편집 파일: KirkiInputSliderForm.js
import { useRef } from "react"; const KirkiInputSliderForm = (props) => { const { control, customizerSetting, choices } = props; let trigger = ""; const validateValue = (value) => { if (value < choices.min) value = choices.min; if (value > choices.max) value = choices.max; return value; }; const getValueObject = (value) => { value = "string" !== typeof value ? value.toString() : value; const valueUnit = value.replace(/\d+/g, ""); let valueNumber = value.replace(valueUnit, ""); valueNumber = parseFloat(valueNumber.trim()); valueNumber = validateValue(valueNumber); return { number: valueNumber, unit: valueUnit, }; }; const getValueForInput = (value) => { const valueObject = getValueObject(value); return valueObject.number + valueObject.unit; }; const getValueForSlider = (value) => { return getValueObject(value).number; }; control.updateComponentState = (val) => { if ("slider" === trigger) { valueRef.current.value = getValueForInput(val); } else if ("input" === trigger) { sliderRef.current.value = getValueForSlider(val); } else if ("reset" === trigger) { valueRef.current.value = val; sliderRef.current.value = val; } }; const handleInputChange = (e) => { trigger = "input"; customizerSetting.set(getValueForInput(e.target.value)); }; const handleSliderChange = (e) => { trigger = "slider"; let value = parseFloat(e.target.value); value = validateValue(value); const inputValueObj = getValueObject(valueRef.current.value); // We're going to use the unit. const valueForInput = value + inputValueObj.unit; customizerSetting.set(valueForInput); }; const handleReset = (e) => { if ("" !== props.default && "undefined" !== typeof props.default) { sliderRef.current.value = props.default; valueRef.current.value = props.default; } else { if ("" !== props.value) { sliderRef.current.value = props.value; valueRef.current.value = props.value; } else { sliderRef.current.value = choices.min; valueRef.current.value = ""; } } trigger = "reset"; customizerSetting.set(sliderRef.current.value); }; // Preparing for the template. const fieldId = `kirki-control-input-${customizerSetting.id}`; const sliderValue = getValueForSlider(props.value); const inputValue = getValueForInput(props.value); const sliderRef = useRef(null); const valueRef = useRef(null); return ( <div className="kirki-control-form" tabIndex="1"> <label className="kirki-control-label" htmlFor={fieldId}> <span className="customize-control-title">{props.label}</span> <span className="customize-control-description description" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: props.description }} /> </label> <div className="customize-control-notifications-container" ref={props.setNotificationContainer} ></div> <button type="button" className="kirki-control-reset" onClick={handleReset} > <i className="dashicons dashicons-image-rotate"></i> </button> <div className="kirki-control-cols"> <div className="kirki-control-left-col"> <input ref={sliderRef} type="range" id={fieldId} defaultValue={sliderValue} min={choices.min} max={choices.max} step={choices.step} className="kirki-control-input-slider kirki-pro-control-input-slider" onChange={handleSliderChange} /> </div> <div className="kirki-control-right-col"> <input ref={valueRef} type="text" defaultValue={inputValue} className="kirki-control-input" onChange={handleInputChange} /> </div> </div> </div> ); }; export default KirkiInputSliderForm;