편집 파일: KirkiInputSliderControl.js
import KirkiInputSliderForm from "./KirkiInputSliderForm"; /** * KirkiInputSliderControl. * * Global objects brought: * - wp * - jQuery * - React * - ReactDOM * * @class * @augments wp.customize.Control * @augments wp.customize.Class */ const KirkiInputSliderControl = wp.customize.Control.extend({ /** * Initialize. * * @param {string} id - Control ID. * @param {object} params - Control params. */ initialize: function (id, params) { const control = this; // Bind functions to this control context for passing as React props. control.setNotificationContainer = control.setNotificationContainer.bind(control); wp.customize.Control.prototype.initialize.call(control, id, params); // The following should be eliminated with <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/31334>. function onRemoved(removedControl) { if (control === removedControl) { control.destroy(); control.container.remove(); wp.customize.control.unbind("removed", onRemoved); } } wp.customize.control.bind("removed", onRemoved); }, /** * Set notification container and render. * * This is called when the React component is mounted. * * @param {Element} element - Notification container. * @returns {void} */ setNotificationContainer: function setNotificationContainer(element) { const control = this; control.notifications.container = jQuery(element); control.notifications.render(); }, /** * Render the control into the DOM. * * This is called from the Control#embed() method in the parent class. * * @returns {void} */ renderContent: function renderContent() { const control = this; ReactDOM.render( <KirkiInputSliderForm {...control.params} control={control} customizerSetting={control.setting} setNotificationContainer={control.setNotificationCotainer} value={control.params.value} />, control.container[0] ); if (false !== control.params.choices.allowCollapse) { control.container.addClass("allowCollapse"); } }, /** * After control has been first rendered, start re-rendering when setting changes. * * React is able to be used here instead of the wp.customize.Element abstraction. * * @returns {void} */ ready: function ready() { const control = this; /** * Update component value's state when customizer setting's value is changed. */ control.setting.bind((val) => { control.updateComponentState(val); }); }, /** * This method will be overriden by the rendered component. */ updateComponentState: (val) => {}, /** * Handle removal/de-registration of the control. * * This is essentially the inverse of the Control#embed() method. * * @link https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/31334 * @returns {void} */ destroy: function destroy() { const control = this; // Garbage collection: undo mounting that was done in the embed/renderContent method. ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(control.container[0]); // Call destroy method in parent if it exists (as of #31334). if (wp.customize.Control.prototype.destroy) { wp.customize.Control.prototype.destroy.call(control); } }, }); export default KirkiInputSliderControl;