var string */ private $frequency; /** * Class constructor. * * @since 4.7.2 */ public function __construct() { // No need to run any of this during a WP AJAX request. if ( wp_doing_ajax() ) { return; } // No need to keep trying scheduling unless on admin. add_action( 'admin_init', [ $this, 'maybeSchedule' ] ); add_action( $this->actionHook, [ $this, 'cronTrigger' ] ); } /** * The summary cron callback. * Hooked into `{@see self::$actionHook}` action hook. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @param string $frequency The frequency of the email. * @return void */ public function cronTrigger( $frequency ) { // Keep going only if the feature is enabled. if ( ! aioseo()->options->advanced->emailSummary->enable || ! apply_filters( 'aioseo_report_summary_enable', true, $frequency ) ) { return; } // Get all recipients for the given frequency. $recipients = wp_list_filter( aioseo()->options->advanced->emailSummary->recipients, [ 'frequency' => $frequency ] ); if ( ! $recipients ) { return; } try { // Get only the email addresses. $recipients = array_column( $recipients, 'email' ); $this->run( [ 'recipient' => implode( ',', $recipients ), 'frequency' => $frequency, ] ); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { // Do nothing. } } /** * Trigger the sending of the summary. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @param array $data All the initial data needed for the summary to be sent. * @throws \Exception If the email could not be sent. * @return void */ public function run( $data ) { try { $this->recipient = $data['recipient'] ?? ''; $this->frequency = $data['frequency'] ?? ''; aioseo()->emailReports->mail->send( $this->getRecipient(), $this->getSubject(), $this->getContentHtml(), $this->getHeaders() ); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { throw new \Exception( esc_html( $e->getMessage() ), esc_html( $e->getCode() ) ); } } /** * Maybe (re)schedule the summary. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @return void */ public function maybeSchedule() { $allowedFrequencies = $this->getAllowedFrequencies(); $addToStart = HOUR_IN_SECONDS * 6; // Add 6 hours after the day starts, so the email is sent at 6 AM. $addToStart -= aioseo()->helpers->getTimeZoneOffset(); foreach ( $allowedFrequencies as $frequency => $data ) { aioseo()->actionScheduler->scheduleRecurrent( $this->actionHook, $data['start'] + $addToStart, $data['interval'], compact( 'frequency' ) ); } } /** * Get one or more valid recipients. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @throws \Exception If no valid recipient was set for the email. * @return string The valid recipients. */ private function getRecipient() { $recipients = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $this->recipient ) ); $recipients = array_filter( $recipients, 'is_email' ); if ( empty( $recipients ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'No valid recipient was set for the email.' ); // Not shown to the user. } return implode( ',', $recipients ); } /** * Get email subject. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @return string The email subject. */ private function getSubject() { // Translators: 1 - Date range. $out = esc_html__( 'Your SEO Performance Report for %1$s', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); $dateRange = $this->getDateRange(); $suffix = date_i18n( 'F', $dateRange['endDateRaw'] ); if ( 'weekly' === $this->frequency ) { $suffix = $dateRange['range']; } return sprintf( $out, $suffix ); } /** * Get content html. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @return string The email content. */ private function getContentHtml() { // phpcs:disable VariableAnalysis.CodeAnalysis.VariableAnalysis.UnusedVariable $dateRange = $this->getDateRange(); $content = new Content( $dateRange ); $upsell = [ 'search-statistics' => [] ]; $preHeader = sprintf( // Translators: 1 - The plugin short name ("AIOSEO"). esc_html__( 'Dive into your top-performing pages with %1$s and uncover growth opportunities.', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ), AIOSEO_PLUGIN_SHORT_NAME ); $iconCalendar = 'weekly' === $this->frequency ? 'icon-calendar-weekly' : 'icon-calendar-monthly'; $heading = 'weekly' === $this->frequency ? esc_html__( 'Your Weekly SEO Email Summary', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ) : esc_html__( 'Your Monthly SEO Email Summary', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); $subheading = 'weekly' === $this->frequency ? esc_html__( 'Let\'s take a look at your SEO updates and content progress this week.', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ) : esc_html__( 'Let\'s take a look at your SEO updates and content progress this month.', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); $statisticsReport = [ 'posts' => [], 'keywords' => [], 'milestones' => [], 'cta' => [ 'text' => esc_html__( 'See All SEO Statistics', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ), 'url' => $content->searchStatisticsUrl ], ]; if ( ! $content->allowSearchStatistics() ) { $upsell['search-statistics'] = [ 'cta' => [ 'text' => esc_html__( 'Unlock Search Statistics', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ), 'url' => $content->searchStatisticsUrl, ], ]; } if ( ! $upsell['search-statistics'] ) { $subheading = 'weekly' === $this->frequency ? esc_html__( 'Let\'s take a look at how your site has performed in search results this week.', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ) : esc_html__( 'Let\'s take a look at how your site has performed in search results this month.', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); $statisticsReport['posts'] = $content->getPostsStatistics(); $statisticsReport['keywords'] = $content->getKeywords(); $statisticsReport['milestones'] = $content->getMilestones(); } $mktUrl = trailingslashit( AIOSEO_MARKETING_URL ); $medium = 'email-report-summary'; $posts = $content->getAioPosts(); $resources = [ 'posts' => array_map( function ( $item ) use ( $medium, $content ) { return array_merge( $item, [ 'url' => aioseo()->helpers->utmUrl( $item['url'], $medium ), 'image' => [ 'url' => ! empty( $item['image']['sizes']['medium']['source_url'] ) ? $item['image']['sizes']['medium']['source_url'] : $content->featuredImagePlaceholder ] ] ); }, $content->getResources() ), 'cta' => [ 'text' => esc_html__( 'See All Resources', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ), 'url' => aioseo()->helpers->utmUrl( 'https://aioseo.com/blog/', $medium ), ], ]; $links = [ 'disable' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=aioseo-settings&aioseo-scroll=aioseo-email-summary-row&aioseo-highlight=aioseo-email-summary-row&aioseo-tab=advanced' ), 'update' => admin_url( 'update-core.php' ), 'marketing-site' => aioseo()->helpers->utmUrl( $mktUrl, $medium ), 'facebook' => aioseo()->helpers->utmUrl( $mktUrl . 'plugin/facebook', $medium ), 'linkedin' => aioseo()->helpers->utmUrl( $mktUrl . 'plugin/linkedin', $medium ), 'youtube' => aioseo()->helpers->utmUrl( $mktUrl . 'plugin/youtube', $medium ), 'twitter' => aioseo()->helpers->utmUrl( $mktUrl . 'plugin/twitter', $medium ), ]; ob_start(); require AIOSEO_DIR . '/app/Common/Views/report/summary.php'; return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Get email headers. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @return array The email headers. */ private function getHeaders() { return [ 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8' ]; } /** * Get all allowed frequencies. * * @since 4.7.2 * * @return array The email allowed frequencies. */ private function getAllowedFrequencies() { $time = time(); $secondsTillNow = $time - strtotime( 'today' ); return [ 'weekly' => [ 'interval' => WEEK_IN_SECONDS, 'start' => strtotime( 'next Monday' ) - $time ], 'monthly' => [ 'interval' => MONTH_IN_SECONDS, 'start' => ( strtotime( 'first day of next month' ) + ( DAY_IN_SECONDS * 2 ) - $secondsTillNow ) - $time ] ]; } /** * Retrieves the date range data based on the frequency. * * @since 4.7.3 * * @return array The date range data. */ private function getDateRange() { $dateFormat = get_option( 'date_format' ); // If frequency is 'monthly'. $endDateRaw = strtotime( 'last day of last month' ); $startDateRaw = strtotime( 'first day of last month' ); // If frequency is 'weekly'. if ( 'weekly' === $this->frequency ) { $endDateRaw = strtotime( 'last Saturday' ); $startDateRaw = strtotime( 'last Sunday', $endDateRaw ); } $endDate = date_i18n( $dateFormat, $endDateRaw ); $startDate = date_i18n( $dateFormat, $startDateRaw ); return [ 'endDate' => $endDate, 'endDateRaw' => $endDateRaw, 'startDate' => $startDate, 'startDateRaw' => $startDateRaw, 'range' => "$startDate - $endDate", ]; } }